Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1062: : Yuan Shao shakes

A genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! At this time, the people in the army are panic, Huang Zhong is an elite cavalry, even if Cao Cao really wants to order the army to kill back, he can only Squeeze the anger in my heart.

Outside Yingzui Ridge, Cao Cao could hear the sound of boulders falling and soldiers screaming from inside the ridge from time to time. His brows were frowned. He did not expect Huang Zhong to be so bold and really dare to set up an ambush in Yingzui Ridge. It was Cao Ang who died to protect himself.

"The lord, and the state army are familiar with the terrain of Hanoi. When the scouts explored Yingzui Ridge, they did not find any traces of the enemy." Xun You said ashamed.

Cao Cao said coldly: "As a scout, I couldn't find out the traces of the enemy army. All the scouts who explored Yingzui Ridge were put to death.

"Hey." Xun You handed his hand. He knew that at this time, the most important thing was to appease the soldiers in the army, and someone had to talk back to the fiasco.

Xun You was very depressed when he encountered the attack this time. He deliberately told the general in charge of the scouts. He didn't expect the Bingzhou army to set up an ambush in Yingzuiling. No matter how much it is, it is difficult to recover the loss. Even the general in charge of the scout is hard to escape. Cao Ang's death on the battlefield is a big impact on the army.

Cao’s generals who were left in the Eagle’s mouth were under tremendous psychological pressure. The terrain in the eagle’s mouth was not dangerous. The situation of falling from the mountainside was enough for him to show his power to the fullest. More soldiers did not die. On the boulder, he died on the accidental injury of Roboze.

Yingzui Ridge can allow five people to pass, but at this time the panicked Cao Jun has no one to command and order, and the army is in chaos. The sergeants and soldiers rushed to the exit. .

However, when they came to the entrance, these soldiers were a little desperate. At the entrance of Yingzui Ridge, they looked like Lieyang archers waiting in battle. Many Lieyang archers had put their bows and arrows on the bowstrings, waiting for Huang Zhong. With the order, the enemy's lives were harvested.

The actions of the Allied Forces of the princes in Hanoi made the Lieyang Bow Cavalry not have the slightest affection for Cao's generals, wishing that these people would all die in the Eagle's Mouth Ridge.

Huang Zhongyun shouted vigorously: "Those who descend will not kill!"

When he said this, Huang Zhong's heart was also a little unwilling, but he thought that these soldiers were also Han Chinese, so they were their own masters.

The first reaction of many Cao Jun generals upon hearing these shouts was to discard the weapon in their hands to the designated place, remove the armor from their bodies, and wait for Huang Zhong to fall. In front of the Lieyang Archer, Cao Jun’s soldiers acted. Very well-behaved, for fear that even a little improper performance would attract the butcher knife of the Union State Army.

More and more soldiers chose to surrender. For those who are still hesitant or loyal to Cao Cao, Jianyu will take their lives away.

In this battle, the number of Cao Jun soldiers captured by Huang Zhong reached 3,000, and the minimum number of Cao Jun who died in Yingzui Ridge was 2,000. This situation is definitely worse for Cao Jun, who finally got from Bingzhou. When he got out of the battlefield, he didn't expect it to be placed in Hanoi by the Lieyang archer led by Huang Zhong.

After gathering the soldiers and cleaning the battlefield, Huang Zhong led the victorious division towards Huguan. On the way, he learned from the captives that it was Cao Cao's eldest son Cao Ang who had been shot that day. Huang Zhong was only satisfied.

During the march, Sun Ce secretly rejoiced after receiving the news from Yingzuiling. At the same time, he had deep doubts about the overall level of Cao Cao's advisers. In the past, Cao Cao was absolutely incomparably powerful in the eyes of other princes. Rain, but lost in Yingzui Ridge.

Perhaps after seeing Sun Ce's doubts, Zhou Yu said: "It's not that Cao Jun has no top advisers, but Cao Cao may not be able to listen."

Sun Ce nodded slightly. As a monarch, sometimes being too soft will always give people a feeling of being deceived. This is also something that the superiors are extremely taboo. The superiors need to think about how to let the talents play It has a huge effect and truly makes the best use of everything.

"Cao Ang, Cao Cao's eldest son, actually shot Huang Zhong. Huang Zhong's archery skills are really powerful. You should not underestimate him when you encounter this person in the future." Sun Ce said.

Although they had escaped, Sun Ce and Zhou Yu's mood did not improve in the slightest. Both knew that after returning to Jiangdong this time, it would be even more difficult to meet them.

The news that Cao Jun and Jiangdong Army gathered 70,000 troops and 40,000 Bianzhou Army were defeated in a decisive battle outside Huguan, spread at an extremely fast speed in the prefectures near Huguan.

The Jingzhou Army and Yuan Shao, who were retreating to Jizhou, got the news very quickly. Although Yuan Shao chose to return to Jizhou, he was still very concerned about the war at He understood that as long as the Bingzhou Army was in This time the battle was defeated, and the Youzhou Army in Jizhou could be better defeated.

Hearing the information about the defeated corpses of the princes' coalition, Yuan Shao was speechless for a long time. He could not think that the princes' coalition, which was still strong a few days ago, failed, and it was so complete.

"The 70,000 army battled the 40,000 combined state army, and it was defeated by the combined state army. Cao Cao's eldest son Cao Ang set up an ambush for Huang Zhong to shoot at Yingzuiling." Yuan Shao's expression was full of disbelief.

Not only Yuan Shao, but even the counselors of the Jizhou Army did not expect that Jiangdong Army and Cao Army would be defeated so quickly. It is foreseeable that after Cao Cao and Sun Ce left, the Jingzhou Army will be hard to do in Chang'an. Now, can Jizhou, who caused the trouble in the first place, be spared? What's more, now in Jizhou, the Youzhou Army has occupied Zhongshan Country and Julu County.

"Master, in this way, Jizhou is in danger." Feng Ji said.

Yuan Shao nodded with a heavy face. Jizhou can be said to have reached an unprecedented critical moment. At this time, there is not much time left for the Jizhou army. If the Jizhou army can remove the Youzhou army from the territory of Jizhou before the Bingzhou army can vacate its hands. Driving out, it might not be possible to hold Jizhou, the number of Youzhou Army in Jizhou has reached 30,000, and there are terrible cavalry such as wolf cavalry.

According to the news from Jizhou, the wolf cavalry at this time is a more terrifying cavalry than the flying cavalry. The power of the flying cavalry lies in its powerful impact. It can be done with the first ascend to the dead. However, the wolf rider has a powerful destructive power. Just imagine how terrifying the armored horse on the battlefield is. Once the charge is up, the only person who dares to step forward to stop it is dead.

"In your opinion, what should I do." Yuan Shao cast his gaze on the counsellor in the tent.

(End of this chapter)

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