Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1011: : Defeating Cao Ren

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The gate of the camp collapsed, and several cavalrymen filed in. Seeing Cao Hong and others not far from the camp, they did not hesitate to launch an assault. The cavalry who followed Lu Bu this time was a mixture of cavalry in the state army. There are flying knights, Lieyang archers, and cavalry from other divisions. Although they are not comparable to simple flying knights or Lieyang archers in cooperation, their charge is not weak.

After hundreds of cavalry entered the camp, even though Cao Jun's soldiers kept coming, it was difficult to stop the cavalry's charge.

Lu Bu saw a group of soldiers coming not far away, kicked the Chitu horse lightly, and led a hundred cavalry rushing over.

The painted halberd in his hand stabbed and then took advantage of the situation. The two footmen died on the spot. The Chitu Ma was extremely fast. Before the Cao Jun soldiers could react, they had already entered the team and led them to the school. When Wei saw the painting halberd smashing, it was already too late to resist, and he could only wait for the **** of death to approach.

Seeing that his school lieutenant had just come in contact with him and beheaded Lu Bu in one round, Sergeant Cao inevitably felt a little flustered. The general was the courage of the soldiers. Although he was a lieutenant, he was the highest commander of the Cao army.

The cavalry that came with them swarmed up, but in a moment, Sergeant Cao scattered and fled.

"Set fire!" Lü Bu shouted loudly. It was impossible for the two thousand cavalrymen to burn Cao Jun's grain and grass. This battle was more to teach the princes' coalition a bitter lesson and let them understand that the Hezhou Army was not without a battle. The strength and the blood of Binzhou's soldiers and civilians will not flow in vain. It is not Lu Bu's character if he learns of such a slaughter in Binzhou without the slightest action.

The weather was dry, and after the tent encountered a fire, it ignited at a very fast speed.

Although Cao Jun reacted quickly to the enemy’s surprise attack, there were still many soldiers who had not had time to get out of the camp. In the fire, they made waves of screams, adding a touch of special feeling to the lively Cao Jun’s camp. Kind of atmosphere.

Cao Ren didn't dare to neglect the news sent by Cao Hong, and sent someone to inform Cao Cao, while leading the cavalry to kill.

When Cao Ren led the troops, he saw Lu Bu leading the cavalry raging in the army, and a celebrity soldier wailed under the iron hoof of the cavalry.

"Kill!" Cao Ren gave the order without hesitation.

"The thief will die!" Lü Bu yelled, before riding the horse, the painted halberd in his hand stabbed several times, and the four cavalry cavalry who approached one after another fell off their horses.

This kind of power seems to transcend the cognition of ordinary cavalry. Lu Bu's strength makes them uncontrollably fearful. Many cavalrymen of Cao Jun recognize Lu Bu, the shadow of the famous tree of man, through the firelight. How powerful is the prestige of the world, and he is the first person among the generals. Even if no one shakes his position now, the heroic posture of Lu Bu fighting outside the camp of the princes is still fresh in the memory of Cao Jun and generals, which has also led to many generals. Watching Lu Bu lead the soldiers to kill, he dodges aside.

Cao Jun is much better than Jizhou Army and Jiangdong Army in terms of the elite level of the soldiers. However, when the cavalry of Cao Jun faces the tiger wolf division led by Lu Bu, they will inevitably have fear. Under the dominance of such emotions, no The young cavalry can hardly even exert half of their usual strength.

Cao Ren's expression is a bit ugly. Although these thousand cavalrymen were not trained by him, they are also elite in the army. In Cao's army, all cavalry that can become are not mediocre. The princes of the Central Plains are mostly infantry, which does not represent them. Not paying attention to the strength of the cavalry.

"Those who dare to retreat, kill without mercy!" Cao Ren said coldly.

The military order is like a mountain. This is well implemented in the Cao army. After receiving the order, the cavalry cavalry, which was somewhat scattered, launched an offensive against the Bingzhou army.

Even though Cao Jun showed good combat effectiveness, under the leadership of Lu Bu, these cavalrymen were like wolves breaking into the flock, showing sharp fangs. The fall of a famous Cao Jun cavalry made the Cao Jun cavalry suddenly panic. middle.

Lu Bu noticed Cao Ren, who was in constant command in the camp, and he was only more than 30 steps away from Cao Ren. As long as he could behead the enemy generals, defeating the cavalry in front of him would be even simpler. He led The soldiers and horses assaulted Cao Jun. Naturally, he didn’t want to just swing around and leave. If the cavalry in front of him was entangled for too long, it would be extremely unfavorable to his own situation. After all, he was in the Cao Jun. After Cao Jun reacted, he thought It is difficult to retreat all over the body. In terms of leading troops in combat, Lu Bu is quite jealous of Cao Cao's ability.

"Hold on, our soldiers and horses will come soon." Cao Ren shouted.

"General, be careful." A guard beside Cao Ren reminded him and rushed forward without hesitation.

A cold light flashed, and the painted halberd pierced the guard's chest. Cao Ren, who had been watching the cavalry situation on the battlefield, only reacted at this time. After seeing Lu Bu's face, he was shocked. , But at this critical moment, he couldn't retreat. These cavalry were the barrier of the Cao army. If Lü Bu easily broke through, it would be a real nightmare for the army.

At the same time, Cao Ren had to admire Lü Bu's courage. The dignified Jin Hou and the generals actually took the risk and led the cavalry into the enemy army. It feels a bit weird to say these things, but for Lü Bu's strength. He is very clear.

Cao Ren would not go head-to-head with Lu Bu at this time. What he wanted was to stop, even if the cavalry under his command paid a heavy price, it was worth it.

Seeing Cao Ren hiding in the army again, Lü Bu let out a cold snort and rode forward, but wherever Lü Bu passed by, Cao Jun's cavalry fell.

Even if Cao Ren's commanding ability is good, he has unique advantages in leading the battle. Facing the morale of the Union State Army, he was retreating steadily. When the number of cavalry in Cao's army was damaged by more than 30%, the cavalry began to rout.

Although the cavalry is an extremely powerful presence on the battlefield, in their bones, they still cherish their lives, just like ordinary cavalry in the Union State Army, they will also retreat when facing dangers.

With the defeat of Cao Ren's cavalry, Lu Bu led the cavalry like a tiger down the mountain, rampaging in the Cao army camp, but all the soldiers encountered along the way evaded one after another. For a time, in the Cao army, a little bit of fire started everywhere.

Lv Bu, who was rushing, was also constantly observing the movement in the Cao army. After all, there were tens of thousands of Cao army at this time. Although the strength of the two thousand cavalry soldiers was strong, there were elite tiger and leopard horses in the Cao army. The Tiger and Leopard Cavalry must have used a lot when attacking Binzhou and intercepting Huang Zhong, which should not be underestimated.

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