Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1101: : River View

The genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! Just like the current Youzhou, if a family dares to stray in the city, the first thing to disagree with is the people, when the people have themselves After their interests, they will be like a family, desperate for their own interests.

Of course, the interests of the people can play a leading role as a ruler. In this way, the power of the people can be used by the ruler, and the role played is extremely powerful, and the people naturally hope that under such monarchs .

After Xu You left, Lu Bu fell into contemplation. His attitude towards the Jizhou family is a very important issue. The most important thing at the moment is to completely stabilize Jizhou, and the first thing to do to make Jizhou stable It is to let the family settle down. This cannot be denied.

The situation in Jizhou is different from Bingzhou. The aristocratic family's background is too strong, and a series of problems will follow. The aristocratic family does not want to lose everything in front of him, and Lu Bu wants to make the people feel attached to him. It can be said that he and Yuan Shao It is at two extremes. Yuan Shao can ignore the people for the sake of the family, while Lu Bu abandons the family for the people when he acted. Two completely different behaviors are effective. However, after the ruler has pleased the family, it is Can't really control the behavior of aristocratic family, but Lu Bu can bring the people under the rule to his heart. After such a comparison between the two, he can make a judgment.

"In any case, the aristocratic family in Jizhou will be weakened after all. After Jizhou is stabilized, everything will be clear." Lu Bu murmured.

For Yuan Shao who fled to Qingzhou, Lu Bu did not intend to attack for the time being. The weather was getting colder. After the state army went through successive battles, the soldiers were tired and needed to rest. It can be said that the Bingzhou army has not stopped the campaign this year, and will first be entrenched in Chang'an. After many years of defeating Li Yu, Guo Bang and others, they faced the danger of the princes’ army attacking Bingzhou, and then attacking Jizhou. Three huge battles in succession caused huge consumption of Bingzhou.

Expendable items such as thunderbolt carts and bed crossbows need to be transported from Bingzhou once they are broken, and the consumption along the way is a lot of money. In wars, more often than not, the competition is food and grass.

On the battlefield, the cavalry of the Union State Army lost many of them. Supplementing the cavalry was the most expensive. Fortunately, the Union State had its own racecourse, which greatly reduced the cost. Putting it on the princes, I wanted to lose so much of the cavalry. Add it back, it definitely hurts the bones.

After the defeat of the Yanzhou Army and the Jiangdong Army outside Huguan, it would be difficult to truly recover within two or three years. Of course, the territory under Cao Cao's rule was slightly larger, and the speed of recovery was faster, but Jiangdong's strength was sharp after this war. decline.

Hejian’s status in Jizhou has always been more important. However, Hejian is close to Youzhou, and there are not a few soldiers and horses that need to be stationed. Hejian provides Jizhou with a large amount of food and grass every year. If Youzhou falls In Yuan Shao's hands, the number of soldiers and horses that Jizhou can mobilize can increase by 20,000 to 30,000, which is why Yuan Shao does not want Youzhou to fall into Lu Bu's hands.

As Changshan, Zhongshan, Hejian and Youzhou are close to each other, even when there is no war, a large number of soldiers and horses are required to be stationed in the three places, which greatly affects the strength of the Jizhou army.

In Jizhou, in addition to Yecheng, Hejian and Qinghe had the largest number of aristocratic families. When the Han Dynasty was strongest, Jizhou's aristocratic families were not weak. Years of heritage gave the aristocratic families a great say in Jizhou. The reason why Yuan Shao occupied Jizhou so easily at the beginning was inseparable from the support of the family. Of course, Yuan Shao was also good to the family of Jizhou. Over the years, the strength of the Jizhou army has been rapidly improved.

Had it not been for Lu Bu's birth, Yuan Shao would have already brought Youzhou into his hands.

Among the aristocratic families in Hejian, the Zhang family and the Liu family are the largest. The two families have absolute right to speak in Hejian. Even if the officials sent by Jizhou to Hejian, they need to visit the two families in advance. It is also not imaginable for ordinary people to have a family property. For example, over half of the fields in the river are controlled by the two families.

Hejian has become the territory of Zhang Family and Liu Family, even if the aristocratic family of Yecheng wants to intervene in it, it is difficult to do it.

After Wei Jun was defeated and returned to Hejian, Gao Lan immediately recruited soldiers in the city and trained hard. He could feel that a big battle would break out in Jizhou. The strength displayed by the wolf cavalry was too amazing. Fang, but the strength of the wolf cavalry is too strong, in the face of absolute strength, even if the combat ability of a general is strong, it is difficult to do everything.

What's more, the Jizhou army at that time was not elite, and when faced with a powerful enemy, they would flee.

After Yecheng was defeated, the news that Yuan Shao led his troops to flee to Qingzhou spread to Hejian, which caused a lot of turmoil in Hejian. After Yuan Shao was famous, he had a great reputation in the mentioned And who in the Yuan family does not know the fourth generation and the third grandfather, this is also the reason why many aristocratic families are willing to support Yuan Shao, because the Yuan family itself is a powerful family of the Han Dynasty.

After Guo Yuan was defeated in Zhongshan, he fled to the river, and gathered with Gao Lan's soldiers and horses, but there were more than 5,000 people.

Gao Lan glanced at the Zhang family’s advocacy of Qian and Liu’s patron Liu Chang in the room, and slowly said: “Now that Jizhou is in a critical condition, and the lord is defeated and left for Qingzhou, Lu Bu will certainly not let Hejian so easily. Lu Bu’s army will soon I will come to Hejian. At this time of crisis in Jizhou, you should work together to overcome the difficulties and fight to repel the enemy."

Gao Lan has absolute confidence in Yuan Shao. If he can hold Hejian, it will be of vital importance for Yuan Shao to lead his troops to take over Jizhou again in the future.

Zhang Qian stroked his white beard and nodded: "General Gao said that Hejian is an important place in Jizhou, and Hejian City is high and deep. It cannot be broken by the Union State Army, but the family in the city must Work together so that we can hold the river."

Liu Chang said, "That's the case. The reason why Yecheng was broken by the Bingzhou Army was because of Xu You's betrayal. If these treachery villains fall into our hands in the future, they will surely die without a dead body."

Compared with Zhang Qian, Liu Chang is a bit more radical. Zhang Qian is nearly sixty years old, and he has gone through many more things than Liu Chang, who is in his 30s.

"There are two patriarchs helping each other, and the state army is not afraid of it. Now there are 5,300 warriors in the city. Although there were 3,000 conscripts in the city not long ago, these soldiers have just been trained. The only thing that worries this general is the Thunderbolt of the Union State Army. The reason why the Union State Army is victorious is that in addition to the high morale of the army, it also has unique features in its equipment." Gao Landao.

(End of this chapter)

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