Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1096: : Yuan Shao escaped

A genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! Zhang Liao laughed and said: "Yuan Shao child, don't hurry to get off the horse and be surrendered!"

"Lord, it's a wolf cavalry." A counselor said with a pale face. The wolf cavalry's power has been reflected on the battlefield in Jizhou. The wolf cavalry has absolute impact against ordinary cavalry and soldiers.

Yuan Shao hummed coldly: "What about the wolf rider, Ju Yi, led the dead man to block the cavalry on the left, and Meng Dai led the cavalry to block the cavalry on the right."

At the critical moment, Yuan Shao showed the temperament that a monarch should possess. Yuan Shao’s calmness also gave Jizhou generals a lot of peace of mind. At this time, if the leader shows fear, the influence on his subordinates will be huge. Yuan Shao is still clear about this.

"Xiandeng dead soldier? Huh, this general will let you see that the wolf ride is powerful." Zhang Liao waved the hook and sickle in his hand, and rode his horse to the Xianden dead soldier.

If the ordinary cavalry encounters the fate of the first ascendant, it can only be a failure. However, this time the first ascendant encounters the wolf cavalry. The wolf cavalry with armor protection is invincible on the battlefield. The wolf is riding on the battlefield. To a certain extent, he was restrained from first advancing the dead, and this was the reason why Lu Bu asked Zhang Liao to retrain the wolf riding.

The first-dead soldiers in Jizhou pose a certain threat to the Bingzhou army. If the first-dead soldiers can be cut off, Yuan Shao will lose a lot of support.

The reason why the wolf cavalry restrains the first ascending the dead is manifested in its protection ability. When the first ascending the dead is difficult to cause damage to the wolf, the charge of the wolf can tear the formation of the first ascending the dead. This is absolute The benefits of impact.

Even if he understood the wolf riding method to a certain extent, after real contact with the wolf riding, Ju Yi couldn't help taking a breath.

"Let's release the arrow!" Ju Yi gave the order without hesitation when seeing the wolf riding in range.

The Xiandeng dead man is indeed an elite of the Jizhou army. Even in the current situation, he still maintained his composure. After hearing the order, the crossbowman did not hesitate to release the crossbow bolt in his hand.

There was no imaginary scene of the cavalry falling down. The armor collided with the crossbow bolt, only sparks at the starting point. Under one round of the crossbow bolt, only one wolf rider fell.

The crossbow arrow stimulated the wildness of the wolf ride to a greater extent.

The wolf cavalry collided with the shield soldiers of the Xianden Deathshi, and the powerful impact of the war horse made the Xianden Deathshi retreat non-stop.

The pikemen among the dead soldiers in Xianden had not had time to stab the pike at the wolf knight, but the machete of the wolf knight was ushered in. Even if the pikemen stabbed the wolf knight, the damage was minimized under the protection of the armor. .

After the collision of the three-wheeled wolf riders, the formation of the first deceased soldiers inevitably became disorganized, and more wolves followed by killing them, causing a **** storm among the first deceased soldiers, both of which were good at defense. The impact of the cavalry was fully demonstrated at this time.

The corner of Ju Yi's eyes kept shaking. This is definitely the first time that the first dead soldier has suffered such a heavy loss after training as an army. Even when he fought against the trapped camp before, the first dead soldier still maintained a stable formation.

Although Xian Deng's death soldier could barely maintain his formation when facing the wolf cavalry, his defeat was only a matter of time. Needless to say, the Jizhou army cavalry on the other side faced the wolf cavalry charge. The wolf cavalry was definitely against the Jizhou cavalry. Sweep.

Yuan Shao, who originally had high hopes for the first ascended the dead, will inevitably show fear after learning about the situation of the army. The first ascended the dead is now the greatest support of the Jizhou army. If the first ascended the dead are defeated by the wolf rider. After the middle, the consequences are unpredictable. Even if he leads the troops to Qingzhou, how many soldiers will be left behind.

The soldiers who followed Yuan Shao to escape from Yecheng this time were elite forces in the Jizhou Army, and they were beyond the reach of ordinary Jizhou Army soldiers.

"My lord, if we don't retreat, our army will be in danger. The lord is the body of ten thousand gold, leading the army to leave at the speed." Feng Ji persuaded.

Yuan Shao nodded, and led the rest of the soldiers and began to retreat.

The wolf rider did not intend to chase the Jizhou army, but was constantly consuming the strength of the Jizhou army on the battlefield. Zhang Liao’s intention was to make the Jizhou army feel scared on the battlefield. After all, the Jizhou army had just experienced a defeat, and morale was low. If it fails, the Jizhou Army will fall apart.

When Ju Yi saw Yuan Shao leading the army to leave, he retreated while fighting, but the wolf rider stayed behind the dead soldier of Xian Deng and followed him unhurriedly.

One day later, the Jizhou army finally got rid of the chase of the wolf cavalry. Yuan Shao breathed a sigh of relief and counted the soldiers and horses in the army. At this time, there were only more than 2,000 people left, mainly Jizhou. The failure of the army had a huge impact on the soldiers who escaped from Yecheng. They were originally in the panic of failure, even if they were elites, it was inevitable. Another failure made them disappointed in Yuan Shao, and they were also in the fleeing army. It makes sense.

Once this kind of escape occurs, it is difficult to stop and even some generals directly led their soldiers to escape collectively. After they have the strength in their hands, they can still be free in Jizhou and find a mountain. It is better to be a bandit than to follow Yuan Shao to the unknown Qingzhou.

"My lord, now the people in the army are panicking, so we should get to Qingzhou as soon as possible." Feng Ji looked worried and followed Yuan Shao to the present. This was the most dangerous time.

Yuan Shao's complexion looked even older. After successive failures, he left behind the rhetoric when he left Yecheng. He was not an open-minded person like Cao Cao. He learned that there were only more than two thousand soldiers left. People, after the death of Xian Deng lost more than two hundred people, a mouthful of blood could no longer be suppressed, and it spurted out.

"Master." The surrounding officials and generals hurriedly gathered.

After checking, the doctor said, "Yehou was caused by a panic attack. As long as he recuperates for a period of time, there will be no serious problems."

The situation of Yuan Shao made Jizhou officials and generals more worried.

In Yecheng, many people and aristocrats heard the movement in the city last night, and the shouts of killing from time to time in the city made them afraid to show up easily. In times of war, the best way is to hide at home.

Aristocratic families still have a certain ability to protect themselves in such turmoil. Ordinary people can't do it. There are private soldiers in the aristocratic family. Ordinary skirmishers do not dare to go, but ordinary people are where defeated fugitives escape.

Many civilians have suffered disasters due to the shock in the city. The fleeing Jizhou sergeants and soldiers did not let off the people they had once protected. When the soldiers in the army are in fear, they may make unimaginable actions and weak. The people have become their target.

The banner of the Jizhou Army on the front of the city was replaced by the banner of the Bingzhou Army. The rigor of the patrol soldiers in the city brought many fish caught by the Jizhou Army.

(End of this chapter)

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