Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1005: : Hua Tuo’s Remedy, Lu Bu mobilized troops

The genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! "Master, the humble position is willing to lead the camp and wipe out this cavalry." Gao Shun, who has always been relatively silent, is also out of the way. .

Lu Bu shook his head slightly and said: "Benhou understands your feelings, and such things happened in Bingzhou. It would be uncomfortable to put it on any soldier. Benhou has sent General Xu Huang to lead a flying cavalry to Bingzhou. A few days ago, General Xu Huang defeated the enemy cavalry. These enemies are destined to not last long. If they can retreat from Bingzhou, Benhou will plead guilty to the soldiers and civilians of Bingzhou."

The generals in the tent heard that they clenched their fists, and what they felt from Lu Bu’s words was anger, surprising anger, and the same thing would not be any better on them. They had even seen the military How would the soldiers react after hearing such news.

"The princes' coalition forces have been too leisurely during this period." Lu Bu's eyes narrowed slightly.

In these days, the Union State Army has been busy defending Huguan. In fact, in the course of combat, it was the Union State Army who really had the upper hand. When the princes attacked Huguan, the casualties were extremely heavy. If this situation develops, eventually It will only be the coalition forces of the princes who will lose, and the state army is not afraid of war.

"Master, Mr. Hua Tuo, please see me." Dian Wei's voice was a little eager. The spread of the plague caused more than a thousand soldiers in the Bingzhou Army to be detained in another place. Although Lu Bu did not give up on them, he knew that he might be infected with the plague. Their mood can be imagined. Many soldiers have even called for battle in the wounded camp, demanding to return to the battlefield.

Lu Bu did not answer. These soldiers who were infected with the plague were warriors of the Union State Army. Even if someone died every day, he was unwilling to give up.

"Hurry up, please." Lu Bu's voice was a little anxious. Hua Tuo's begging to see him at this time must be because of the plague.

After seeing the situation in the account, Hua Tuo was taken aback for a moment, and said, "Hou Jin, I am offended."

"Yuanhua, but the plague has progressed?" Lu Bu asked.

"Jin Hou, under his mission, has formulated a medicine that can temporarily suppress the plague. Now the three soldiers have improved after taking the medicine. This medicine is used..." Hua Tuo whispered. .

Lu Bu didn't care what medicine Hua Tuo used to restrain the plague. What he knew was that the plague was temporarily controlled. This medicine was enough to have an effect on soldiers infected with the plague.

"The generals of the prince's combined state army thanked Yuanhua." Lu Bu solemnly saluted. Although the soldiers infected with the plague in the army have been temporarily controlled, there are many soldiers infected with the plague in the allied forces of the princes, which is hard to guarantee. After the princes had difficulty breaking through the Huguan, they performed shameless things again. Although the defense of the Huguan was tight, one or two enemy troops could still do it.

Hua Tuo hurriedly saluted and said: "It is the duty of a healer to treat illnesses and save others."

Lu Bu said: "Yuanhua is the benefactor of the Union State Army. From then on, Yuanhua's position is equivalent to that of the prefect."

"Thank you Jinhou." Hua Tuo hurriedly thanked him.

The generals in the army did not have the slightest surprise for Lu Bu’s appointment. After all, the ability to cure the plague is of great significance to a large army. Many generals looked at Hua Tuo with gratitude. No one wanted to watch the old rooster die in pain because of the plague.

"Subordinates leave first." Seeing that the generals in the army gathered in the tent, Hua Tuo must have important matters to discuss, and hurriedly said that he went to the army because of Lu Bu's concern about the plague.

And because of the plague, the princes' attack on Huguan was temporarily slowed down, and now Hua Tuo's medicine can temporarily suppress the plague, and the plague will not have much impact on his army.

After the crowd had dispersed, Lu Bu retained Dianwei, Yang Feng and other important generals. He felt that the Bingzhou Army had to do something.

"Dianwei, at the second shift tonight, you led your guards to raid the Jiangdong army camp. What you want is to put the Jiangdong army's camp into the flames of war. Yang Feng and Liu Yi, you two led three thousand soldiers and horses, and attacked Jizhou. Barracks." Lu Bu said slowly.

"Here," the three people said.

Jia Xu's mouth moved, but he did not persuade him anymore. He was able to appreciate Lu Bu's anger. Lu Bu has always attached great importance to the people, and even did not hesitate to offend the family for the people. Such behavior is unimaginable among the lords. In the same way, Lu Bu gained not only the military spirit but also the people's aspirations. The energy contained in Jinyang Academy is beyond the imagination of the princes. It is precisely because of Jinyang Academy that Lu Bu has the power to contend with the family after he captured Youzhou.

"Wang Yue, Zhao Shu, before the second change tonight, you two led the elite of your unit and made your best effort. When our army attacked the enemy's, the enemy was plunged into turmoil." Lu Budao.

"Here." The two said in unison. In the past, the flying eagle and the shadow guard were dissatisfied with each other in Bingzhou. The shadow guards were knights on the rivers and lakes, but the flying eagles were the absolute elites in the army. After a battle in the camp, now that the enemy is present, from Lu Bu’s body, they feel that they cannot violate the will. If anyone can’t compete in tonight’s action, it must be Lu Bu’s anger. .

Not only was Lu Bu pouring out anger among the allied forces of the princes, but also a contest between the flying eagle and the shadow guard

"If you order three thousand elite cavalrymen, Benhou is going to meet the Yanzhou Army, who claims to be an elite in front of the world. The Qingzhou Army is not afraid of death, and the army under Benhou is not afraid of death." Lu Bu said coldly.

"The lord is the chief general of the army. How can he be in danger?" Jia Xu's voice was a little anxious. Recently, when the princes attacked Huguan, Lu Bu had been relatively calm and rarely played in battle.

Lu Bu said: "Since you know that Benhou is the chief general of the army, how can Benhou wait in the Huguan with peace of mind when he sees the massacre of the people in Binzhou."

Seeing Lu Bu’s resolute tone, Jia Xu could only think about waiting for Zhao Shu to arrange something later. From observations these days, we can find that among the princes’ camps, the Yanzhou army’s camp is the most tightly guarded, Jiangdong Army and Jizhou. The army is second, and it is indeed a very dangerous move to attack the prince's camp under such circumstances.

They had never attacked Huguan, but they were a lot more vigilant in the defense of the camp.

It was night, one hour later, under the cover of the night, a group of black shadows approached the prince’s camp. Wang Yue nodded to Shi A next to him. The shadow guard quickly divided into two groups, thinking about the Jiangdong army’s camp. On the way, Shi A led the rest of the shadow guards thinking about the camp of the Jizhou Army.

(End of this chapter)

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