Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1100: :beat

A genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (Top Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! Tian Fengdao: "Although I don't talk about reading poems and books, I understand the truth of harming my family."

"Mr. Tian will think about it after he goes back." Lu Bu said.

Later, Tian Feng was sent back to the Tian family by soldiers of the Union State Army, but there were many soldiers guarded by the Union State Army around Tian's house. After all, Tian Feng was an important figure in Jizhou.

After Xu You learned of this, he was not in a very good mood. When Yuan Shao was under Yuan Shao, he and Tian Feng had a lot of disharmony. Judging from Lu Bu’s performance, it is clear that he attached great importance to Tian Feng. After entering Yecheng from Lu Bu Xu You, who originally wanted to grow stronger in Yecheng, suddenly felt a lot of obstacles. At this time, Xu You could not help but think that when he was in the Bingzhou Army, Lu Bu did not make much promise, and Xu You was blinded by hatred at the time. Mind, it is undeniable that Lu Bu's words are very sincere, which makes Xu You impeccable.

Xu You was very clear about what the aristocratic family looked like under Bingzhou, and it was already extremely difficult for Lu Bu to treat the aristocratic family like this after entering the city.

After Zhen Yao returned to Zhen's house, he was called over by Zhang immediately.

Until the Bingzhou Army entered the city, the rest of the Zhen family knew that the Zhen family had already taken refuge in Lu Bu secretly. The people of the Zhen family were fortunate in secret, and even thought of taking the opportunity to expand after Lu Bu entered the city of Yecheng. The main focus is on business. If Lu Bu's support can be obtained, the growth of the family is just around the corner.

After listening to Zhen Yao’s story, Zhang said: “Now although the Zhen family has taken refuge in the Jin Hou, the family is not in danger, but it must not be taken lightly. Xu You is not an idle figure, and Jin Hou is not as good as Yuan Shao to the aristocratic family. Tolerate, people in the family have to be more cautious."

"Here." Zhen Yao clung to his hands, admiring his mother's foresight.

"Mother, the marriage promised by the Marquis Jin will not change, right?" This is where Zhen Yao worries the most.

Zhang smiled and said: "My son has been in charge of the Zhen family for a long time. Do you even have to mention something like this? What kind of person is the Jin Hou, and he keeps his promises, and when the Jin Hou promised, Jia Xuhe Mi Zhu was on the side, absolutely no reason to repent. When he arrived in the Hou Mansion with Mi'er's appearance, he would surely be able to make the Jin Hou fascinated. Recently, the Zhen family has secretly prepared for this, and must let Mi'er marry grace and glory."

Zhen Yao nodded and said that if Zhen Mi was able to marry Lv Bu, the influence of the Zhen family would be invisibly enhanced.

At this time, Zhang could not help but think of the words of the magnate Liu Liang, and Zhen Mi was not interested in the female celebrity, but she liked to read. She is a talented woman of the Zhen family. If she talks about talents, Zhen Yao is far better than Not on Zhen Mi's.

That night, Lu Bu hosted a banquet in the prefecture, entertaining the famous figures in the Jizhou family. During the banquet, Lu Bu was kind and relieved to the family in the city, which eased the tight mentality of many families.

During the dinner, Zhao Hong, the Patriarch of the Zhao family, said: "The Marquis of Jin, I heard that the aristocratic family in Bingzhou owned very few fields, and the Marquis of Jin gave most of the fields to ordinary people. I wonder if this is the case in Jizhou?"

A sharp look flashed in Lu Bu's eyes. He knew that the Zhao family was forcing him to express his opinion. If he treated the Jizhou family according to the same way that Bingzhou treated the family family, it would inevitably cause considerable turmoil in Jizhou. They are intertwined and intertwined, and they are extremely informed in terms of news. If the families of other counties in Jizhou receive bad news, it will be extremely unfavorable to Lu Bu's plan to quell Jizhou in a short time.

"Since you have taken refuge in this lord, you are the people under the rule of the lord, who treats them equally. This is the principle of the lord, whether it is ordinary people or aristocratic families, it is the same in the eyes of the lord, and if the state family follows the rules of the lord It won’t be what you imagined, and the same is true in Jizhou. Although Yecheng has just been captured by Benhou, Benhou needs a stable Jizhou." Lu Bu said in a deep voice.

Feeling the unhappiness in Lu Bu's tone, Xu You came out with a smile and said, "Patriarch Zhao is drunk."

Zhao Hong reacted and said, "Thank you Jinhou for telling me that the Zhao family will naturally cooperate with Jinhou."

Although the dinner seemed very lively, Lu Bu was keenly aware that the aristocratic families in Jizhou were not as honest on the surface. Among them, the aristocratic families headed by Xu You are not a few. It seems that Xu You relied on his own credit after entering the city. It is not that Lu Bu wants to see such a situation if he rarely expands his influence in the city.

Originally thought Xu You was a clever person, but he did not expect that his cleverness was temporarily blinded by greed.

However, Xu You had a great contribution to the army's suppression of Yecheng. Naturally, when he treated the heroes, others could not feel chilly.

After the banquet dissipated, Lu Bu stayed Xu You. He felt that he should remind Xu You and let Xu You put away the temporary After Xu You bowed his hands and saluted, he saw that Lu Bu had no words for a long time. , Xu You can only maintain the posture of saluting, and dare not make the slightest change. At this time, it is Lu Bu who is in charge of Yecheng. It can be said that only a word from Lu Bu can wipe out the powerful Xu family in the eyes of the family.

"I don't know how Ziyuan feels under Benhou?" Lu Bu asked.

Only then did Xu You dared to get up. After seeing Lu Bu's gaze, Xu You was alarmed in his heart and hurriedly said: "It is very good under the Lord's rule."

Lü Bu nodded and said, "Ziyuan must still remember what Benhou said when he was in the Bingzhou Army."

Xu You nodded repeatedly.

"What Benhou needs is a stable Jizhou. If someone destroys it, even if the fish die and the net is broken, Benhou will not hesitate. I think I have some understanding of Benhou's methods."

"Subordinates swear to follow the lord." Xu You saluted again.

Lü Bu sighed: "Benhou's treatment of the aristocratic family may seem extreme to outsiders, but it is precisely because of the benevolence that Benhou treated the people that he has the strength of the Bingzhou Army today, and Ziyuan must be able to see the key."

Xu You agrees on the surface, but he does not agree. In his opinion, a prince wants to become stronger without the support of the family. For example, the reason why Jizhou is now broken by the Bingzhou army is because of the city. Yuan Shao’s family and Yuan Shao had different cognitions. Otherwise, the number of the Union State Army would be doubled, and it would be very difficult to break through Yecheng.

Regardless of whether Xu You can hear it or not, Lu Bu still does not hope that one day Xu You and him will be on the opposite side. Although Jizhou is panicked today, Lu Bu is confident that Jizhou will be reorganized properly. As long as there is a strong army guarding it, it must be subtly. Some things can be changed, Binzhou and Youzhou are good examples.

(End of this chapter)

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