Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1015: :The tragedy of Longguan

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"You are all warriors of the Union State Army. Remember, you are the warriors of the Union State Army. What is a warrior is that you dare to face life and death, even if the next moment is death, what is there to fear." Wei continued: "The things behind you have been explained. , Take up the swords and guns in your hands and make the enemy pay a heavy price. If you want to enter Chang'an, you must step on our bodies."

The soldiers underneath picked up the weapons in their hands one after another, and the hands holding the weapons were trembling slightly, gradually turning into a death will.

In the Union State Army, unless it has reached a desperate situation, there will be no collective writing of suicide notes of this scale. It is undeniable that in the desperate situation, the soldiers are asked to explain what is behind. They are on the battlefield. It will be even more unscrupulous. In fact, they had already written this kind of suicide note before the expedition.

Under different circumstances, the mood is definitely different. When I set out, it was more to reassure my family, but now it is after death.

"General, this is yours." He Lu said.

Wei Xu took the Jin paper and placed it on the table, swiftly writing, although the font on it was crooked, it was recognizable.

He Lu's eyes were red, and he solemnly placed Wei Xu's farewell book at the top.

Wei Xu turned his gaze to a guard next to him and said, "Liu Si, how many years have you been with this general."

"General Qi, it has been three years." Liu Si said truthfully.

"It's been three years in a blink of an eye. Take out your farewell book." Wei Xu sighed.

Liu Si didn't know, so he still did.

Wei Xu put away his guard’s farewell book and said: "Your task is to bring this box of Longguan guards' farewell book to Chang'an. Will fall."

Liu Si was taken aback for a moment, and knelt down on one knee: "The humble post has always followed the general's side since joining the Bingzhou Army. Even if he died, he would die by the general's side."

"Don't you even obey this general's order?" Wei Xu's voice fell abruptly.

"Humble duty, follow orders." Liu Si's tears remained unconvinced.

Wei Xu patted Liu Si on the shoulder and said, "You are a good soldier. After you return to the army, you should work harder and strive for greater achievements as soon as possible. If you don't have this general by your side, you can't slacken your training in the future. "

"Here." Liu Si said with his fist flushed, he knew that after leaving this time, he might never see Wei Xu.

"This general's horse is given to you." Wei continued.

Yiqi Juechen left, full of things behind the defenders of Longguan.

Wei Xu, armed with a long sword, appeared above Longguan. Although the Bingzhou Army was silent at this time, he still had the determination to fight to the death. Unless he was injured and could not continue to fight, he would never go down Longguan. .

Outside Longguan, Ma Chao looked at the banner of the Bingzhou Army at Longguan, but he was not as calm as on the surface. The number of soldiers lost in the army had reached 5,000 in the entire month of attacking Longguan. There were no reinforcements from Nei. Under such circumstances, he could still support hard. He really couldn’t understand why the Bingzhou Army did this. Not to mention that the number of soldiers lost most of the time. It is extremely deadly for an army.

"According to this general's order, we must capture Longguan today." Ma Chao commanded in a cold tone.

Since Ma Chao led his troops to Longguan, he has never stopped attacking Longguan, otherwise he would not go to the current results. Looking at the situation at Longguan, we can see how much damage Ma Chao has caused to Longguan.

The sound of war drums became more intense. Ma Tie led the most elite soldiers in the Xiliang Army and launched a charge towards Longguan. At this time, there were already many Xiliang Army soldiers on Longguan. Their presence provided a good cover for Ma Tie. .

When the number of people in Longguan was 3,000, the damage to the Xiliang army was huge. However, as the number of people gradually decreased, it appeared to be insufficient when defending. Facing the offensive of the Xiliang army, there were some situations. Under the circumstances, it is difficult to achieve timely and effective defense.

A Xiliang sergeant pierced his spear into the body of the Bingzhou sergeant, with a smile on his face. There were already two people who died in the robes of the Bingzhou sergeant. He also took advantage of the chaos in Longguan. , Was able to sneak attack successfully.

However, the next scene made this Xiliang sergeant a little unbelievable, but seeing the Bingzhou sergeant slowly approaching him, the spear penetrated the body of the Bingzhou sergeant, and the soldiers of the Bingzhou army also hugged him. This soldier of the Xiliang Army.

With a flash of light, a sergeant rushed to Bingzhou in time to behead the Xiliang sergeant.

A Bingzhou sergeant, after being hit by the knife, hugged the Xiliang sergeant and jumped towards Longguan, splashing dust and smoke; a Bingzhou sergeant has several wounds on his is still fighting. ......

After Wei Xu, whose face was covered with blood, noticed the closing situation, he shouted: "The guard will follow the general to kill the enemy."

The guards who followed Wei Xu appeared like a whirlwind, and the enemy troops retreated undefeated wherever they went. Whenever the battle was tight in Longguan, Wei Xu would lead his guards to kill to relieve the pressure on the defenders.

However, this time, when Wei Xu was just halfway through the attack, Ma Tie led the Xiliang sergeants and soldiers on the wall. These soldiers were more elite than the talented Xiliang sergeants.

The Bingzhou Army, who had been guarding Longguan for half a day, was already a little tired. Faced with such an elite sergeant of Xiliang, he was losing ground for a while.

As more and more Xiliang sergeants boarded Longguan, the Bingzhou Army gradually became in a stalemate with the Xiliang Army. There was so much space on Longguan, and the Bingzhou Army vowed to die, but the Xiliang Army was thinking about it. Drive the Union State Army off the city wall.

Wei Xu led his personal guards, living in the center of the defending army, and constantly commanding the soldiers to resist attacks from the Xiliang army.

The combat effectiveness of the Xiliang Army was also not weak. After the threats from the huge rocks and woods in Longguan, more and more Xiliang sergeants stepped onto the city wall, and a famous Bingzhou sergeant fell down. However, they The fighting power that broke out on the dying occasion shocked the Xiliang army, who was an enemy.

A touch of the setting sun reflected on Longguan, which made it even more desolate above Longguan. At this time, there were only more than 50 soldiers in the Bingzhou Army at Longguan, and the Xiliang Army paid a considerable price in today's research.

"The general, please leave quickly and avenge the dead brother in the future." The voice of He Lu with a knife in his left hand said urgently, with two shocking wounds on his right arm.

Wei Xu laughed and said, "If you can be loyal to the Marquis of Jin, isn't this general impossible?"

This book comes from

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