Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1030: : The princes' next battle

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Such an approach is cruel to ordinary soldiers. They fought for the princes and should have been treated. However, the coalition of the princes is not the combined state army. The lives of ordinary soldiers are nothing in their eyes. As long as the main generals are still there, they should be treated. There is no need to worry about no soldiers in future wars.

Although the big man has a huge population after years of war, this is the vassal's support.

After receiving the news from Bingzhou, Cao Cao frowned, and the expressions of Yuan Shao and Sun Ce were not very good.

The cavalry has a vital role for the princes. In a decisive battle with the Union State Army, you must always beware of threats from the cavalry. And the most indispensable thing in the Union State Army is the cavalry. If the cavalry cannot resist the Union State Army, this time The war against Bingzhou might end without disease. The princes jointly attacked Bingzhou and had completely offended Lu Bu. There was absolutely no room for turning around. Even though the loss of the Bingzhou was great, he would temporarily befriend the princes. In the future, Bingzhou will surely raise his sword. rise.

What made Cao Cao most distressed was that Xu Chu died in the battle in Bingzhou. Xu Chu trained the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry and was a pivotal general in the Cao army. Xu Chu's death had a big impact on the morale of the army. He would rather fight for the 1,000 people in the state. All the Tigers and Leopards died in battle, and they didn't want Chu to die.

"Everyone, I must have heard about the cavalry going to Bingzhou. After Lu Bu defeated our cavalry, the time for the decisive battle between the two sides must be coming soon." Cao Cao said, "However, on the battlefield in Hanoi, Huang Zhong is still led by Huang Zhong. The cavalry of China is active, Jizhou general Zhang Xi has chased him down repeatedly, but he couldn't."

Yuan Shao's complexion turned red. After Yan Liang died in the battle, Zhang Yun became an important general in the Jizhou army. This time Zhang Yun's battle was also facilitated by Yuan Shao. If Zhang Yun can't make achievements, his face will eventually be damaged. As a descendant of the Yuan family of the fourth generation and three grandfathers, he values ​​his face very seriously.

"Meng De, the most important thing now is to prepare for a decisive battle with Bingzhou." Yuan Shaodao.

Sun Ce, who lives across from Yuan Shao, didn’t look very good. Three thousand cavalry soldiers who fought in Bingzhou could still be defeated in such a precarious situation in Bingzhou. Huang Gai was even more unpredictable, not only at Huguan, but even outside Jiguan. The Jingzhou Army of the United States was unable to break through the defenses of Bingzhou, which made Sun Ce feel a sense of powerlessness. Before he went to Bingzhou, he had a lot of confidence to break Bingzhou, but the facts were so cruel.

"Outside Huguan, we have 100,000 soldiers, and the Union State Army in Huguan can only be 40,000 soldiers at the most. In terms of numbers, our army has a huge advantage. Although the Union State Army has elites. Cavalry, our army also includes Jizhou's first dead soldiers." Cao Cao analyzed.

"Meng Demo must forget that Bingzhou has a team of elite pawns, claiming to be in the camp, and comparable to the Xiandeng dead." Yuan Shao reminded.

Cao Cao said: "First climb the dead and then be more powerful. It's just pawns. You only need to send a large number of soldiers to hold them. Besides, doesn't Jiangdong have a **** known as elite?"

Sun Ce raised his eyebrows. Jizhou has the first to die, and the state has a trapped camp. Yanzhou has a tiger and leopard rider. Jiangdong will naturally not fall behind. Secretly, Sun Ce ordered someone to train a pawn. The camp uses the most sophisticated armor, and the treatment of soldiers is not comparable to that of ordinary infantry. Of course, their training is also extremely strict.

"If you fall into the camp, it will be handled by the Jiangdong Army." Sun Ce said: "Just from the news from Bingzhou, it is an infantry known as the Modao Army that has caused heavy losses to our cavalry."

Cao Cao sighed secretly in his heart. After the battle, he realized that there were so many elites in the Bingzhou Army. Not only did it have elite cavalry, but also the trapped camp and Modao Army and other infantry who could deal with the cavalry.

There are not many soldiers but the elite. Although there are many soldiers of the princes, there is still a big gap in the level of elites compared with the Bingzhou Army. However, when the battle comes before you, you cannot retreat. Even if the Bingzhou Army is strong, you must be tough. He rushed forward with his scalp.

"Hundreds of people can play a very limited role in the battlefield of hundreds of thousands of people. You don't need to worry about it. This Hou will order people to go to Huguan to get the battle book." Cao Cao said.

Yuan Shao said: "At this moment, I am afraid that Lu Bu will not agree to the decisive battle. Huguan has been attacked for such a long time and has not been breached. When we attacked Huguan, our side suffered heavy losses. If we join the state army. If the stalemate continues, I am afraid it will be our side who will lose in the end."

"Moreover, there is a large amount of food and grass stocked in the territory of the Union state, and the state army does not need to worry about the food and grass. I wait for a long way to come. The transportation of the food and grass will be a huge problem.

Everyone was silent when they heard the words. Their calculations were very good. They took advantage of the current number of princes' coalition forces to fight against the combined state army, and the state army will certainly not fight it so They have the advantage of terrain, completely. You can use the Huguan to resist the soldiers and horses of the princes and cause greater damage to the princes' coalition forces.

The Huguan at this time was even more difficult to break through Yuan Shao and the others than the original Hulaoguan, not to mention that the army of the princes was much stronger than when they attacked Dong Zhuo.

What worries Yuan Shao the most is not the war at Huguan, but the threat from Youzhou. Lu Bu’s most trusted counselor, Guo Jia, is stationed in Youzhou. Guo Jia is extremely strategic, and there are not a few soldiers in Youzhou. When the war broke out in Binzhou, Youzhou's soldiers did not mobilize. It can be seen that Lu Bu had ideas about Jizhou this time.

Jizhou is the foundation of Yuan Shao. At this time, the only areas in his hand are Jizhou and Qingzhou. Qingzhou has just been captured by the army and the rule is uneasy. The role of Jizhou becomes even more important. Morale is the biggest impact, and it is very likely that there will be a large number of deserters in the army.

Yuan Shao started in Jizhou, and his soldiers were from Jizhou.

"It's okay, right when the attack on Huguan is training troops. After the war, the soldiers left in the army are all elite. Why not be able to defeat the Bingzhou Army in the future. Besides, the situation at Jiguan is for the Bingzhou Army. It is extremely unfavorable. As long as Cai Hao and others can break the Jiguan, the state will inevitably be shaken, and Lu Bu must be impatient." Cao Cao laughed.

After everyone discussed the battle, they dispersed. The next day, the envoys of the princes went to Huguan to take down the battle book.

Lu Bu didn't even look at it, and directly put the war book on the table. The princes' coalition forces had reached a dilemma at this time. The initiative of the war was in the hands of the Bingzhou Army at this time, and Lu Bu planned to be just as Yuan Shao worried. Taking advantage of the fact that most of the Jizhou army was outside Huguan and taking Jizhou home, it was Yuan Shao who was most uncomfortable at that time.

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