Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1112: :Arrogant family

Genius remembers this site address in one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! The restaurant shopkeeper looked at Li Cheng, but there was nothing he could do. It turned out that after the Union State Army entered the city, the Xu family was reminded by Lu Bu But it was a lot more stable, and did not extend his hand to the restaurant. Today, the Bafang Restaurant is still in the hands of the Liu family, who was attached to the Fengjia. After the decline of the family, the Xu family did not move. How can other families tolerate the huge Bafang Restaurant. The fat is still in the hands of others, and that's what happened today.

"This room, my son wants, no matter who is in it, let him go out first." Li Chengdao.

The shopkeeper of the restaurant repeatedly apologized, but he didn't dare to do it like this. When doing business in a restaurant, he also pays attention to face. If what happened in the Bafang restaurant spreads out, it would be difficult to establish a foothold in Yecheng. All of them are people with faces and faces. After all these things happen, who will come to Bafang Restaurant?

Even after the turmoil in Yecheng, the business of Bafang Restaurant is still very good.

Seeing that the shopkeeper hadn't moved for a long time, Li Cheng said coldly, "Maybe it's impossible for your Excellency to have the Li family in your eyes."

Yanbi winked at the guard on the side.

The two guards understood, and kicked the door open.

Originally, Lu Bu had the attitude that more is better than less, but he did not expect that these people would actually bully him.

After Li Cheng walked into the room, he automatically filtered Lv Bu, who looked slightly angry, and stared at Zhen Mi who was opposite Lv Bu with piercing eyes, and a blush appeared on his pale face.

"My son." A guard reminded in a low voice that when he came out, the guards at home had been told, but now the city is under the jurisdiction of the Union State Army, so you must be extra cautious. It is extremely disadvantageous for the family.

Feeling Li Cheng's scorching gaze, Zhen Mi hurriedly covered her veil, lowered her head, and stood behind Lu Bu in a panic.

Only then did Li Cheng react from the shock.

The shopkeeper of the restaurant obviously did not expect Li Cheng to act like this, and hurriedly stepped forward to apologize: "Today is our restaurant's poor reception, and our restaurant is responsible for all the expenses of the guests."

Li Cheng pushed the shopkeeper away and said angrily: "Dare to delay the good things of my son." It turned out that the restaurant shopkeeper just blocked Li Cheng's sight.

Lu Bu slowly got up, although there was no words, the slight pressure on his body made the atmosphere in the room a lot more dignified.

Li Cheng condensed his cynicism and walked to Lu Bu and bowed his hands in a salute: "It's the Li Family Li Cheng in the next place, I don't know who this is?"

Lu Bu squinted at Li Cheng for a moment, but said nothing.

"My father is Yecheng Lingye, and I really like this girl here." Yanbi Licheng cast his gaze at Zhen Mi again, and said with a smile: "I don't know the name of the young lady?"

As soon as the voice fell, Li Cheng only felt a huge force coming from him, but it was Lu Bu who was holding his ribs, unable to withstand such a huge force, and Li Cheng flew out for a long distance.

The guards who followed Li Cheng hurriedly raised Li Cheng in a hurry.

Li Cheng looked at Lu Bu's gaze full of anger. In the past, when he was in the city, he only needed to mention the Li family in Yecheng, who didn’t sell a face, and Li Cheng had experienced many women at a young age, and it was also in Yecheng. A well-known **** person, he was shocked when he saw Zhen Mi now, thinking how to get Zhen Mi in his heart, but he did not expect that Lu Bu was so bold and dared to attack him.

As soon as his eyes rolled, Li Chengji came to his mind, and he had naturally heard about the events after the state army occupied Yecheng. The consequences of Lu Bu's actions must be serious. Besides, his father Li Gao was Yecheng Ling only needs to operate a little, this woman still has to fall into his hands.

Zhen Mi got up and hid behind Lu Bu. Although she came from the Zhen family, she was always a weak woman, and she would inevitably be a little panicked when danger came.

"The arrest of these people actually beat this young man in the city for no reason." Li Cheng, supported by the guards, stood up with difficulty and shouted.

"I also hope that Young Master Li can see the face of Bafang Restaurant and let this guest go. Bafang Restaurant did something wrong." The shopkeeper of the restaurant said in front of the guard.

The two guards pulled the shopkeeper aside and cursed: "What are you, so how can my son give you face?"

Li Cheng smiled and said: "If this woman can follow this young man, then the matter will be fine. My father, Yecheng Ling, after receiving Jinhou's order, he dare not slacken in the slightest. You dare to be here in the city. Don’t you be afraid of going to jail if you act like this."

Zhen Mi looked at Li Cheng with a cold gaze. Although the name of the Li family rarely went out, she had heard of it. Unexpectedly, after the Union State Army entered the city, the Li family would dare to act so arrogantly. When he touched Lu Bu's head, this incident might be the beginning of Lu Bu's hands on the Yecheng family.

At this time, although Yecheng was calm on the surface, it was actually undercurrents. The family was thinking about how to get enough benefits from the turmoil in Yecheng, but because of Lu Bu, they didn’t do anything. Regarding the rules laid down by Lu Bu, no family dared to violate the rules at this time, as can be seen from Li Cheng's attitude.

Seeing Lü Bu's silence, Li Cheng snorted coldly: "If that's the case, don't blame this son for being merciless. You guys go up and grab this person and send it to the government office."

After receiving Li Cheng's orders, several guards took out the ring head knife. As the guards of the family, it is very common to carry war blades when going out.

Dian Wei, who had been secretly observing the movement in the room outside the door, saw that these guards dared to use their weapons, and yelled, and led six guards into the room. He originally thought that they were under the rule of the Bingzhou Army, even if these people were arrogant. I didn't dare to go too far, but now it seems that I underestimated these aristocratic families and kicked the door open when the guards did not respond. Originally, Dian Wei wanted to go forward. After receiving the hint from Lu Bu, he temporarily suppressed it. Stayed out of anger.

They know Lu Bu's martial arts, but beside Lu Bu, there is the daughter of the Zhen family. This woman will become Lu Bu's wife. If something goes wrong, can they still call Lu Bu's guard.

The change in the room was so sudden that the shopkeeper of the restaurant, who was being beaten by the Li family's guard, could not react for a while, and even forgot the pain he felt on his body.

When going out, with so many guards in secret, Lu Bu is obviously not an ordinary person.

Li Cheng saw Dian Wei and others who suddenly appeared in the room, and smiled instead: "I didn't expect that you still have subordinates. But I heard that there are many relics of Yuan Shao in Yecheng. My father is investigating this matter recently."

After receiving Li Cheng's hint, one of the guards hurriedly left.

(End of this chapter)

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