Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1124: : Jia Xu's Policy

A genius remembers this site address in one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! Seeing that everyone’s emotions have been completely mobilized, Liu Feng slowly said: "Lü Bu is not benevolent, so treat me and other families like this, so stop blaming me Waiting for the injustice, your seven families have a strong influence in Jizhou. After you go back, you should prepare carefully. The old man will also win over other aristocratic families in Yecheng."

Everyone nodded and said yes, with madness in their eyes. When the ruler was unfavorable to the family, they would not have the slightest softness. The existence of Lu Bu made the Jizhou family feel a huge crisis.

After everyone left, Liu Feng kept Zhu Yan, the owner of the Zhu family, and Yao Ying, the owner of the Yao family.

"Liu Family Master." Zhu Yan and Yao Ying bowed respectfully. In Yecheng, the two families are not weak, but they dare not show the slightest prestige in front of Liu Feng, because they understand the strength of the Liu family. How powerful it is.

"The two Patriarchs don't need to be polite. If it were not for the danger of the Jizhou family, the old man would definitely not take action." Liu Feng stroked his beard.

"All follow the instructions of the old Patriarch."

Liu Feng said: "Now Lv Bu has left Jizhou temporarily, but it is the opportunity for me to wait. There are five thousand troops in Yecheng. This is the biggest threat I wait for. If you can draw the generals of the generals for your own use, then Yecheng will Will fall into my hands."

"The old Patriarch and Binzhou Army are extremely loyal to Lu Bu. It is extremely difficult to win over the generals in the army." Zhu Yan said.

Liu Feng smiled and said: "As long as it is human, there will be weaknesses. Besides, there are many soldiers who surrendered from the Jizhou army in the city at this time. It would be much easier to start with these people."

A bright light flashed in Yao Ying's eyes, and he whispered: "If you start with the surrendered Jizhou sergeant, there are some ways to go down."

Liu Feng nodded. The Yao family had a strong influence in the army. Although the Jizhou army was defeated by Lu Bu, there were still soldiers who surrendered carefully selected and stayed.

"I heard that Zhang Yun has already occupied the Bohai Sea, and he is on his way back to Yecheng. Except for Zhang Yun's 500 riders, the rest are all Jizhou army soldiers. It would be much simpler if he were to start with Zhang Yun. ." Liu Feng said.

"What should I do after the rebellion?" Zhu Yan asked, this is also his most worrying issue. Launching a rebellion is just a matter of order, and the ensuing retaliation is not something that the family can afford, and how powerful the state army is. They know very well that once Lu Bu is angered, they can imagine what the consequences will be.

When Lu Bu was in Jizhou, the family was very cautious, for fear that they would offend Lu Bu, but the things of the Zhao family and Zhang family are vividly remembered.

Liu Feng squinted his eyes and said: "There is no need to worry about this matter. The old man secretly ordered someone to go to Qingzhou and told Yehou. Only after you act, Yehou will lead his troops back to Jizhou. Once Yehou returns to Jizhou, those secretly The forces supporting Lu Bu will disappear."

"Of course, this matter is a great risk. If it succeeds, I will become one of the most powerful families in Jizhou. If it fails, I am afraid it will disappear in Jizhou."

Although Zhu Yan and Yao Ying thought of this result, after they really said it from Liu Feng, they still couldn't stop being frightened. This was a moment related to the fate of the family. If they were not careful, they would become the biggest in the family. sinner.

"After you go back, you must be cautious in your affairs, and there must be no leakage." Liu Feng exhorted.

"Here." The two solemnly bowed and left, thinking about how to start with the generals in the army.

On the surface, Yecheng is still stable, but Gu Yong has a feeling that a storm is about to come. At this time, Jizhou has reached the most sensitive moment. A little thing may become the beginning of the outbreak of the aristocratic family.

When the Gu family was in Jiangdong, he was not a weak family. He was very clear about the energy of the family. The power of the family lies in what they control. Once the family feels emergency, even the ruler will feel it. A huge threat.

After Zhang Yun led the troops to seize the Bohai Sea, he obeyed Lu Bu's order and appointed Zhu Ling as the chief general of Bohai County. The officials did not make much change, and then led the troops back to Yecheng. At this time, Yecheng's troops were not many, so Zhang Yun returned After arriving in Yecheng, Yecheng's strength can be strengthened a lot.

If Lu Bu was in Yecheng, such a move would definitely be no problem. The key point is that now the princes in Jizhou are Gu Yong. In terms of influence in the army, Gu Yong is much weaker than Lu Bu and Guo Jia.

After a short while and half a month later, Lv Bu did not rush back to Jizhou after handling Cai Yong's funeral in Bingzhou. Bingzhou is the foundation of Lv Bu. It is the kingly way to make Bingzhou stronger. What happened in Jizhou is after Jinyang.

Lu Bu's expression was full of coldness, and the family dared to take action on the officials who sent the past. These officials who mobilized from the state of Bingzhou all have a strong ability, and the death of one person is a great loss. .

Most of these officials came from the Jinyang Academy. They were Lu Bu’s disciples. They were naturally dismissive of Lu Bu’s unusual family. As poor people, they were more able to appreciate the actual benefits that the Bingzhou policy brought to the people. , Can also understand Lu Bu's good intentions.

"Wenhe, as soon as Benhou left Jizhou, Jizhou's aristocratic family secretly started small actions." Lu Bu turned his gaze to Jia Xu, who was aside.

"My lord, although Jizhou's aristocratic family is strong, if too gentle measures are adopted, it will give them an illusion, and perhaps make them even more rampant." Jia Xu said slowly.

"Wenhe meant that Benhou should take more tough measures?" Lu Bu wondered. After all, the power of the Jizhou family is huge, and the situation in Jizhou is not better than that of Bingzhou.

Jia Xu said: "The lord, even though the Jizhou family is powerful, the Binzhou army is powerful. As long as the lord is willing, only one order is needed. Who dares to move the Jizhou family? Shadow guards or flying eagle soldiers followed, secretly inquiring about the Jizhou family, and completely eradicating these families from Jizhou, Jizhou will surely be stable after a short period of turmoil."

Lü Bu nodded slightly. Although Jia Xu’s strategy was very vicious, it was a feasible one. He had already seen clearly that these aristocratic families were completely considering issues from the perspective of the family. In their eyes, there were no ordinary people, ordinary people just They are nothing more than a tool for profit.

"If the Jizhou aristocratic family is too much, Benhou wouldn't mind adopting such methods. Since the aristocratic families in the world have a lot of words about the Benhou, why should the Benhou care about their opinions." Lu Bu said in a deep voice.

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(End of this chapter)

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