Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1004: : Angry Cai Yong

Genius remembers this site address in one second: (Top Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! See Xu Huang led the cavalry to chase, Xu Chu led hundreds of cavalry to block for a while, then retreated again, after more than ten miles of chasing, Xu Huangcai The main reason for the retreat is to worry that the enemy will set up an ambush in the front. Even though the flying cavalry is elite, it is at a disadvantage in terms of numbers.

Clean the battlefield and count the losses. In this battle, Feiqi lost nearly 400 people, but the enemy cavalry killed by Feiqi on the battlefield reached more than one thousand, and the casualty ratio was about one to three. For the wounded princes, Xu Huang directly issued the order to kill them. These cavalrymen, who did no evil in the territory of Bingzhou, were already tolerant of giving them a stab.

A wounded vassal cavalry was killed mercilessly by Feiqi. They waved the scimitar in their hands without hesitation. Even for the enemy cavalry who had given up resistance and wanted to take refuge, they did not lay down their soldiers. blade.

After looking for a hidden place, Xu Chu met Huang Zhong and Gao Xiang. Seeing Gao Xiang's pale expression and panic, Xu Chu contempted secretly. On the daytime battlefield, if the cavalry of the Jizhou Army or the Jiangdong Army can be like a tiger and leopard cavalry, absolutely Able to defeat thousands of flying knights.

"Thanks to General Xu today, otherwise, our army may suffer even more damage." Gao Xiang said sincerely.

Xu Chu's expression was not very good. "Two generals, if this cavalry cannot be eliminated, our next step in the territory of Bingzhou will be difficult to succeed. The flying cavalry is indeed powerful, but as long as it is arranged, it may not be impossible to win."

"What's the clever plan of General Xu?" Huang Gai asked hurriedly.

Xu Chu shook his head and said: "This general is a martial artist, how can he understand the strategy on the battlefield."

Huang Gai shook his head disappointedly.

"General, what if we retreat?" Gao Xiang finally asked.

Xu Chu coldly snorted: "There are only a thousand flying cavalry. After today's battle, the strength is reduced by half. Our army still has more than 1,600 cavalry. It is not without the strength of the first battle. If it is so desperate to withdraw from the territory of Bingzhou Isn't it making people all over the world laugh."

Huang Gai secretly said, at this time, it is obviously impossible to retreat all over the body. From the scout's confrontation, it can be seen that the flying cavalry is not far from his cavalry.

The reason why the flying cavalry was able to suppress the three cavalry forces in today’s battle is that Huang Gai believed that it was due to the morale, and the slaughter in the state. Under the anger of the flying cavalry, the strength displayed by the flying cavalry was far beyond ordinary. The enemy's will to die together, an army usually has such a momentum, and it will not fall under the wind in the face of several times the enemy.

After the news about Daling city spread to Jinyang, the soldiers and people in the city were angry. The people in Binzhou were killed like this. There were few soldiers who resisted. The people's impression of the princes dropped to the lowest point. Some radicals. The common people even wanted to smash down the shops opened by merchants in Jinyang under the rule of the princes. Under the protection of soldiers, these shops could be preserved.

At this time, the businessmen living in Jinyang were also frightened. After all, they were businessmen under the rule of other princes. After seeing the attitude of the prefecture, they secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and at the same time felt the terrible Jinyang.

The news that the people in Daling City were slaughtered by the cavalry of the princes reached Cai Yong. The old man who handed Jinyang School to Dao Lu Bu was completely angry. After entering Bingzhou, perhaps he was affected by Lu Bu. Cai Yong said The people are also paying unprecedented attention.

With the help of the maid, Cai Yong, who walked a little hard, came to the prefecture.

Gu Yong hurriedly walked out of the house to greet him. He was also touched when he saw the expression of his teacher. There were a total of 20,000 people in Daling City. Near Jinyang, Daling City developed extremely fast. The cavalry changed after entering the state.

In recent years, not only Jinyang is developing, but the surrounding cities of Jinyang are also undergoing subtle changes. Twenty thousand people are absolutely huge for an ordinary city. In Daling, Jinyang has also invested a lot of money. Hard work.

"Teacher." Gu Yong saluted solemnly.

Cai Yong’s voice was a little cold. "When Feng Xian was leaving, he entrusted Bingzhou to Yuan Tan, but now the people of Daling have suffered unreasonable disasters. What is the sin of the 20,000 people? Is it possible that Yuan Tan let the cavalry of the vassals be in Bingzhou? Rampant in the territory like this?"

Gu Yong arched his hands and said: "Teacher, the disciples must do their best to behead the cavalry of the princes in the territory of Bingzhou, in order to comfort the dead soldiers and civilians."

Cai Yong’s complexion slowly faded. “It’s been a long time since I started writing as a teacher. Since the princes and army have acted like this, I’m not going to blame the old man for showing no face.” As an old man in the Han Dynasty, Cai Yong has always been in awe of the court, but this time , Jingzhou's battle in Bingzhou made Cai Yong feel the complete decline of the Han Dynasty.

Lü Bu had disrespect for the Han Dynasty in his words and deeds in the past. Cai Yong had nothing to say. However, after Lv Bu quelled the rebels in Youzhou, Xianbei, and Chang'an, he actually attracted the vassals of the world to besieged. Although Cai Yong Anger is not going to be too outrageous, but the actions of Xu Chu and others in Bingzhou completely ignited the anger in his chest.

"It's the blessing that the mentor can write the Dahan Newspaper personally." Gu Yong said.

The princes’ coalition might not care about Cai Yong’s attitude. No matter how prestigious Cai Yong is in the literati, he is a literati after all. Facing the powerful strength of the princes, he appears so fragile, and Cai Yong also feels this way. The status of a literati has always been respected compared to a military commander. This has not changed even after Cai Yong entered Bingzhou. Now facing the cavalry of the princes in Bingzhou, he felt that powerless for the first time.

After a long time, looking at the Dahan Newspaper full of attacks on the actions of the princes, Cai Yongyou didn't feel that he would relieve his hatred. "Yuan Tan, as a teacher, I heard that there is an army in Jinyang City that can fight against the cavalry. Take a look at the princes a little harder, do you think that there is no one in the state?"

After Cai Yong left, after Gu Yong was silent for a long time, he ordered: "Send someone to invite General Mi Zhu."

After the situation of Binzhou was passed to Huguan, the defenders in Huguan boiled immediately. Binzhou was their homeland. They fought in Huguan to protect the relatives behind them. What made them angry was that the cavalry of the princes actually committed crimes in Binzhou. With such blood debts, the lives and deaths of tens of thousands of people, more than a dozen villages were slaughtered because of the war.

Inside the Chinese Army’s Great Tent, there are endless calls for fighting.

Lü Bu coughed lightly, and slowly said after seeing the tent calmed down: "This act of the princes' coalition forces is a disaster for the state. The prince deplores the dead people. These people may be ordinary in the eyes of the princes, but In the eyes of Benhou, they are relatives and our support."

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(End of this chapter)

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