Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1123: :plot

A genius remembers this site address in one second: (Top Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! Facing the invitation of the Liu family, the family naturally dare not neglect, and even the family of other counties in Jizhou sent people to come to celebrate their birthdays. Time was busy in front of Liu's house.

After Xu You heard the news, he knew that the Liu family, who was unwilling to be lonely, was ready to make a move. In the past, the Liu family had a lot of influence in Jizhou’s officialdom. After losing all of this, how could the Liu family be reconciled.

However, Xu You did not intend to act. When appointing Jizhou officials, Lü Bu merely gave him the status of a military division. The position of military division is not small or big. If the military division has certain power, even Officials from ordinary prefectures and counties must respectfully respect them after seeing them. For example, Guo Jia, although he is a military division, has absolute influence in Youzhou, especially in the Youzhou Army. Even Chen Tian cannot compete with Guo Jia. On par.

Xu You understands that now that Jizhou wants to be completely stabilized, it needs to deal with the relationship with the family. The Zhang family and Zhao family were suddenly eradicated, which has made the Jizhou family more vigilant. They will not go easily. Believe that Lu Bu, they will feel at ease only if they have enough strength in their hands.

People in the aristocracy are more focused on the interests of the family. For the interests of the family, they can do things that ordinary people can't imagine.

Land is one of the things that the aristocratic family strives for. To measure the strength of a family, the superficial thing is to see how much land the family controls. If the method of Bingzhou is followed, the family in Jizhou will lose the land in their hands. After the fields, the strength of the aristocratic family will be greatly reduced, and this is something that all aristocratic families cannot tolerate.

The excitement of the Xu family also attracted Gu Yong’s attention. Jizhou is now at a critical moment. Lu Bu’s departure made his shoulders heavier. Two officials were assassinated. This incident was in Jizhou’s officialdom. This caused a lot of turbulence.

"Zhongzhi, now the undercurrents of Jizhou are surging. The Xu family invites the family from Jizhou to the Xu family in the name of birthdays at this time. I am afraid that they want to do something." Gu Yong said.

Xin Ping looked worried. As one of the great families in Jizhou, he was naturally aware of the influence of the Liu family in Jizhou. At this point, it was far from the Xin family's ability to compare, especially the Liu family and other Jizhou families. The forces between the two are intertwined, and even Xin Ping can't guarantee whether someone in the family is secretly implicated in the Liu family.

"Master Gu, the strength of the Liu family should not be underestimated." Xin commented.

"Zhongzhi, in your opinion, how to deal with this matter? Two officials have been assassinated now, and there is no news about the assassin." Gu Yong said.

Xin Ping frowned slightly. He suddenly felt that Jizhou’s aristocratic family was not as simple as he had imagined. After choosing Lu Bu, it meant that Xin’s family might be regarded as enemies by Jizhou’s aristocratic family. If it succeeds, The Xin family will go further, and the result after the failure is not what Xin Ping wants to see.

As if seeing Xin Ping’s concern, Gu Yong smiled and said, “Could it be that Zhongzhi didn’t have confidence in the lord? Back then, when the lord entered Bingzhou, there were only a few thousand soldiers and horses in his hand, but within a few years, Ping down Bingzhou, sweeping Xianbei, and possessing a huge governing land. No matter how powerful the Jizhou family is, it is nothing more than a family. If the lord is determined to eradicate all Jizhou’s family, Zhongzhi thinks Jizhou’s family will still be like this. Is it safe?"

Xin Ping's brows trembled violently for a few times. Other princes would choose to do this. He didn't believe it. However, it was not impossible for Lu Bu to put such a thing on Lu Bu's body. Lu Bu's military power was strong and Jizhou family was too much. , Once Lu Bu was angered, the consequences would not be borne by the Jizhou family.

"Of course, the official was ordered to govern Jizhou, and naturally hoped that Jizhou would be stable and strong, but the family who secretly wanted to be enemies of the prefecture can not stay." Gu Yong's words revealed a faint killing intent.

"The humble duty must do everything possible to help the adults calm Jizhou." Xin Ping subdued his hands.

The Liu family is brightly lit. The head of the Liu family, Liu Feng, is already sixty years old. He has white hair and beard, but he is energetic and smiles. He feels extremely kind.

But all those who appeared in the hall were families that had good relations with the Liu family in Jizhou, and were worthy of the trust of the Liu family. These families were also the reason why the Liu family was so strong in Jizhou. Many of them were It was the Liu family who secretly supported it.

After drinking for three rounds, Liu Feng nodded to the butler on the side. The butler understood and walked outside the door. The unrelated people also left the hall. Outside the hall, there were densely guarded by Liu's guards, idlers, etc. It is difficult to approach.

The people sent by the family are all people with a certain right to speak in each family. They understand that this time the Liu family's call must have important matters to discuss, and under Lu Bu's rule Jizhou did give them a sense of breathlessness. There have been many unlucky families in recent times. The reason is the rules under Lu Bu's rule.

How could it be possible that the aristocratic family wanted to rise up, and there was nothing illegal about these things, and these things were tolerated by Yuan Shao, the former ruler of Jizhou. Nowadays, the officials appointed by Lu Bu suddenly investigated the aristocratic family. How could there be no problem? So, some The family is unlucky.

Aristocratic families occupies a lot of fields, and these fields became the property of Jizhou. Many aristocratic families in the city have suffered different degrees of loss. Such a situation gives them a sense of anxiety. If it develops in accordance with the situation, The aristocratic families in Jizhou will gradually withdraw from people's vision.

The reason why Yuan Shao so easily seized Jizhou from Han Fu's hands was inseparable from the support of the family. Originally, the Yuan family represented by Yuan Shao was the most powerful family of the Han Dynasty.

The fourth generation and the third grandfather, the Yuan family's protégés and deceased officials are all over the world, and they have a decisive influence in the aristocratic family, but now all this is accompanied by Yuan Shao's departure, which has caused great changes in Jizhou.

"I think you all have a deep understanding of the current situation in Jizhou. Although you are old and old, you don't want to see the Liu family being weakened so gradually, and then disappear in Jizhou." Liu Feng glanced at everyone and said slowly.

Zhu Yan, the head of the Zhu family, wept bitterly when he heard that, "I hope that the head of the Liu family will be the master of my family. Now officials in Jizhou are secretly investigating the Zhu family, and the family’s fields have been damaged by 50%."

The rest of the aristocratic families also felt it, and criticized the officials under Lu Bu's rule.

"I also hope that Patriarch Liu will be the master for me." Everyone said one after another.

(End of this chapter)

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