Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1093: : Breaking Yecheng (Part 2)

A genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! "I have seen Jinhou." Zhang Yun hurried forward to salute.

Lv Bu kindly helped Zhang Yun up and said: "Junyi chose to join the benefactor, and Benhou is very gratified. If he can break Yecheng this time, Junyi will be indispensable."

Zhang Xi was secretly happy when he heard the words, and clasped his fist, saying: "Thank you, Jin Hou, the humble post will do his best to help Jin Hou seize the outer city."

"There is General Lao Zhang." Lu Bu nodded.

Zhang Xi has considerable prestige in the Jizhou Army. If Zhang Xi came forward, it would be easier to gather the soldiers of the Jizhou Army.

After all the Bingzhou army entered the outer city, they launched a charge towards the other city gates, and every city gate suddenly fell into the flames of war.

The North Gate, under the frenzied attack of the Union State Army, the Jizhou Army in the North Gate was struggling to support it. At this moment Zhang Xi appeared. After some persuasion, many generals chose to surrender. When they had the benefit of the city. , May be able to compete with the Union State Army for a longer period of time, but after the Union State Army enters the city, their advantage is not there.

In the inner city, news of Zhang Xi's rebellion at the East Gate quickly reached Feng Ji's hands. As the person in charge of Jizhou intelligence, Feng Ji still had some means.

"My lord, it's not good. Zhang Yun launched a mutiny at the East Gate and took refuge in Jinhou. Now the enemy has entered the outer city."

Feng Ji’s expression changed and changed again. At this time, Zhang Xi’s prestige in the army was clear to Feng Ji. It was for this reason that he did not involve Zhang Xi when dealing with Xu You, and it was also for the Jizhou war. What he didn't expect was that Zhang Xi betrayed Jizhou at this critical moment. All this made him a little at a loss. If the outer city was lost, it would be difficult to block the Bingzhou army only by relying on the inner city.

"Get ready," Feng Ji shouted.

Yuan Shao, who was asleep, called for the guard to wake up, and the unhappiness in his heart could be imagined.

However, after hearing the news brought by Feng Ji, Yuan Shao suddenly lost his sleepiness. Yecheng was his roots. If Yecheng were lost, he could only be defeated in Qingzhou at this time. He didn’t think there was still another in Jizhou. Other counties can withstand the elite combined state army.

"Shameless child, Zhang Xun dare to betray the Houhou, order the inner city ministries to take strict precautions and inform Guo Tu, Xin Ping, Xu You and others to go to the Hou Mansion for discussion." Yuan Shao immediately ordered.

In such a late night and the situation is uncertain, I definitely dare not open the inner door to meet the Jizhou army in the outer city. Besides, there are not a few Jizhou army in the outer city. Calm.

Inside the hall of the Hou Mansion, the lights were brightly lit, but the counselors who went to the Hou Mansion were very worried. If the outer city is lost, it means that Jizhou has completely lost its advantage. They don't think the inner city can block the edge of the Union state army.

Looking around everyone, Yuan Shao hummed coldly, "Why is Xu You not here?"

"Yehou, the people of the Xu family said that Master Xu was ill and could not come."

"He is in ill health. At this critical moment in Jizhou, he has played his temper in front of the lord." Yuan Shao dissatisfied. Even now, he still has no doubt about Xu You, mainly the monarch and his ministers for many years. Xu You knew it well.

Feng Ji frowned when he heard the news. He knew exactly what kind of character Xu You was. Don't say that because of a bit of a fight between the Feng family and the Xu family, no matter how great the hatred, Yecheng is in danger. Xu You will also abandon previous hatreds and work together to stabilize Jizhou. This is also an opportunity to take advantage of the trend to enhance Xu You's influence in front of Yuan Shao.

"Everyone, east gate guard Zhang Yun betrayed Jizhou and opened the city gate to welcome the Binzhou army into the city. Now the outer city is in the midst of war. When Jizhou is in distress, we must work together to drive the Binzhou army out of Yecheng. "Yuan Shao said.

The counsellors in the field suddenly talked about it, and the impact of this news on them was too great. Among them, who did not have their own family would naturally think about what happened behind them.

"My lord, my subordinates thought that they should order the guards at the gates of the inner city to stay at the gates. No matter who goes there, they must not open the gates." Guo Tu said.

Yuan Shao understood Guo Tu's intention after a little thought, which could avoid the Union State Army's sneak attack on the inner city to a great extent.

"The lord should go to the army to appease the lieutenants of the army. There are more than 20,000 elites in the outer city. Once the Union State Army and our army stalemate in the outer city, the Jizhou Army in the inner city will be dispatched, and it may not be impossible to repel the Union State Army." Feng Ji road.

The counselor talked about a lot of suggestions, but there are very few that can really come in handy. The value of the counselor's existence is to make suggestions, and making suggestions is a very easy task in itself, and it is one thing to say it. It’s another matter if you don’t need to use it.

After everyone left, Feng Ji lowered his voice and said, "Master, is there something wrong with Xu A haze flashed in Yuan Shao's eyes, "Have you found it clearly?" "

Feng Ji said: "Zhang Xun betrayed, and his subordinates guessed that Xu You's figure was among them. Zhang Xun initially became a general in the Jizhou army under Xu You's single force. Now Zhang Xun betrayed suddenly. It’s impossible to connect with each other."

"No, if Xu You betrayed, he would definitely support the Union State Army to enter the city at this time." Yuan Shao exclaimed.

Feng Ji also wanted to understand the joints, and his expression changed drastically. He has no doubt that once Xu You chooses to seek refuge in Lu Bu, what turbulence it will bring to Jizhou, not only in Jizhou’s officialdom, but also in the army. Not a small amount of influence, many families in the city secretly support the Xu family. With mental arithmetic and unintentional, the inner city is in danger.

Xu You learned that the Bingzhou army entered the outer city faster than the meeting minutes, and that the state army entered the outer city under Zhang Xun’s response, which means that Yuan Shao’s dominance in Jizhou is shaken, and the rest depends on the inside of the city. The power of the family.

This time Xu You chose the most trustworthy Zhao family and Zhang family. Patriarchs of these two families usually obey Xu Youyan. Moreover, Zhang Fan of Zhang family and Zhao Xu of Zhao family are generals in the army. With little care, the two families are naturally grateful for Xu You.

Of course, there is still a huge force like the Zhen family supporting him in secret, and Xu You feels that he has no reason to be unsuccessful.

Under Xu You's operation, Zhao Xu happened to be among the generals stationed at the North Gate tonight.

Under the cover of the night, Xu You led the private soldiers of the three families, together with the 300 private soldiers sent by the Zhen family, a total of 1,000 people, and headed towards the north gate. As long as the north gate is opened, the rest is simple. Yes, he had already made an appointment with the Union State Army outside the city before the action. After breaking the outer city, he must immediately prepare to enter the inner city.

(End of this chapter)

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