Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1002: : Miserable condition

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Hundreds of cavalry are so weak in front of more than two thousand cavalry. Even though these 100 cavalry have shown great combat effectiveness, they are far from the opponents of these vassal cavalry, especially the tiger and leopard cavalry in the hands of Xu Chu, which is absolutely elite in the Cao army. The existence of training Tiger and Leopard Riders consumes enough to train a tens of thousands of elite pawns.

When the last cavalry fell, Du Hong led his soldiers to arrive. Many soldiers saw the cruelty on the battlefield with their own eyes. They were afraid of it, but more of them were hatred. The defenders stationed in various places were all standing troops in Bingzhou. Among them, they receive military pay and their duty is to protect their homeland. When their homeland is destroyed by the enemy, they will rush forward without hesitation, even if it is the price of their lives.

Xu Chu looked at the Bianzhou Army in front of him in doubt. Regarding the level of armor and blades, this infantry was much worse than the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry. However, on the cavalry, he felt something called resignation. This He had seen this kind of stuff on many soldiers and soldiers in the state.

The strength of the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry is unquestionable. With just one charge, the camp of the Union State Army was in chaos. The infantry who had been in chaos in the camp did little damage to the cavalry.

Du Hong shouted angrily, and saw a cavalry riding a horse to kill, dodge and dodge, the long spear in his hand stabbed hard, the cavalry crashed down.

Three tigers and leopards died in Du Hong's hands in succession, which also made Xu Chu notice Du Hong, kicked the horse's belly lightly, and killed him in Du Hong's direction.

Taking advantage of the horse's momentum, with a single knife, he easily smashed the long spear in Du Hong's hand, and the long knife smashed into Du Hong's chest with an unmatched force.

"The enemy is dead, those who descend will not kill!" Xu Chu slashed Du Hong's head with a backhand and provoked a loud shout with the tip of the knife.

Unexpected defeat, the Union State Army was still fighting desperately after only a brief panic. Xu Chu noticed dozens of soldiers quietly leaving the battlefield, with a sneer on his face. People said that the state army was so elite, even if it was met. When it comes to a powerful enemy, there will be no retreat in the slightest, but now I have seen the scene of the retreat of the Bingzhou army with my own eyes.

It is undeniable that the Bingzhou Army does have a strong combat power in front of the enemy. The main commander has died and the cavalry has been destroyed. It can still fight to the death. Even the elite Qingzhou Army in the Cao Army can’t do it. What is incredible is that this situation is very common in the Union State Army.

Even though the resistance in Daling City is very tenacious, but under the tyrannical strength of the vassal cavalry, it is difficult to drive these cavalry out of the city after all, and more and more people are caught in the chaos of war.

The sky changed abruptly, heavy rain poured down, and the sound of rain intertwined with the mixed sounds of the city, as if Daling City was crying, this city near Jinyang was suffering the destruction and killing of enemy troops.

At night, Xu Chu led the cavalry away.

When Xu Huang got the news and rushed to Daling, the entire Daling City was like a dead city. After leading the cavalry into the city, the scene was horrible. A heavy rain could not wash away the traces of the battle, if it were not because of this heavy rain. , Maybe these enemies will set fire to the house.

The thousands of flying cavalry who followed Xu Huang were completely angry. The behaviors of the princes cavalry were similar to those of the Xianbei on the grassland. They were also Han Chinese. Why are the methods of the princes cavalry so cruel? Too many words of encouragement, nothing can irritate them more than scenes of tragedy.

After passing the situation of Daling to Huguan and Jinyang, Xu Huang led Feiqi and followed Xu Chu. The heavy rain allowed the scouts to better detect the enemy's traces.

In a village only ten miles away from Pingtao, Feiqi finally caught up with the cavalry of the princes.

After Xu Chu ordered the cavalry under his command to line up calmly, he rode forward and said: "The prestige of Bingzhou Feiqi, this general has been heard for a long time, but the speed is too slow, this general is It’s been a day since I came out of Daling Castle."

Speaking of Daling City, Xu Huang could feel the raging anger of the cavalry behind him, and there were many people from Daling as the sergeant. This was their homeland, but it was destroyed under the iron hoof of the enemy.

"This general heard that the court sent troops to Bingzhou this time and called the general a rebellion. He has counted the previous crimes. Now it seems that the real sinners should be your self-proclaimed benevolent people."

Xu Chu laughed and said: "He was ordered to attack Bingzhou, and Lu Bu was rebellious, so the people under his rule are also rebellious. Isn't it right to kill the rebellion?"

Huang Gai on the side felt a reddish complexion. When the cavalry acted like that before, although he blocked Xu Chu’s decision, he did not change Xu Chu’s decision. After all, Xu Chu was the leader of this battle. The Jizhou Army and the Bingzhou Army have always had an unshakable hatred Xu Huang gritted his teeth and said: "The soldiers of flying cavalry, the tragic situation of some villages in Daling and Jinyang, I must You have seen it, and our enemy is the group of self-proclaimed benevolent shameless people in front of you. Pick up the scimitars in your hands. If you can't win, you are willing to fight to death on the battlefield. Otherwise, why not meet the general."

"If you can't win, I'm willing to fight to death on the battlefield, if you can't win, I would like to fight to death on the battlefield..." The voices of thousands of flying knights gradually gathered in one place, but the deep and deep voices of the people's hearts revealed a strong voice. Strong death will.

Xu Chu glanced suspiciously at the flying horse behind Xu Huang. The Tiger and Leopard Rider had fought against each other, and even the training method of the Tiger and Leopard Rider was largely borrowed from the flying horse. After years of training, Xu Chu didn’t think that The Tiger and Leopard Cavalry is weaker than the Flying Cavalry.

The cavalry behind Huang Gai and Gao Xiang were not as elite as the Tiger and Leopard Cavalier, and even a lot worse than the Tiger and Leopard Cavalier in their minds. Amidst such shouts, it was inevitable that they were a little flustered.

"Kill!" Xu Huang waved the long axe in his hand and shouted loudly.

Thousands of flying knights were prepared for the charge long before Xu Huang gave orders. What the flying knights are best at is the charge on the battlefield. On the battlefield, they know how to mobilize themselves to the fastest speed and how to give the enemy the most lethal. The damage is just like the Sunshine Archer will draw a distance from the enemy on the battlefield and use bows and arrows to cause continuous damage to the enemy. On the battlefield, only by exerting their own advantages can they win the victory at the least cost.

The soldiers on the flying cavalry have never been so angry. If Xu Chu knew the powerful fighting power hidden under such anger, he would definitely not say such words before the war began.

With a move of the long knife in Xu Chu's hand, the Tiger and Leopard Cavalier slammed forward, and Huang Gai and Gao Xiang also led the cavalry to surround them from the left and right, with the intention of trapping the flying horse completely here.

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