Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1016: : Wei Xuzhan died

Genius remembers this site address in one second: (Top Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! "General." He Lu's voice was a little choked.

Wei Xu waved the long knife in his hand towards the Xiliang Army in front, and said loudly: "The rascals of the Xiliang Army have heard clearly. If you dare to invade under Jin Hou's rule, you will surely die in the future."

The surrounding Xiliang Army soldiers looked at Wei Xu not only with a trace of fear, but also with admiration. Under such conditions, the soldiers who led the Union State Army still fought more than ever. Just this courage is not what an ordinary general can possess. Yes, especially when the soldiers of the Xiliang Army had a certain advantage on Longguan, the Hezhou Army did not give up.

Like a siege war, the siege party has an absolute advantage in terms of numbers. Once the siege party’s soldiers attack the city wall and gain a foothold on the city wall, it means that the city is not far from being breached. It’s normal. The general's reaction was to lead the soldiers to escape, and if they could save their lives, no one would want to die like this.

The number of Xiliang sergeants who died in the hands of Wei Xu had reached ten, and Wei Xu also had three wounds on his body, one of which was on his right leg. At this time, Wei Xu could barely maintain a standing posture.

"Pifuan dare to talk nonsense here." The horse iron holding the spear stepped forward and shouted, and the spear stab Wei Xu at a very fast speed.

If it was an ordinary time, it would be natural for Wei Xu to block the shot, but his body was injured, which made his movements a little slow.

A guard rushed forward in desperation, with the spear hitting his chest.

Wei Xu roared, and the long knife in his hand slashed towards Ma Tie.

Ma Tie was shocked, and there was a faint sound of breaking through the air above Wei Xu's long knife. What he did not expect was that someone in the Bingzhou Army was willing to block this shot for Wei Xu.

At the moment of the moment, Ma Tie rolled to the side, although his posture was a little embarrassing, he could have escaped Wei Xu's knife.

Wei Xu looked disappointed. From Ma Tie's attire, he could see that his status in the army was not low. If Ma Tie could be killed, it would be worth it.

"Kill!" The brief stagnation on the battlefield was broken by Ma Tie's order. Even if the Xiliang sergeants were in awe of the Bingzhou Army, the two sides were already immortal enemies.

Wei Xu couldn't remember how many enemies he had killed. The loss of blood gradually made him feel tired, and the long knife in his hand became extremely heavy.

Several soldiers saw Wei Xu's short-term stagnation, shouted, and thrust their spears into Wei Xu's chest. Five spears pierced Wei Xu at the same time, looking so hideous.

Under the stimulation of the pain, Wei Xu's eyes widened, and he slowly raised the long knife in his hand, but in the end he didn't have the strength to cut it down.

"General!" A soldier rushed in Wei Xu's direction desperately.

"Wei Xu is dead, those who surrender will not kill!" Ma Tie shouted at the right time. Although the Bingzhou Army was at an absolute disadvantage in terms of numbers at this time, the fighting power that broke out before dying cannot be ignored.

To Ma Tie's surprise, the Bingzhou Army at Longguan did not put down the weapons in his hand because of Wei Xu's death in battle, but instead burst out with even more powerful combat effectiveness.

"How exactly did Lu Bu train the army? It makes his soldiers so crazy." Ma Tie murmured, this elite army has surpassed ordinary people's cognition.

What Ma Tie is sure is that it is not the most elite team of the Bingzhou Army that guards Longguan, but the Bingzhou sergeant led by Wei Xu is more resilient than the elites of the Xiliang Army.

The banner of the Bingzhou Army at Longguan was replaced with that of the Xiliang Army. The gate of Longguan, which appeared a little broken in the setting sun, slowly opened, and cavalry and infantry began to enter the pass.

Ma Chao's mood was a little heavy. After breaking through Longguan, his own soldiers lost 7,000 people, which was beyond his expectation. Although these soldiers were more likely to be obtained from the capture of the two counties, they were still among them. The elite.

Such a huge loss, if it weren't for the Xiliang army on the sidelines, I'm afraid the army would have been in a mess.

The atmosphere in Chang'an was a bit solemn at this time. Soon after Chang'an came under Lu Bu's rule, the vassals attacked Jiguan and Longguan. The people near Chang'an didn't have the sense of belonging to Lu Bu as they did. It is the safety of the family that thinks more about it, and the family has more thoughts. Under Lu Bu's rule, the family can't see much hope.

In the city of Chang'an, the original residence of Li Yu became the place where Jushou handled military affairs. He needed to take care of all aspects of Chang'an. Although Jushou seemed a little tired, his eyes were very bright. This tiredness gave him the feeling of fulfillment. trust.

Opening the box sent by Wei Xu's orders, the top of the box was like a farewell book from Wei Xu, the guard of Longguan.

"The next life will fight on the battlefield again for the Lord!" Ju Shou muttered. He knew that the situation in Longguan was critical, but at this time there were only 5,000 soldiers and horses available in Chang'an City, and the situation in Chang'an was not stable.

Jushou could imagine how critical the situation in Longguan was After hearing Jushou's words, some generals in the army had red eyes.

"General Zhao, General Taishi, you lead the Lieyang archer to help Longguan." Ju Shuo said.

"Nuo." Seeing a farewell book from a soldier named Binzhou, Taishi felt kindly. .

When Tai Shici led his troops to Meiyang, he learned that Longguan Pass was broken and that Wei Xu and others died in battle.

For Wei Xu, Taishici did not have too many intersections, but the farewell book sent by Wei Xu to the lieutenant generals made Taishici more respect for Wei Xu. A general was in the middle of the war. When he was able to put his life and death aside, this class of generals is worthy of everyone's admiration.

It's easy to say. When facing death, more people think about how to survive.

"The blood of the soldiers in Longguan can't flow in vain. The scouts are closely investigating the news ahead, and try not to disturb the Xiliang army as much as possible." Tai Shici ordered.

The Union State Army is a big stage. As long as it demonstrates sufficient strength, it can go further. After joining the Union State Army, Tai Shici deeply realized this. As the Lieyang Archer's lieutenant, he is absolutely in the Union State Army. He was a figure worthy of the number, but Tai Shici did not have a decent record to set off his identity.

But now this opportunity is here. After the Xiliang army breaks through Longguan, they will definitely go to Chang'an. The time has come to teach them a severe lesson.

After Ma Chao occupied Longguan, he left two thousand defenders, led more than ten thousand people, and came towards Chang'an. Along the city, seeing such a huge team, watching the wind and descending, Ma Chao was overjoyed when he saw this situation. With only a few thousand defenders, there is no chance. If Chang'an can be captured and defended, it will have the foundation of the king's business, and it will be impossible to compete with the princes.

(End of this chapter)

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