Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1095: : Breaking Yecheng (5)

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"Lord, the major event is not good, but Xu You went to the north gate." Feng Ji's face was a little pale. He really didn't expect Xu You to behave like this. After all, Xu You is a heavy minister of Jizhou. Everything has to be started from the beginning. Besides, everyone knows how Lu Bu treats the aristocratic family. In his opinion, Xu You has no reason to betray Jizhou anyway.

But in the face of the **** facts, he had to believe it.

"What? Ziyuan actually betrayed Benhou?" Yuan Shao was surprised when he heard the news.

"Master, the enemy has entered the city." Feng Ji's tone was a little anxious.

"Xu You dared to betray the prince?" Yuan Shao still couldn't calm down. He didn't believe that everything would happen in front of him. No matter what, he and Xu You had a friendship between monarchs and ministers for many years, and Xu You contributed a lot to the development of Jizhou. Even if Jushou betrayed Jizhou, he did not believe Xu You would betray.

"Lord, now the Bingzhou army has entered the city, the situation in the city is very critical. In the opinion of his subordinates, we should evacuate Yecheng as soon as possible, and then we will see another day." Feng Ji said in silence for a moment.

Yuan Shao’s face suddenly became much older. The loss of Jizhou means that he has lost his advantage in the process of fighting for the power of the princes, and his power will be minimized. What Qingzhou is like, he knows very well. After Jizhou, it means defeat, which is not something Yuan Shao can tolerate.

"Xu You treated Benhou like this, even if Benhou loses Jizhou, he will not let the Xu family go." A crazy color flashed in Yuan Shao's eyes.

Feng Ji nodded helplessly. If he knew that his actions led to the Xu Family's betrayal, he would definitely not choose to weaken the Xu Family's power at this time.

After Feiqi entered the city, the Jizhou Army at the north gate of the inner city seemed so fragile in front of Feiqi. In the Jizhou Army, apart from the first ascending the dead, which could be longer and shorter with the cavalry, the rest of the cavalry were not a concern.

The double halberds flew, and the flying cavalry headed by Dianwei directly tore the Jizhou army's defense line, and defeated the Jizhou army with an unstoppable force.

Many soldiers of the Jizhou Army chose to surrender in front of the powerful flying cavalry. Both were Han Chinese. There was no psychological barrier when they surrendered. Besides, most of these soldiers were from Jizhou. Once Lu Bu became the lord of Jizhou, they would naturally Unwilling to flee with Yuan Shao, this is also the fundamental reason why Jizhou is Yuan Shao.

No matter how powerful the other princes are, as long as Jizhou is still there, these soldiers will follow Yuan Shao, and once Jizhou is lost, it means that they will lose their homes.

After most of the Union State Army and Youzhou Army entered the city, Yecheng was completely in a panic, but this panic was limited to the military. As long as the people stayed at home, there would be no worry about their lives. Of course, The defeated Jizhou army might have a butcher knife at them in madness.

Lü Bu led a thousand guards and came slowly towards the inner city. He knew that it would be difficult to kill Yuan Shao in this battle. The main reason was that the Union State Army was less than Yuan Shao in number, but he drove Yuan Shao out of Jizhou. It is imperative.

When the soldiers from Jizhou went to Xu's house, they flew into the air. Xu's family had already gone to the empty space. The angry general directly ordered the Xu's family to be set alight.

When the sky was twilight, the chaotic Yecheng gradually returned to silence. Teams of Bianzhou Army and Youzhou Army soldiers patrolled the streets. In the last night, the defeated Jizhou Army did not follow Yuan Shao to leave. , These people staying in Yecheng will cause unavoidable harm to the people of Yecheng.

It took less than two months to seize Yecheng. To Lu Bu's surprise, Yecheng was the foundation of Yuan Shao. Yuan Shao, who had been in Yecheng for many years, had a huge influence in the city.

Yuan Shao has been in Jizhou for many years, and there are not a few secretly loyal to Yuan Shao. These are all threats to Lu Bu's rule of Jizhou. What Lu Bu needs is a stable Jizhou, not a turbulent Jizhou. Jizhou is rich in grain and grass. With help, the Union State Army will avoid the shortcomings of lack of food and grass in the future battlefield.

The three armies did not move the grain and grass first, and more often they competed against the background of the princes. After the army is mobilized, it means that there will be a steady stream of grain and grass materials that need to be consumed.

Let’s say that Yuan Shao led the soldiers away in desperation. He encountered a lot of Bianzhou troops in the city. After rushing out of Yecheng, there were only more than 5,000 people around him. Yuan Shao's expression was a little worried. The turmoil in Yecheng caused more Jizhou. The army has no combat effectiveness, and when facing the Union State Army, more people choose to lay down their weapons and surrender. Otherwise, how could he have the situation now.

Looking back at Yecheng not far behind him, Yuan Shao gritted his teeth and said, "You will definitely come back when you come to Japan."

The important civilians and generals who followed Yuan Shao to leave Yecheng were full of fear and It can be seen that the Hezhou Army's attack on Yecheng caused a great shock to them.

"My lord, the current matter is to leave Jizhou." Feng Ji's face was ashes ashes. He escaped with Yuan Shao. However, the family members stayed in Yecheng, not only the families of many officials in Yecheng. Yecheng, this situation is extremely unfavorable for Yuan Shao. Not everyone can resolutely abandon their family members and follow Yuan Shao to Qingzhou for development.

Feng Jia’s efforts in Yecheng for many years have disappeared with the defeat of this battle. Looking back, Feng Ji feels a little regretful in his heart. Originally, Feng’s family was a well-known family in Jizhou, and was reused by Yuan Shao. If Feng’s family was in Jizhou, he would definitely be better. Come stronger.

Feng Ji attributed all this to Xu You's short-sightedness. If Xu You hadn't turned to Lu Bu, it would be very difficult to seize Yecheng with the strength of the Union State Army.

After this battle, they also understood that if Yuan Shao could not rise in Qingzhou at this time, he could only fall among the princes. Following such a monarch, there is no light for the time being, but he is in the army. But they can't help it.

Yuan Shao sighed, "It's a sigh that the tens of thousands of people in Jizhou were so defeated by Lu Bu."

"Lord, there are still 30,000 people in Qingzhou who can recruit good warriors, and there is no chance of returning to Jizhou." Feng Ji persuaded.

Yuan Shao nodded, a spark of hatred flashed in his eyes, and he and Lu Bu had reached an endless situation.

"Send the command to the army, speed up!" Yuan Shao ordered, not far from Yecheng. After Lv Bu pinged Yecheng, he would definitely not let the escaped Jizhou army so easily.

Suddenly, densely packed cavalry appeared on the left and right sides of the army, coming towards the Jizhou army with a rumble, it was the wolf cavalry that had not appeared at the time of the siege.

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