Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1012: : Lu Buzhiwei

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Although the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry is not as elite as the Flying Cavalry, it is not much worse. The Tiger and Leopard Cavalry is the most elite cavalry in the Cao army. It is one of the forces that Cao Cao relies on. Cao Cao was very involved in him.

The horse used by the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry is absolutely the top in the army of the princes, and is even more sophisticated than the horses of the ordinary cavalry in the combined state army.

After hearing the news of the Union State Army’s raid, Cao Cao suddenly sat up. He had arranged numerous secret guards outside the camp, and the Union State Army was able to break into the camp so suddenly, enough to see the Union State Army. How powerful is his scout.

"All the Tigers and Leopard Cavaliers must be dispatched, and the Bingzhou Army must be blocked in the camp." Cao Cao immediately ordered.

As soon as the voice fell, there was news that Cao Ren led a thousand cavalry troops to stop Lu Bu's failure.

Cao Cao frowned. The number of cavalry in Huguan would certainly not be too many, but the combined state army was able to defeat a thousand cavalry in a short time. These forces are definitely not to be underestimated. The soldiers of Cao Ren were a little apprehensive, but the cavalry under Cao Ren served as the army to prevent the enemy's surprise attack. Their task was to stop the enemy.

"Who is the leader of the Binzhou Army?" Cao Cao asked.

"According to General Cao Ren, the enemy leader is the Marquis of Jin." The general replied.

"Lü Bu actually went to fight in person?" After Cao Cao was surprised, a sharp look flashed in his eyes. Lu Bu's power is obvious to all. It is precisely because of Lu Bu that the state army has shown such a strong combat power, and as long as Lu Bu stays In the camp, He Chou couldn't break the Huguan. Although the Bingzhou Army was elite, it was to a certain extent. Lu Bu was the pillar of the Bingzhou Army.

"It was passed that Cao Chun led the remaining tiger and leopard riders, and at all costs, intercepted the combined state army in the camp, and Xiahoudun and Xiahouyuan led their troops to go." Cao Cao ordered.

In the Cao Jun camp, Lu Bu can't remember how many Cao Jun soldiers died in his own hands. The cavalry who followed Lu Bu showed super combat effectiveness, even ordinary cavalry in the army. They are also fighting hard, and the blood debt will be repaid with blood. Maybe they will die in this war, but it is their duty to kill the enemy.

Wherever the cavalry went, Cao's army scattered to both sides like a tide.

In the light of the faint fire, Lu Bu noticed the cavalry flag of Cao Jun galloping not far away.

"The tiger and leopard cavalry? It seems that Cao Cao wants to keep Benhou in the Cao army." Lu Bu shouted: "The son of the Union State Army, let Cao Jun's Tiger and Leopard Cavalry have a look, and the State Army's cavalry is invincible. "

The red rabbit horse is like an arrow from the string. It takes the three cavalry headed directly. With a wave of the halberd, the three cavalry directly fall off the horse. This powerful power is even the tiger and leopard rider who followed Cao Chun. I was shocked, but anyone who could become a soldier of the tiger and leopard rider was definitely the most elite existence among the Cao Jun. They also had absolute confidence in their own strength. However, under Lv Bu’s one move, they actually made three tigers and leopards. Riding to death on the spot.

At this time, there were only more than 500 Tiger and Leopard Cavaliers in the Cao Army. They did not have the advantage in terms of number. The state army was ready to come, but the Tiger and Leopard Cavaliers rushed to fight, and both sides had great mentalities. difference.

"Kill!" Cao Chun gave the order. Now that the war has arrived, it is impossible to avoid or retreat. All they have to do is to rush forward.

Facing the elite Bianzhou Army cavalry, the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry showed strong combat effectiveness. A famous Tiger and Leopard Cavalry launched a charge against the Bianzhou Army's cavalry.

The Bianzhou Army cavalry, who had the advantage in numbers, had temporarily formed a stalemate with the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry.

Seeing this, Lu Bu was shocked and hurriedly ordered Feiqi to move closer to him. In such a battlefield, if he wants to retreat, he must defeat the enemy as quickly as possible. There is also a certain degree.

After more than a hundred flying knights gathered around, led by Lu Bu, he charged towards the tiger and leopard knight.

Feiqi's power was displayed vividly at this moment. Feiqi, who was good at fighting on the battlefield, was even more like a tiger going down the mountain under the leadership of Lu Bu.

Cao Chun was originally relaxed, and when Lu Bu led Feiqi to kill, he tightened again. He knew how powerful the Tiger and Leopard Cavaliers were. There was a situation where he wanted to lose. All this was because of the battle formation. More than a hundred cavalrymen appeared in the front. The head of them was holding a Fangtian painted halberd. It was not Lu Bu and who was it. Even though Cao Chun wanted to kill Lu Bu, he did not have the courage. Since Lu Bu fought the world, he died in his hands. There are too many famous generals.

More than a hundred flying cavalry, like a sharp spear, directly pierced the formation of the tiger and leopard cavalry, and then Lü Bu led the cavalry away.

With such a powerful existence as Hubaoqi, UU Read failed to stop the Bingzhou Army, not to mention the other Cao Army.

As Cao Jun’s gate was getting closer and closer, Lu Bu's eyes tightened. In front of the cavalry, there were about 3,000 footmen. Unlike the Cao Jun that he had encountered before, he felt a strong feeling from the footmen. Strong fighting spirit, this is somewhat similar to the momentum of the trapped camp.

"Qingzhou Army?" Lu Bu said.

The arrow was on the string and had to be sent. At this time, if you wanted to leave Cao Junyingzhai, you had to defeat the infantry in front of you. The cavalry who followed Lu Bu was very confident, but Lu Bu was a little worried about the situation.

Without too much hesitation, Lu Bu led more than a hundred flying cavalry to kill. As long as the following cavalry can continue to kill when the flying cavalry tears apart the Qingzhou army camp, it will not be difficult to leave.

After rushing and killing for a long time, the cavalry who followed Lu Bu was also a little tired. Being in the enemy army, he must always worry about his own safety, his nerves are tense, and it is more likely to make people feel tired.

When the ordinary infantry saw the cavalry charge, the first reaction was not to fight, but to retreat. However, the Qingzhou sergeant in front raised the spear in his hand, which was much larger than the spear in the hands of the ordinary infantry. .

On the battlefield, the pikemen have such a certain degree of restraint against the cavalry, especially the elite pikemen, which can cause greater casualties to the cavalry, but the casualties caused by the pikemen are more often used for their own lives. No matter whether the pikemen were cavalry who stabbed the war horse or stabbed the war horse, the final result is very likely to be death.

With the halberd in the first block, the three spears were directly swung away, and then the Qingzhou sergeant in front of him saw a cold light.

The formation of 3,000 infantrymen is absolutely tight. Only in this way can the cavalry's charge be blocked to a greater extent.

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