Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1013: : Punish generals

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The main advantage of the cavalry is speed. Once the speed is reduced, the nightmare will follow.

Three spears stabbed towards Lu Bu at the same time, and one spear went towards the Chitu Ma. The Chitu Ma is a spiritual horse, but seeing it move to the left, it directly avoided the long spear that stabbed him. , And then slammed into the soldier of the Qingzhou Army.

Three pikemen died on the spot, and one of the pikemen had a more miserable end, being directly hit by the red rabbit horse.

Not far away, Xia Houyuan noticed this scene and was extremely envious. What the military commander most yearns for is to have a magical horse and a sophisticated weapon, and a spiritual magical horse is hard to come by.

Xia Houyuan wanted to use his pawns to obstruct the Bingzhou Army cavalry plan abruptly. Under the mighty power of Lu Bu, there was a tendency to crack it.

At this moment, the more than 300 tiger and leopard riders led by Cao Chun came to kill again, and the situation on the battlefield that was originally extremely unfavorable for Cao Jun suddenly changed.

Lu Bu's face changed slightly after noticing this scene. After defeating the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry on this battlefield, who would have thought that Cao Chun could gather soldiers and horses again in such a short period of time.

"Li Yan, you led two hundred cavalrymen to block the enemy cavalry. After Benhou defeated the Qingzhou Army, then follow Benhou to leave." Lu Bu ordered.

Li Yan led two hundred ordinary cavalry, entangled with the tiger and leopard cavalry, and the cavalry of the state army was a little tired after successive battles, and the tiger and leopard cavalry was also a little frightened after the previous defeat. For a while, the two sides also fought. It's hard to separate.

Lu Bu gathered the remaining flying cavalry in one place and launched a fierce charge towards the Qingzhou Army. Even though the Qingzhou Army was not afraid of death, under such a strong charge, it was also constantly retreating to the left and right.

Such a charge also caused great damage to the cavalry of the Union State Army, especially the long spear in the hands of the Qingzhou Army, which became a life-threatening existence, and many cavalry became the dead souls on the battlefield under the crazy Qingzhou Army.

"Send to Li Yan, retreat!" Lu Bu ordered.

The Bingzhou Army retreated like a tide, leaving behind a chaotic Cao Army. In the raid tonight, there were not many Cao soldiers who really died in the hands of the Bingzhou Army. The key is that the chaotic camp did the most damage to ordinary soldiers. Yes, many soldiers did not die under the Bingzhou Army, but were wounded by Paoze.

Cao Cao breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that the grain and grass were in good condition and that the state army had retreated. When fighting against Lu Bu, he always had to keep his heartstrings tight. Cao Cao's protection of the camp was already extremely tight. He believed Yuan Shaohe. Sun Ce was the same, especially Yuan Shao. When he played against Lu Bu, he basically failed, and he would be more vigilant in this regard.

"Send orders to the generals of the various ministries, gather the soldiers, and the main generals in the army go to the Chinese army's big account to discuss matters." Cao Cao said.

After receiving the order, many Cao Jun generals knew that someone might be unlucky tonight.

After the generals in the Cao army gathered, Cao Cao said solemnly: "The combined state army raided the camp tonight, causing heavy casualties to our army. The main culpability lies with the night patrol general. Who is responsible for the secret sentry that our army arranged outside the camp?"

Xia Houlin stood up with a face of shame, he was solely responsible for the secret whistle, and now he has an inescapable responsibility for such things.

"You are in charge of the secret post outside the camp. Why did you come here with most of the state army, but you haven't noticed it. Can you say something?"

Xia Hullin lowered his head, "At the end, there is nothing to say, and he is willing to be punished."

"Come here, take Xiahoulin out and behead to show the public." Cao Cao said coldly.

Xiahoulin's expression was slightly taken aback, and the gaze looking at Cao Cao was a bit indisputable. Since Cao Cao started the army, the Xiahou family has played a lot of roles in it, and he is also a member of the Xiahou family. Actually want to put him to death.

Xiahoudun stepped forward and said: "Lord, this time the Union State Army sneaked into our barracks. The scouts outside the camp did not find out the situation. Maybe there are some reasons. I hope the Lord will make a conclusion after the inspection."

The other generals pleaded for this, and Xiahou's family had an extremely heavy weight in the Cao army.

Cao Chun said: "The humble post was ordered to investigate the situation in the camp. At that time, he arrived at the gate of the accident and the state army attacked the camp with preparation. The soldiers above the camp were dead before they even had time to issue a warning. "

Cao Cao's complexion changed slightly. In this case, it was not that the secret post outside the camp had a problem, but that the Bingzhou army who attacked the camp was too elite. Cao Cao had no doubts about the ability of the Bingzhou army to grasp intelligence on the battlefield. Dare to go deep behind Yuan Shu with hundreds of cavalry, and almost cut off Yuan Shu's food and grass, relying on more than just recklessness.

"No matter what, for this defeat, the night patrol general has an inescapable Come here, pull Cao Chun and Xiahoulin out, and hit the 30th board again." Cao Cao said.

This time, no matter how the generals interceded, Cao Cao did not let go. In this turmoil in the camp, it would be difficult to convince the people if some people were not punished.

After everyone dispersed, Xun You whispered: "Lord, judging from the situation from the Jiangdong Army and the Jizhou Army, the two sides suffered even more severe losses."

Cao Cao sighed: "This Hou also never thought that Fengxian would dare to attack three camps at the same time."

"Lord, I guess from his subordinates that the reason why the Bingzhou army is so crazy this time is expected to be because of the war in Bingzhou. General Xu Chu led three thousand cavalry soldiers in Bingzhou. It must have played a relatively big threat." Xun You said: "Lü Bu treats it. The people are extremely generous, how can they not behave beyond common sense when they learn that the people under the rule have been harmed."

Cao Cao was overjoyed when he heard this. Only after he found a person’s weakness, could he be defeated more easily. To put it mildly, Lü Bu called the people love the people like his sons. To a certain extent, he does have the benevolence of a woman, such a monarch. It is certainly good for the people, but it is not a qualified prince.

Yuan Shao and Sun Ce had already learned about each other’s situation. It was only when the sky dawned that they completely stabilized the camp. The battle last night also allowed them to see their own shortcomings, especially when the soldiers were facing a sudden change. When the situation occurred, the performance was extremely confusing.

Although some night patrol soldiers did not spot the enemy in advance, they still made Sun Ce more vigilant. Only war can make an army more elite and show more powerful combat effectiveness.

Sun Ce was shocked and angered by the casualties of Lieutenant Colonel and the general leader, and he also found the root cause of the chaos of the army.

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