Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1000: :anger

A genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! Lu Bu nodded. Compared with the allied forces of the princes, Huguan took precautions earlier, and soldiers infected with the plague were still found, and the princes When attacking Huguan, the damage was even greater, and the wounded soldiers were countless.

"My lord, there were no soldiers infected with the plague before Guannei, is it because of the army of princes outside Huguan?" Jia Xu whispered.

A sharp look flashed in Lu Bu's eyes. If this were the case, the princes' coalition would be unforgivable.

Within a few days, the number of soldiers suspected of being infected by the plague in the state army reached hundreds. This is not a small number. If left alone, it is very likely to infect all soldiers.

The inside of the Huguan was also cleaned over and over again.

After receiving the news from the vassal army, Lu Bu's face was low.

"Wenhe, take a look." Lu Bu said solemnly.

Seeing the blue veins bulging on the back of Lu Bu's hand, Jia Xu knew that this letter must be extremely important.

After reading the letter, Jia Xu's complexion also turned green, and he couldn't help cursing: "Shameless and tragic, such behaviors, and claiming to be the teacher of benevolence and righteousness, and the world's great scrutiny."

After a long period of silence, Jia Xu said: "Master, all the people infected with the plague in the army of the princes will be put to death and then burned with fire. This is indeed an effective means to prevent the spread of the plague."

Lu Bu waved his hand and said: "The meaning of Wen He is already known by Ben Hou, but it is not necessarily the person who is infected with the plague who has a fever. If a healthy soldier is put to death because of the fever, how can he bear it? If the soldiers don’t get close to the soldiers who are suspected of being infected with the plague, there will be nothing wrong. They are all heroes of the state, but those soldiers who can heal must never give up."

Jia Xu sighed. Since Lu Bu entered Bingzhou, he has attached great importance to the soldiers in the army, and in exchange for the love of the soldiers and soldiers, they will not hesitate in the face of Lu Bu's orders.

"The lord should consider the 40,000 Bianzhou army in Huguan." Jia Xu persuaded.

Lu Bu said: "The places where people who are suspected of being infected with the plague are detained are more remote. Special soldiers are responsible for delivering food for them every day. No one is allowed to enter the place where they live without an order. Those who violate the order will be killed without pardon!" Now, he can only do his best to save the life of every soldier.

Seeing that Lu Bu had made a decision, Jia Xu couldn't persuade him anymore. In fact, he couldn't bear to execute the soldiers like this.

"If a soldier dies, burn it with fire." Lu Bu said slowly.

When the plague occurred in the state army, Lu Bu informed the generals of the various ministries, which caused a lot of shock.

Looking at the scene of discussion, Lu Bu repeatedly patted the table in front of him, and said angrily: "Er and others are generals in the Bingzhou Army, but they are acting like this when discussing matters in the Army. How proper is it."

The general was silent, and Lu Bu rarely got angry in the army.

"At this time, the Union State Army will not tolerate any failure, not even the plague. At the moment of the disaster, Benhou will work together with You and others to repel the army of the princes."

The loud and loud words moved many generals' hearts. Behind them is their homeland. Once they retreat, after the army of the princes enters Bingzhou, it will be a huge disaster.

"From now on, all ministries who find a soldier with a fever will go to the designated place as soon as possible. We must take precautions for the safety of more soldiers." Lu Bu said.

"Here," everyone said in unison.

Then Lu Bu turned his attention to Hua Tuo and said, "Yuanhua, you are responsible for solving the plague problem as soon as possible."

Hua Tuo stood up and said, "I must do my best." Hua Tuo also vaguely heard of the behavior of the princes outside the Guan, and he was very shameless, especially this behavior that allowed the disease to spread.

The princes worked in the Huguan. After learning that there were soldiers in the Huguan infected with the plague, Cao Cao felt a lot more relaxed. The plague can spread very quickly. As long as you don’t notice for a while, more soldiers will be infected. . At this time, the princes' coalition army and the combined state army have reached an endless situation. If the plague can bring the most casualties to the combined state army, the war is in a sense that the princes' coalition army has won.

As for the treatment of the plague, although there are medical centers in Binzhou, the plague is not so easy to treat. However, those who contract the plague are most likely to face death.

As night fell, the noisy camp during the day gradually became quiet. Several dark shadows were walking around in the camp under the cover of night. They were obviously very familiar with the camp. Where would there be patrolling soldiers? It can be hidden, and it's all very clear.

Zhang Huan was a general in the Cao army. It coincided with him on patrol. However, after a black shadow flashed in front of him, he felt a strong hand covering his mouth, and the blood between his neck was like a fountain of blood, inside his body. Loss of power, UU reading www.uukANAnshu. com made him gradually give up resistance.

Dark shadows haunt the princes' camp like ghosts.

The next day, the camp of the princes suddenly fell into a panic. Many soldiers were surprised to find that their school lieutenant, military prince, or general general had died, and most of them died in their own camps.

Cao Cao coldly hummed: "This matter must have been done by the Union State Army." He even faintly guessed why Lu Bu was so angry. Lu Bu must have a lot of detailed work in the vassal coalition army. The princes coalition army is the key to this. With a moment of retreat at the moment, coupled with the fact that there are soldiers in the coalition who are infected with the plague, you can understand with a little imagination, but this is war, in order to be able to win, what if the means are inferior.

There is a special existence like Flying Eagle in the Binzhou Army. When fighting against the Black Ice Terrace Assassins, the Flying Eagle soldiers showed extraordinary strength. Although the princes did not know the reputation of this team, they knew their existence, and The emperor Wang Yue served under Lu Bu's command and trained a group of knights on the rivers and lakes for Lu Bu. The strength of these people should also not be underestimated.

In just one night, there were 17 school lieutenants lost, and the number of lost generals and military officers reached ten.

The Jiangdong Army and the Jizhou Army were also in a panic. It is difficult for them to imagine how the enemy mixed into the army and killed these people under such a tight defense. The retaliatory actions of the flying eagle and the shadow guard brought direct retaliation. The result is that the princes have tightened their own security protection, and the methods of Flying Eagle and Shadow Guard made them realize that the original protection of themselves was still too lacking.

Of course, this action was carried out with Lu Bu's acquiescence. He wanted to teach the princes a lesson, by the way, telling these people that as long as he was anxious, more people would die.

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(End of this chapter)

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