Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1061: : Huang Zhong kills Cao Ang

A genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! Xun You wanted to speak but stopped. As a monarch, Cao Cao’s attitude is impressive enough, but sometimes Cao Cao’s performance is Some arbitrariness, when the trick is present, Cao Cao can still listen to one or two when making a decision. Now that the trick is gone, Cao Cao is a little impatient with the advisers under his command.

"Order the scouts to explore Yingzui Ridge strictly, not to miss a place." Xun You whispered.

"Even though our army was defeated in this battle, all the soldiers showed bravery, but Benhou saw it in his eyes. The only thing that made Benhou sad was that General Xu Chu fell on the battlefield of Bingzhou. If General Xu Chu was in Huguan, our army There is no way to fight back against the flying knight led by Lu Bu." Cao Cao lamented. After learning that Xu Chu had died in the battle, Cao Cao often sighed.

Xiahoudun and Xiahouyuan were flushed. If the two of them were able to stop Lu Bu, Feiqi would not be able to do much on the battlefield, even if they had amazing combat power. The two besieged one, but they were defeated by the other. It is a huge shame for the generals.

Normally in the army, Xiahoudun and Xiahouyuan were notorious warriors.

"My lord's mourning." The counselors in the field persuaded one after another.

There is a hidden cave in Yingzui Ridge. This cave is naturally formed and extremely hidden. Huang Zhong accidentally learned that it was an old man in a nearby village.

The weather was a little gloomy, and the autumn wind howled, it was somewhat similar to the mood of General Cao Jun at this time.

Inside the cave, Zhang Xiu kept hearing news from soldiers outside, with a confident expression on his face. This hiding place, not to mention Cao Jun’s scout, might not be found even after passing through this cave.

The Cao Jun has more than 20,000 people. Huang Zhong did not intend to leave Cao Jun all at once. What he wanted to make Cao Jun panic like a dog in the family. After entering Hanoi, the army of these princes had committed numerous crimes. The local people mentioned the princes. Some of the soldiers were just endless anger. They not only snatched the fields from their hands, but also took away all the surplus food in their homes. Food is so important to the people, and the people in many villages are soldiers of the princes. Trampled, in order to survive, many people can barely survive with wild vegetables and weeds, and the bark near some villages has been eaten clean.

However, these people did not leave Hanoi. Before the princes' coalition entered Bingzhou, the State Shepherd House had sent people to inform the people of Hanoi that they could go to Hedong temporarily, and many people were reluctant to abandon their homes.

In front of the princes' army doing evil, many people think of the goodness of the Union State Army.

Upon receiving the news from the scout, Cao Cao looked around at the counselor beside him and laughed: "At the beginning, Benhou said that there would be nothing wrong with passing through Yingzui Ridge, and that the state army dared to play such imaginary and real things in front of Benhou. Avoid being a little immature."

It must be said that Cao Cao's emotions have affected the soldiers in the army to a certain extent. The generals are optimistic, and it is easier to help ordinary soldiers to come out of the shadow of failure.

What Cao Jun didn't notice was that in the dense jungle on both sides, there were pairs of eyes staring at them.

Zhang Xiu said with a bit of excitement: "General Huang, there must be the enemy's middle army. If you can kill Cao **, it must be a great achievement."

Huang Zhong nodded and said, "Send the commander to prepare and wait for the command of this general."

After entering Yingzui Ridge, Cao Cao felt a sense of coldness, and his heart was even more disturbed, but the army had already entered Yingzui Ridge, and if it retreated halfway, it would affect the march.

Just after the Chinese army completely entered the Yingzui Ridge, there were bursts of sound breaking through the air above the Yingzui Ridge. General Cao Jun heard the movement and looked up, but saw dense boulders appearing above, and the central position was faint. You can see the blurred figure, the arrow is like rain.

"It's the enemy, hurry up and protect the lord." Cao Ren yelled, and rode his horse to where Cao Cao was.

The roaring sound is endless, and Cao Cao's back is cold and sweaty. If these boulders are for a while in the morning, the best result is to trap them on the other side of Yingzui Ridge.

The Tiger and Leopard Cavalry played a significant role at this time. In order to protect Cao Cao, Cao Chun directly led the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry towards the outside of Yingzui Ridge, where the cavalry passed by, wailing ceaselessly.

The terrain of Yingzui Ridge was not considered dangerous, which also allowed Sergeant Cao on the other side of Yingzui Ridge to leave.

Cao’s generals near the side of Bingzhou were not so lucky, but at this time, the most important Chinese army among the Cao’s army had already left, and those who remained in the army were just ordinary generals.

At this moment, Huang Zhong led the Lieyang Archer to kill and blocked Cao Jun’s exit. The huge boulders above Yingzui Ridge never stopped. What they wanted was to use the huge boulders to completely disintegrate the morale of the enemy army and let the enemy army down. Even more panic.

Cao Cao led the lieutenant generals, panicked like a dog of the bereavement, even though Huang Zhong’s cavalry was only a few hundred men, he still made Cao’s generals exhausted, after the big defeat outside Huguan and Huang Zhong’s sudden Generals You can imagine what kind of performance there will be.

While galloping the horse, Huang Zhong noticed Cao Cao not far away. At this time, Cao Cao was about 130 steps away from him. With Huang Zhong's archery skills, it was not a problem to kill Cao Cao.

Zhang Xiu knows the side, leading several Lieyang archers to protect Huang Zhong's side, and being able to see Cao Cao from the famous town in his death battlefield is definitely something to look forward to.

Cao Ang, who was following Cao Cao's side, seemed to feel something in his heart. He looked back and saw that Huang Zhong, who was holding a strong bow, was so dazzling, his complexion changed greatly, "Be careful, father!"

The three arrows on Wan Shigong dropped out and took Cao Cao straight.

Hearing Cao Ang's promotion, Cao Cao glanced back, but he saw the arrows roaring and Cao Ang who was riding his horse behind him.

The three arrows penetrated into the flesh, and the powerful force made the cluster of arrows penetrate Cao Ang's body.

"Zixiu!" Cao Cao shouted with red eyes.

The surrounding generals rushed forward to protect Cao Cao.

"Father, go!" After Cao Ang said these words, he slowly closed his eyes.

Cao Cao gritted his teeth and said, "Who is the enemy general?"

"The enemy will have such archery skills, it must be Huang Zhong." Xia Houyuan's expression is full of anger. Cao Ang is Cao Cao's eldest son. He will inherit the position of Cao Cao in the future, but he fell on the battlefield because of protecting Cao Cao. , These things should have been done by their generals who protected Cao Cao.

"Old thief Huang Zhong, you will be killed in the future!" Cao Cao shouted.

Huang Zhong was rather sorry for failing to kill Cao **. If Cao Angfen hadn't stepped forward in spite of himself, it would have been Cao Cao who had fallen from the horse at this time.

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(End of this chapter)

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