Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1094: : Breaking Yecheng (4)

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A group of patrolling soldiers saw the dense black shadows not far away, with a look of doubt on their faces, and shouted: "Who is in front?"

Xu You said loudly: "The official is Xu You."

This sentence made the patrolling soldiers relaxed. Xu You's name was naturally heard by them. "It turns out to be Lord Xu. I don't know what happened to Lord Xu until late at night?"

"The lord's public order, now that the situation in the outer city is urgent, let the officer lead the army to the outer city to support." Xu You said.

The patrolling general took a surprised look at the soldiers next to Xu You. Through the light, even though they were wearing armors, the generals could tell at a glance that this was not a soldier in the army, or perhaps a private soldier of the Xu family.

"It's urgent, don't get out of the way." Xu You shouted angrily.

The general was shocked when he heard that, Xu You was a pivotal figure in Jizhou, he naturally did not dare to stop him, and hurriedly ordered his soldiers to avoid.

However, the general still felt that tonight's things were a bit strange. First, there was a noise calling for killing in the outer city, and Xu You led a lot of private soldiers to the north gate.

Scratching his head, the night patrol general disappeared in the distance.

With the identity of Xu You left there, Zhen Yao, who was hidden among the private soldiers, was stunned secretly. If the Zhen family had acted alone this time, I am afraid that they had not approached the gate of the city. The defender found it.

"Open the gate of the city quickly, Master Xu got the order of Yehou to support the army outside the city." Zhen Yao stepped forward and shouted.

The general defending the city was Deng Sheng. He naturally heard the noise outside the city. He was wondering what was happening outside the city, and Xu You led the army.

"Does Master Xu want to use these private soldiers to repel the Bianzhou Army outside the city?" Deng Sheng asked in confusion.

Xu You walked out of the crowd and said coldly: "The officer is ordered to go to the city to take charge of the army and deal with the Bingzhou army."

"Master Xu." Deng Sheng hurriedly saluted. "I don't know if Master Xu has the seal of the lord, but now the outside of the city has been breached by the Bingzhou Army, and I will have to proceed cautiously at the end."

"Of course there is a seal." Xu You showed a secretive smile.

At this moment, Zhao Xu, who had been waiting quietly behind Deng Sheng, started his hand. Without hesitation, he drew out the long sword and moved towards Deng Sheng's neck.

"Deng Sheng did not obey Lord Xu's order and was already beheaded by this general. Anyone who dares to disobey Lord Xu will be killed without pardon!" Zhao Xu shouted loudly.

The generals in the army failed to adapt to the changes in the field for a while. Who could have imagined that Zhao Xu, who was originally Vice Admiral Deng Sheng, suddenly drew his sword and killed Zhao Xu. There are many shrewd generals in the army, and many generals look at him. Zhao Xu's gaze was even more suspicious.

However, at this time, they did not dare to oppose Xu You. Some generals also admired Xu You and expressed their willingness to obey Xu You's orders.

"Xu You was so unpredictable that he killed General Deng, don't let them open the city gate, and the state army was just outside the city." A general shouted loudly.

The troops stationed in the inner city are the elites of the Jizhou army. Unlike the soldiers in the outer city, the fighting power they burst out at critical moments cannot be underestimated.

This general's reminder made many military generals watch Xu You vigilantly. After all, Deng Sheng was the chief general in the army. Sudden execution would always give people a sense of absurdity.

"Xi listen to this person's nonsense. The officer got the order of Yehou and hurried to come here. If the city gate is not opened, the army in the outer city will be in danger." Xu You shouted.

"Outside the city is a flying cavalry." A general on the city exclaimed, causing many generals to change their expressions. Naturally, they know how powerful the flying cavalry is. In front of the flying cavalry, the Jizhou army's cavalry is completely inadequate.

"Hands." Xu You whispered.

After the thousands of private soldiers got the order, they suddenly pulled out the ring first knife and killed the defender. Unprepared, the defender fell into a disadvantage.

However, after the reaction, the Jizhou army suffered a lot from the private soldiers who followed Xu You. However, all the soldiers who can garrison the inner city have some skills, far from the outer city. Comparable.

Although the private soldiers of the family were not afraid of death, there was still a big gap between them and the soldiers in the army. Many private soldiers fell on the way to the soldiers' charge.

Thousands of private soldiers were blocked by five hundred soldiers.

Xu You looked anxious when he saw this. There were nearly two thousand defenders at the north gate. If he couldn't open the city gate, the family who participated in the betrayal tonight would be unlucky.

"Master Xu, don't worry, as long as these people are dragged on, the city gate will be opened." Zhao Xu whispered.

Xu You nodded, his expression still calm.

It turned out that after Zhao Xu came to the north gate, he quietly replaced the soldiers guarding the city gate with his absolute henchmen. Now the Jizhou army is fighting against the private soldiers of the family, these people have played a vital role. .

Although the sound of the creaking and opening of the city gate was so weak in the ears of the two warring, it seemed so harsh. The reason why the Jizhou army fought so hard was to stop what might come later. And the state army.

Seeing the city gate opened, there was a faint call to kill from the city gate, Dian Wei did not hesitate to take the lead in the lead and kill towards the north gate.

The rumbling iron hoofs of Feiqi made many soldiers of the Jizhou Army pale, and Xu You took this opportunity to shout: "Now Feiqi has entered the city, and those who descend will not kill!"

After hearing Xu You’s shout, some generals changed their faces. They really did not expect that Xu You actually betrayed Jizhou. Otherwise, how could Xu You easily approach the north gate and lead the city gate to general Deng. L kill.

The power brought by the flying cavalry made many Jizhou army fearful. In the past, they had seen the powerful flying cavalry. Many soldiers chose to surrender when the flying cavalry rushed. Although they were elites of the Jizhou army. , They still value their lives very much. When the Jizhou Army cannot give them enough protection, they will still choose to surrender after struggling.

Many generals also put down their weapons, or turned to help Xu You deal with the Jizhou army, and the scene became more chaotic for a while.

However, there is no shortage of loyal and brave men in the Jizhou Army, and they still lead the soldiers and horses to support them, even after flying into the city, they will not retreat.

After the news that the North Gate was in chaos, Yuan Shao's expression changed drastically, and he hurriedly ordered Gao Xiangsa to send the cavalry in the city to the North Gate.

Suddenly, Yuan Shao felt that there were no generals in the Jizhou army at this time. In the original Hebei Sitingzhu, two people died in the battle, one surrendered, and one defeated. The pillars of the Jizhou army at the beginning have become the pillars of the Jizhou army. People's laughing stock makes Yuan Shao unavoidable to have a sad emotion.

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