Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1031: : Youzhou moves troops

A genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! There is no need for Lu Bu to initiate a decisive battle with the princes' coalition forces at this time. He wants to make the princes' coalition have a sense of powerlessness and keep them constantly Weary in the siege, thus winning the war in one fell swoop.

At this time, the Bingzhou Army does not have to worry about food and grass, as long as it can deal with the immediate war. The war in Jizhou will be an opportunity for the Bingzhou Army and the Allied Forces to initiate a decisive battle.

Youzhou, Jixian, at this time, the Youzhou soldiers gathered in the city reached 30,000 people, and the thunderbolt carts and crossbows were brought in continuously.

Guo Jia, who is in Youzhou, is always paying attention to the war at Huguan. Today's situation is extremely beneficial to Bingzhou, and what he has to do is to give Jizhou a fatal blow when the princes are exhausted.

The 30,000 soldiers and horses gathered in Ji County are the most elite part of the Youzhou Army. Even the Xianbei people sent 2,000 cavalry to help.

The construction of Danhan Mountain city pool and Pound’s **** methods gradually made the various ministries of Xianbei calm down. When war broke out in the state, Pound ordered the various ministries of Xianbei to select warriors to form a three-thousand-man cavalry training. As for these cavalry After arriving in Youzhou, if they dare not obey the orders, Pound will let them understand how powerful the Han army is.

Of course, the current Xianbei people have already been subdued by Pound on the surface.

Guo Jia glanced around at the people and slowly said, "Now that the war in Bingzhou has fallen into a stalemate, the officer and Chen Zhoumu have received an order from the lord to launch an attack on Jizhou."

The generals in the field immediately showed excitement. When they received the order from the state and animal husbandry, they thought that there would be war. At this time, the Youzhou Army was better than the Youzhou Army when Liu Yu was there. I don't know how strong it is. Lü Bu led the Youzhou Army to calm down the areas of Eastern Liaoning and Western Liaoning, allowing the Xianbei people to bow their heads, which also gave the Youzhou Army great confidence in the victory of the war.

Although the number of princes' coalition forces was large, the generals of Youzhou had absolute confidence in Lu Bu, and they believed that the Bingzhou Army could win this battle.

"Once the war begins, you should work together to fight for the seizure of Jizhou in one fell swoop and make the Jizhou army homeless." Speaking of this, a ray of hatred flashed in Guo Jia's eyes.

"Here." The generals in the field said in unison.

Seeing Guo Jia set his sights on himself, Chen Tiandao said: "You are all powerful generals in the Youzhou Army. Although the Jizhou Army has played 60,000 people this time, there are also many defenders in Jizhou. Hejian and Zhongshan are hoarding. With a lot of soldiers and horses, the defending general in Hejian is Gaolan, a famous general in the Jizhou army, and Bohai is the place where Yuan Shao was born. Being slack, the princes of the Central Plains are no better than the Xianbei on the grassland. Perhaps they are far behind the Xianbei in terms of the elite level of the soldiers, but they are extremely powerful in strategy."

The hearts of everyone were stunned. They had been thinking about directly marching into Jizhou territory without considering more aspects.

"In this battle, Chen Dao led his strong crossbowmen and two thousand Xianbei cavalry as the vanguard of the army. He waited for orders to set off. Yang Feng was responsible for escorting the food and grass. There is no fluke." Guo Jiadao.

"Here." Chen Dao and Yang Feng said.

After the crowd dispersed, Guo Jia, Chen Tian, ​​and Zhang Liao stayed behind. In this battle against Jizhou, the biggest reliance was on the three thousand cavalry under Zhang Liao’s command. These three thousand cavalry were carefully trained by Zhang Liao. After the cavalry and war horses are all equipped with armor, it will be terrifying. Guo Jia has even foreseen what a bloodbath will be caused by such a cavalry appearing on the battlefield in Jizhou.

"Wen Yuan's wolf rider is the main force in this battle against Jizhou." Guo Jia laughed.

Zhang Liao handed over and said that although his position in the Bingzhou Army was very high, he did not dare to be presumptuous in front of Guo Jia. Although Guo Jia was young, he used his strategy and means to win the respect of the lieutenant generals, and Guo Jia was Lu Bu. This alone is enough to make the figures in Bingzhou and Youzhou jealous.

"Wen Yuan doesn't need to be so restrained, but it doesn't matter what you have to say." Guo Jiadao.

Zhang Liao was silent for a moment and said: "Military division, our army has 30,000 soldiers, but there are 20,000 soldiers and horses in Jizhou. Although they are scattered in the Hejian and Zhongshan generations, they still should not be underestimated. If it is a strong attack, I am afraid that it will suffer heavy losses. , Jizhou also owns such powerful tools as the Pilicar and the bed crossbow."

Guo Jia nodded and said: "Wen Yuan is very concerned, but Wen Yuan has ignored one person, and that is Zhang Yan, the former Black Mountain Army commander."

"On resourcefulness, Zhang Yan is not weak. If Zhang Yan can lead soldiers and horses to wreak havoc in Jizhou, Jizhou will definitely face greater pressure. How can the defenders in Hejian and Zhongshan not be mobilized? By then, it will be me. When the army launched an attack on Youzhou." Guo Jiadao.

Jizhou must be wary of Youzhou. What Guo Jia wanted to use was to let Jizhou know that it was like this but was unable to deal with it. The news of Youzhou's movement of soldiers and horses must be hidden from Jizhou's eyes and ears.

Zhang Liao's eyes lit up when he heard the words. He had naturally heard of Zhang Yan's name. He was a figure who had been active in Jizhou for many years and made Yuan Shao helpless.

"So, our army has a great chance of winning." Zhang Liaodao, although he admires Guo Jia's resourcefulness very much, but this battle is related to the overall situation of Bingzhou and even the trend of the world, so we must be cautious.

"Regardless of whether there is a chance of winning, Jizhou must be broken this time, otherwise, why the lord will compete with the princes of the world in the future." Guo Jia said with confidence in his expression.

This time the princes' coalition attacked Bingzhou, Guo Jia had a chilling feeling, especially the count of Lu Bu’s crimes in the Han Dynasty, and it gave people a sense of cunning, but he was a great general of the Han Dynasty. The magnificent military exploits made by the great Han did not follow the imperial court’s orders very much. This incident was not only the merger of the state, but also other states and counties. In the final analysis, the state was too strong, which made the princes feel uneasy. What is for the Han Dynasty, but It's just a fool of others.

After this incident, Guo Jia understood that if you want to survive in such troubled times, you must have stronger strength. If the Han family is not benevolent, you should not blame others for injustice.

After Zhang Yan led thousands of Heishan troops who fled from Jizhou to Youzhou and sneaked into Jizhou quietly, temporarily suppressed the anger in his heart. Jizhou was extremely hostile to the Heishan troops. Once he knew that Zhang Yan had returned, he would definitely attack with troops. As the commander of the Black Mountain Army, Zhang Yan understands the truth of secretly accumulating strength.

In Jizhou, the most indispensable is the desperate people. On the surface, Jizhou feels strong, but it is not the case. The families are opposing each other for profit, but the ordinary people are unlucky. For Kou.

(End of this chapter)

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