Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1003: : Flying Cavalry and Allied Forces

A genius remembers this site address in one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! Xu Huang snorted when he saw this, and ordered two school lieutenants to lead two hundred cavalry soldiers against Huang Gai and Gao Xiang’s cavalry. It was the six hundred cavalry that rushed towards Xu Chu. The princes’ cavalry had an absolute advantage in number, and the flying cavalry was superior to the elite. It would be better to break one of his ten fingers. If he could break Xu Chu first, the rest would be the only thing left. It's a lot simpler.

Arrows are like rain, but the soldiers on horseback are flexibly doing various evasive actions on horseback. The armor on their bodies can bring them greater protection. Even the vital parts of the horses are protected by iron armor. .

In the battle of archery, the Tigers and Leopard Cavaliers are completely at a disadvantage. It is not that they are not flexible in avoiding arrows, but compared with the archery skills of the flying horses, the Tigers and Leopard Cavalry’s archery skills are still too weak. The most elite cavalry team, Feiqi is very knowledgeable about the enemy's actions to evade on the horse. They know exactly what actions the enemy will take to avoid arrows on the horse.

The enemy was getting closer and closer. A flying horseman raised the scimitar in his hand high. Taking advantage of his horse, this sword directly chopped the ring-head sword in the hand of the opposite tiger and leopard into two pieces, and the scimitar It fell on the shoulders of Tiger and Leopard Riding.

The armor failed to bring effective protection to the tiger and leopard rider. The hideous wounds led to the flow of blood. A sharp color flashed in the eyes of the tiger and leopard rider, and he rushed towards the chief of Feiqi.

The chief of Feiqi seemed to have expected that the enemy would do this for a long time.

When the two sides started to meet each other, the flying cavalry demonstrated extremely powerful combat effectiveness. They are protected by armors, just like the killing gods on the battlefield, these armors can still effectively protect the arrows with less strength. Of course, Their armor is not much worse than the heavy cavalry that Zhang Liao trained at this time.

When meeting on a narrow road, the brave wins. Feiqi is not only a brave but also an avenger. They want to avenge the dead people.

With the long axe in his hand, Xu Huang’s movements are not slow at all. Under the sword of the long axe, all the tiger and leopard riders encountered are definitely not spared. Xu Huang is a man of great strength, and he also uses the stone axe. It is perfect.

Xu Chu frowned, and the situation on the battlefield was beyond his expectation. He always believed that no matter how powerful the flying cavalry is, the tiger and leopard cavalry would not be much worse than it. The Tiger and Leopard Cavalry is a bit weak. The Tiger and Leopard Cavalry is not defeated by riding and archery, but by the sword.

The blade used by the flying cavalry is forged from hundred-smelting steel. At this point, any prince who dares to have such boldness, even the most elite tiger and leopard cavalry in the Cao army, did not have such a handwriting.

With the huge advantage of the weapon, coupled with the superb riding skills and strength of the flying cavalry, even if it is 600 people, it still has an absolute advantage in the battle with nearly 900 tiger and leopard horses. Xu Huang is even more like killing a god, treating the cavalry of the princes in front of him, he no longer has any mercy, these cavalry treat ordinary people so cruelly, breaking them into pieces is not enough to vent their anger.

Huang Gai and Gao Xiang were also under great pressure. More than 900 cavalrymen faced two hundred flying cavalry, but they were faintly unable to resist. The momentum of the two hundred flying cavalry cooperating in a charge, even if they were both cavalry in Jizhou. The army and the Jiangdong army were also a little afraid. The Jiangdong cavalry and the Jizhou cavalry were much worse than the tiger and leopard cavalry. The four hundred cavalrymen of the two sides retreated steadily.

Xu Chu glanced at the battlefield, his face was shocked. The strength displayed by the flying cavalry was too strong. With a thousand people against nearly three thousand cavalry, he did not lose the wind. Seeing the current situation develops, it may eventually fail. They are the ones who have the advantage in numbers.

Seeing Xu Huang's prestige in front of the two armies, Xu Chu yelled and slammed forward. The two flying knights could not stop the power of the long sword, and fell off their horses. It is far from an ordinary soldier who can stop Xu Chu's generals. of.

The stone axe and the long knife collided in one place, sputtering little sparks, and the two main generals fought in one place, and the flying horse continued to wreak havoc in the tiger and leopard riding.

An hour later, Feiqi directly penetrated the formation of the tiger and leopard riding. After a charge, the tiger and leopard riding and falling off the horse didn't know how many people, even though it was a self-proclaimed elite tiger and leopard riding, they were still a little bit shy under such a prestige.

Xu Huang and Xu Chu played against Xu Huang for more than 30 times, and Xu Chu was worried about the situation of the tiger and leopard riding, and did not continue to fight Xu Huang.

There was a cold smile on Xu Huang’s face. Xu Chu’s arrogance would bring a catastrophic blow to these cavalry. Once the cavalry was maimed, they could only flee in embarrassment in the territory of Bingzhou and wanted to escape. It is extremely difficult to get out of the palm of the Bingzhou army. Sending the flying cavalry to the battlefield is enough to see Lu Bu's determination to destroy the cavalry Xu Chu in Huang, if you continue like this, I The army may be defeated. "A school lieutenant said with a look of horror.

Huang Zhong sighed helplessly. The strength displayed by the flying cavalry was too strong. It only took more than an hour to fight. The number of Jiangdong army cavalry who died in the flying cavalry reached more than one hundred. After more than 30%, it is very dangerous, and they will even run away under the fear of death.

"Resist the enemy cavalry." Huang Zhong commanded. The Tiger and Leopard Cavalry has withstood more attacks from the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry and has not easily retreated, let alone them. How elite Jiangdong Army is, how can it be faced with such a little difficulty. Talk about the retreat lightly.

The one who empathized with Huang Gai was Gao Xiang, and the Jizhou army cavalry who followed could not be said to be too powerful, it could only be said that their opponents were too fierce.

The angry Feiqi wished to tear them apart. Gao Xiang even saw several Feiqi fighting desperately after being injured. The desperate posture was that his back felt a little cold after seeing it.

The war lasted for two full hours. Xu Chu gave the order to retreat. This fight with the flying cavalry, it can be said that they were defeated. The defeat was very thorough. Nearly three thousand cavalrymen lost to one thousand flying cavalry. Thousands of cavalry, but the most elite cavalry in Yanzhou, Jiangdong, and Jizhou, if what happened in Binzhou is spread out, it will be enough to shake the world.

Xu Chu wants to retreat, but Xu Huang will not agree so easily. The Tiger and Leopard Cavalry is not an army of swordsmen. They have a certain advantage in speed compared to the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry. What Xu Huang wants is for this team to move in the territory of Bingzhou. The enemy troops were not in peace until they completely defeated them. It should be known that under Lu Bu's rule, although the number of defenders in various places is not large, it is still possible to give the panic-stricken enemy cavalry a taste.

(End of this chapter)

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