Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1111: : Zhen's daughter

A genius remembers this site address in one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! Cyan shirt, white gauze covering the face, graceful figure, although he did not see Zhen Mi's true face, Lu Bu can feel Zhen Zhen Mi is definitely a stunning woman who loves her country and the city. Shopping with these women is definitely a heart-warming thing. Everyone has a heart for beauty.

At the beginning, Zhen Mi looked a little shy. After all, it was the first time to walk on the street with a strange man. In this era, women who did not come out of the cabinet rarely went out, and their true face and name could not be easily known by others.

However, after a conversation, Lu Bu was surprised to find that Zhen Mizhi's knowledge was so profound. During the conversation, it gave people a sense of elegance. This situation surprised Lu Bu.

The appearance of Zhen Mi has made the pedestrians in the past look at him frequently.

"Fortunately, Miss Zhen seldom goes out, otherwise, Yecheng might be messed up a lot." Lu Bu smiled.

A blush flashed across Zhen Mi’s pretty face, and she lowered her head slightly. When Lu Bu was looking at her, she didn’t look at Lu Bu. Looking at the world, Lu Bu is definitely standing on the pinnacle of power, sitting in Jizhou, Bingzhou, and Youzhou. And the land of Sansuke, this kind of strength is absolutely unattainable by ordinary princes.

"Jin Hou was joking, the little girl is vulgar and vulgar, how can she compare with Jin Hou's wives." Zhen Mi replied in a low voice.

Lü Bu smiled slightly and understood Zhen Mi's careful thoughts. It was clear that he was worried about the situation after Bingzhou, but Lü Bu did not give a positive answer. It seemed that seeing the beautiful lady worried is a very pleasing thing.

"Miss Zhen will not call Jinhou later, so as not to be recognized by others. Although Yecheng is occupied by the Bingzhou Army, there are many people in the city who hate the Bingzhou Army." Lu Bu whispered.

Zhen Mi nodded and said, "The little girl will call her brother elder."

"Naturally." Lu Bu's expression was slightly stagnant, as if thinking of some past events.

The scene fell into silence for a while, and Lü Bu realized that he had unknowingly walked to the place where the people of Yecheng usually buy things.

After a cursory glance, Lu Bu frowned slightly. Jinyang has a specially built market for the people and businessmen to do business. The order is in order, but in Yecheng it is slightly chaotic.

Along the way, the heritage of Yecheng is very powerful. At this point, Lu Bu had to admit that if Jinyang could be like Yecheng at the beginning, Jinyang would definitely be more prosperous at this time.

Yecheng is divided into an inner city and an outer city. The outer city is basically ordinary people living in the inner city, but the people living in the inner city are well-known figures in Jizhou. This is the same as Jinyang, but in all important cities, They are divided into inner and outer cities.

"Bafang Restaurant?" Lu Bu looked at the sign not far away and smiled: "I don't want to have a Bafang restaurant in Yecheng. Why don't we go to the restaurant for a while?"

Zhen Mi nodded. On the way, she was observing Lv Bu silently. She occasionally saw Lv Bu smiling and frowning frequently, but she was a little unsure. So, if the situation in Yecheng still makes Lv Bu dissatisfied, only It can be said that Lu Bu's vision is too critical. Of course, Zhen Mi had only heard of Jinyang before, but had never really seen it. He didn't understand what a powerful city should look like in Lu Bu's eyes.

Lu Bu is naturally no stranger to Bafang Restaurant. Xu You was able to choose Bingzhou this time because of Bafang Restaurant. Lu Bu was curious that Bafang Restaurant continued to exist, but he didn’t know where the business people belonged to. In Jizhou, as long as Seeing the shops, it must have something to do with the family. This is also the current situation in Yecheng.

Otherwise, after Lu Bu occupied Yecheng, how could he make Yecheng's aristocratic family so arrogant, and if it was against the aristocratic opponents, it would cause Jizhou's strength to be greatly compromised, and it would not be conducive to the rule of the Union State Army.

After choosing a private room, Lu Bu ordered some wine and dishes, looked at Zhen Mi who was standing aside and said, "Miss Zhen doesn't have to be so formal, just sit down."

Zhen Mi hesitated for a moment and followed Lu Bu's orders. Under her polite appearance, Zhen Mi was a young girl with her curiosity. In the eyes of outsiders, how strong Lu Bu was, she had been in contact for half a day. , I felt a different Lu Bu.

From Lu Bu’s questioning, it can be seen that Lu Bu is very concerned about the situation of ordinary people. Between his words, he feels a little easy-going. The most attractive thing is the self-confidence revealed in Lu Bu.

After the food and wine came up, Lu Bu smiled and said, "Could Miss Zhen plan to have a meal like this?"

Zhen Mi's face was flushed, and she uncovered her veil in front of a strange man, which was extremely rude to a woman who had not come out of the cabinet.

"Since Miss Zhen calls Benhou's elder brother, she doesn't need to be so polite in front of Benhou. Is it possible that after Miss Zhen arrives at the Hou Mansion, she still can't cover her face with such a white veil?"

Zhen Miyu's hand trembled and untied the After seeing Zhen Mi’s true face, even with Lu Bu’s mind, she couldn’t help being sluggish. Different beauty, from Zhen Mi's body, Lu Bu feels more noble temperament.

But who is Lu Bu, surprised, and his eyes regained Qingming. "People say that the daughter of the Zhen family has the beauty of the country and the beauty of heaven. When I saw it today, I honestly did not deceive me."

Zhen Mi's complexion became even more red. Sitting opposite Lu Bu always made her feel uneasy. Don't say that she has no status with Lu Bu now, and even if she arrives at the Hou Mansion later, she cannot have such a transgressive behavior. .

"Ms. Zhen doesn't have to be so cautious. Just now when she was walking around Yecheng, where did the self-confident Miss Zhen go? Benhou is not a man of etiquette."

Seeing Lü Bu's remarks, Zhen Mi was completely relieved.

After the two chatted for a while, a loud noise suddenly came from outside the door.

Lu Bu frowned slightly. It is said that this restaurant was the property of the Xu family before, and after the state army occupied Yecheng, the Xu family must take the restaurant back. With the power of the Xu family, there must be no people who dare to make trouble in the restaurant.

After listening for a while, Lu Bu understood the whole story.

Outside the door, a man in his twenties with a pale face yelled dissatisfiedly: "My son has set a private room in the restaurant before. Could it be that the owner of the restaurant has failed to bully my son."

"Gongzi Li, maybe the servant in the restaurant didn't remember clearly. After the guests leave, he must arrange for him as soon as possible. The restaurant will be responsible for all the drinks." Although the weather is a bit cold, the shopkeeper of the restaurant has a faint look on his forehead. Sweat.

Li Cheng coldly snorted: "Is this young man like a person who lacks money? My young man's friend is about to go to the restaurant now, but you told him that there is no room. How did this young man raise his head in Yecheng."

(End of this chapter)

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