Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1021: : Zhuge Liang's calculations

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"Ling Feiqi, ready to fight! Our army has been silent for too long." Zhao Yun said.

Wei Yan showed excitement when he heard the words. He told Zhao Yun that there were not a few sneak attacks on Jingzhou Barracks, but Zhao Yun refused all of them before.

In the middle of the night, the closed Jiguan gate slowly opened, and 500 flying knights filed out toward the Jingzhou military camp, while Wei Yan personally guarded the gate.

What made Cai Wei and Kuai Yue most fortunate was that no soldiers infected with the plague were found in the Jingzhou Army. It is said that Cao Cao, Sun Ce, and Yuan Shao have lost a lot of soldiers because of the plague. However, the attack on Jiguan brought the army to the army. There were many casualties, and now the number of Jingzhou Army's damage has reached 20,000.

Even if the damage is so severe, Cai Tao will not retreat easily. Attacking Bingzhou is an opportunity for the princes, and the same is true for Jingzhou. Only by making Jingzhou stronger, will he have a better chance when he fights against the princes in the future. Big advantage.

The reason why the princes did not have enough respect for the Han Dynasty was because of their lack of strength. If Jingzhou could not make a breakthrough in this battle, the Dahan would definitely face the situation of the princes' melee during the Spring and Autumn and Warring States period.

In fact, the princes from all sides see this point quite clearly. The reason why they are desperately working for the Han family is that they have taken a fancy that the Han family can bring them enough benefits, otherwise the Han family will not be able to drive them anyway. It was like this time the princes jointly attacked the merged state.

They attacked and defeated the Jiguan one after another, and the defenders in the Jiguan kept holding on, which made the Jingzhou Army somewhat relaxed. The secret sentry placed outside the camp was beheaded by the scouts of the Union State Army before it could issue a warning in the future.

Five hundred flying knights are definitely a force that cannot be ignored on the battlefield. The power of the cavalry when charging is far beyond that of the infantry. The powerful charging ability of the horses can directly tear the enemy's formation. Once the cavalry charged up, it was far from what the infantry was willing to face.

Zhao Yun coldly glanced at the Jingzhou army camp not far away, waved his spear forward, and the dense cavalry launched a charge towards the Jingzhou army camp.

"The enemy attack is the flying cavalry of the Union State Army." Just as a soldier above the camp yelled, he shot and killed in the dense arrow rain, and the rest of the soldiers were no exception.

The early warning before the soldier was dying did not play a big role for the Jingzhou Army.

When an army faces the enemy, it takes a lot of time from receiving the order to the reaction of the army, and this time is enough for Zhao Yun to lead the cavalry to wreak havoc in the Jingzhou army.

After Cai Yu and Kuai Yue learned of the situation in the army, their expressions changed drastically. The Jingzhou army was unable to attack Jiguan for a long time, and the morale of the army was somewhat low. If they suffered heavy losses during the raid by the Union State army, they would just want to break the Jiguan. It's more difficult.

"Send the cavalry forward to stop the enemy." Cai Hao shouted anxiously.

The hurriedly organized cavalry led the cavalry directly through Zhao Yun, and the rest of the cavalry saw the power of the Bingzhou Army and directly chose to retreat. It was not that they refused to use their lives, but that the strength of the cavalry on the two sides was too far apart from the fight to Jingzhou. The cavalry of the army was defeated, and it didn't take a long time. Everything gave the cavalry of the Jingzhou army an irresistible feeling.

After Zhao Yun led the cavalry raging in the Jingzhou military camp, they left, but the Jingzhou military camp was in panic.

In fact, the raid of five hundred flying knights is nothing to the Jingzhou army, which has tens of thousands of troops. The most important thing is the impact of this raid on the morale of the army. Many soldiers were injured as a result of this raid. Zhao Yun's goal is to strike the morale of the enemy army.

It wasn't until the sky was twilight that the Jingzhou Army gradually recovered stability from the panic.

The generals of the general Cai Hao's complexion were gathered in one place, and the general in charge of the night patrol was directly beheaded by Cai Hao.

Although Liu Bei is under the command of Cai Hao, he is not stationed with Cai Hao. The chaos in the Jingzhou barracks last night, Liu Bei is naturally aware of, but at this time Liu Bei has no more than two thousand soldiers and horses. It is definitely not a wise move for the Jingzhou Army to stop the Union State Army.

Zhuge Liang said: "This is the Lord's opportunity."

"What is the meaning of Kong Ming's words?" Liu Bei questioned.

"The lord, the Union state army raided the Jingzhou army last night. The morale of the army must be somewhat low. If the lord is willing to ask for a battle and go to fight outside the Jiguan, it will definitely improve the lord’s position in the minds of the generals. It is much easier to seize the military power of the Jingzhou Army from Cai Hao's hands."

A bright light flashed in Liu Bei's eyes. Cai Hao's multiple suppression and exclusion, as well as Liu Biao's distrust, made him a little disappointed. The reason why he chose to enter was because of his trust in the Han Dynasty, although Today's Han Dynasty is slightly weak and always represents the world. If he can help the Han Dynasty and revitalize the Han Dynasty, he will become a celebrity through the ages.

There are many differences between reality and imagination. With the help of characters like Zhuge Liang in the army, Liu Bei gradually became a little restless. He also wanted to accomplish something and restore the glory of his ancestors.

Liu Biao was seriously ill. If he could seize the military power of the Jingzhou Army from Cai Hao's hands, he would even have a foothold in the troubled times.

The battle outside Huguan allowed his reputation to spread among the Jingzhou Army. At this time, the Jingzhou Army secretly spread the kindness of Liu Bei, which gave Liu Bei a certain prestige in the Jingzhou Army.

"Kong Ming said in detail." Liu Bei glanced vigilantly outside the account and whispered.

When Zhuge Liang finished speaking in a hurry, Liu Bei immediately agreed. After returning to the Jingzhou Army from outside the Huguan, Liu Bei was honest on the surface, but secretly attracted the generals of the Jingzhou Army.

The Cai family has a high prestige in Jingzhou, but Cai Hao is just a navy general, and may have a lot of prestige among the Jingzhou navy. In the army at this time, it is not so respected, especially Jingzhou's attack on Jiguan did not obtain an absolute advantage, and it is inevitable that the generals in the army would have doubts.

Victory in the battle against Lu Bu outside Huguan, Liu Bei did gain a lot of benefits. Some generals secretly expressed kindness to Liu Bei, and military generals sometimes worshiped the strong. They hoped that their leader would be a strong.

The next day, Liu Bei took the initiative to invite Yan to fight outside Jiguan, which made Cai Hao overjoyed. After the flying cavalry raid last night, it was difficult for the Jingzhou Army to attack the Jiguan today. At this time, winning the battle would have a lot of morale for the army. The promotion.

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