Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1020: : Ma Chao withdraws troops

A genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (Top Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! "Being brother will definitely not hurt Shoucheng, after all, you and I are brothers. If Shoucheng is willing to let Hanyang, Longxi and Wu The defenders in the three places have surrendered, and there will be no shortage of glory and wealth in the future." Han Sui said.

Han Sui knew Ma Chao's bravery. If Ma Chao was attracted by killing Ma Teng, the gain would not be worth the loss, and Ma Chao had a lot of prestige among the Qiang people.

"Huh, what brother, what this general hates most is to be brothers with people like you." Ma Teng gritted his teeth.

"No matter what Shoucheng said, this time the general will not give up." Han Sui said, and winked at Yan.

Yan Xing drew the saber around his waist and bullied himself. Even if the two generals beside Ma Teng resisted desperately, how could they be Yan Xing's opponents?

The blood on the long sword was still dripping freely, and Yan Xing cast his gaze on Ma Teng. After all, Ma Teng was a long-famous figure in Liangzhou.

"Does Shoucheng still not plan to give up at this time?" Han Sui asked.

After Ma Teng was silent for a long time, he threw his saber to the ground, "Writing to do this, my son Mengqi would not let go of the writing so easily."

Seeing that Ma Teng had given up resistance, Han Sui laughed and said, "You Shoucheng is in the hands of this general, so why not be afraid of Ma Chao and take Shoucheng down to rest. Don't be negligent."

Yan Xing clasped his fist and said, "General Ma, please."

Ma Teng snorted and walked out of the account.

The guards who followed Ma Teng were also controlled by Han Sui at an extremely fast speed.

The next thing is much simpler for Han Sui.

Falsely spreading Ma Teng’s order, the defenders in the city did not have too many doubts, and Han Sui also easily controlled Jixian. Ma Teng had a high prestige in the army, even after the army entered Jixian, many The soldiers resisted desperately, but in front of Han Sui's army, they seemed a little vulnerable.

After taking control of Jixian County, Han Sui was not eager to expand. The most important thing was to firmly control Hanyang. Ma Teng has governed Hanyang for many years, and Hanyang's family is extremely supportive of Ma Teng.

After Ma Teng entered Jixian County and comforted the families in the city, many families saw that Hanyang’s master became Han Sui, and they had no choice but to acquiesce. Han Sui’s main task was to disrupt Ma Teng’s attack on Chang’an. Not only did he gain the trust of Lu Bu, Why not take Longxi.

Ma Chao, who was waiting for the arrival of Han Sui’s army in Meiyang City, was furious after learning of the drastic changes in Hanyang. He was very wary of Han Sui. This time, Han Sui sent troops to attack Chang'an. Shilu Bu is on the weaker side, and he can get a lot of benefits after breaking Chang'an.

What he didn't expect was that what Han Sui wanted was Hanyang. Needless to say, Han Sui had already united with Lu Bu.

"Order all soldiers and horses and return to Longguan. This general wants Han Sui's children to die without a place to be buried." Ma Chao gritted his teeth and said, Hanyang has lost. .

"Father's fashion is in Han Sui's hands. If he leads the troops to Longguan, I'm afraid his father will be in danger." Ma Dai persuaded. This setback was fatal for the army.

Ma Teng was the prefect of Hanyang, and most of his soldiers were from Hanyang. After learning that Hanyang had been lost, the military's mind must be a little flustered. If he returned to Binglongguan and Han Sui to fight to the death, it would be difficult to succeed.

"If my father is at fault, this general will definitely smash Han Sui's body into pieces." Ma Chao said angrily.

"On this occasion, it is important to save the life of his father. You might as well transfer the land of Hanyang to Han Sui and let him release his father." Ma Dai said.

Ma Chao's complexion kept changing, and how vigorous it was to lead the troops to attack Chang'an, but unexpectedly encountered such a situation. In contrast, the previous raid by the Binzhou Army was nothing to the army.

"In any case, return to Binglong Pass first." Ma Chao said.

The next day, the Xiliang Army in Meiyang City began to retreat in the direction of Longguan.

After Tai Shici, who paid close attention to the situation on the battlefield, got the news, he dispatched Kuai Ma to spread the news to Chang'an. He was not sure if this was Ma Chao's conspiracy.

In Chang'an, after receiving news of Ma Chao's retreat, Jushou's face showed a smile. He had received news from Lu Bu before. As long as Han Sui sent troops to help Ma Chao attack Chang'an, it meant that Ma Chao was not far away from retreating. Let's talk about Chang'an. Not only Han Sui, but also the army of Anding County is behind.

Compared with Bingzhou at this time, Chang'an is much worse in terms of background. Two-line combat is a great test for the army. If Ma Chao retreats, Chang'an's army can fully defend Jiguan.

"Leading General Tai Shici to lead Lieyang archers to Jiguan." Jushou ordered.

The situation at Jiguan at this time was similar to that at Longguan. Under the attack by the Jingzhou Army regardless of casualties, the Jingzhou Army’s Thunderbolt vehicles also approached Although there were not a few broken Thunderbolt vehicles in this area. On the other hand, Jingzhou has never stopped building Thunderbolt cars. On the walls of Jiguan, there are densely packed crossbow arrows, which were left when the crossbow launched an attack on Jiguan.

These crossbow arrows provided great convenience to the soldiers of the Jingzhou Army who were attacking the city. When the soldiers climbed the city wall, even if the ladder was toppled down, as long as the reaction team quickly reacted, they could continue to climb by relying on the crossbow arrows left on the wall.

This method has been used by the state army.

After a series of battles, the number of defenders in Jiguan dropped sharply to more than 5,000, and many of them were wounded.

Wei Yan said with a worried expression: "General Zhao, if this situation continues, the Jiguan Pass will most likely be broken by the Jingzhou Army."

Zhao Yun said: "In any case, you must defend the Jiguan. If the Jiguan is lost, the Jingzhou army will be able to drive straight to attack Chang'an. Even Hedong will be caught in the flames of war. Recently, the family of Hedong has become a little restless, so tell the people who are stationed in Hedong. The generals, cooperate with the officials well, if these aristocratic families continue like this, let them experience the means of merging the state army."

"Here." Wei Yan clasped his fist.

Ever since Jiguan was caught in the war, the family in Hedong has been thinking a lot, secretly jointly raising the price of rice and making the people of Hedong panic. Fortunately, officials from all over the country did not cause more turmoil in time. As long as the Jingzhou Army breaks through the Jiguan, you can imagine what kind of behavior those families who were oppressed under the rule of the Union State Army will do. At this time, defending the Jiguan is extremely important for Hedong.

Most of the officials in Hedong were dispatched from Bingzhou. They were always wary of the aristocratic family, and they were not at all merciful in dealing with the aristocratic family. As long as the evidence was conclusive, the next step would be a **** killing.

(End of this chapter)

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