Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1125: : Conscription

The genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! When in Jizhou, the reason for the slow strategy is not only because the family is strong, Lu Bu needs the Jizhou family Talent.

It is impossible to rely on military commanders to govern the locality, and most of the talents come from family members. This cannot be denied. Even if the students of Jinyang Academy are still a little bit inferior in knowledge than those of the aristocratic family, as long as the Jizhou family is right He has a sense of attachment, and the role he will play in the future will be huge.

"Wenhe, although Bingzhou is stable today, it must not be taken lightly. After this war against the princes, the lieutenant soldiers suffered serious damages. There are only 5,000 soldiers and horses around Jinyang. The most important thing at the moment is Conscription." Lu Bu said.

"The lord's words are true. In the opinion of his subordinates, 50,000 standing soldiers and horses can be gathered in Bingzhou, and the remaining counties and counties can replenish the lost soldiers and horses. Chang'an has been war-torn for a long time, and there are horses and horses watching. You can gather standing soldiers and horses. With 30,000 people, Jizhou is the top priority. In the future, it will become the main source of food and grass for our army. You can gather 40,000 soldiers and horses in Yecheng and 30,000 soldiers and horses in Youzhou. In this way, once a war occurs, The lord can mobilize 150,000 soldiers and horses at any time, even if he faces the threat of the princes' coalition forces again, Binzhou can still win." Jia Xudao, regarding the issue of conscription under Lu Bu's rule, he has entered into careful thinking to merge the state and the quiet. The strength of the prefecture and Jizhou is enough to supply so many soldiers and horses, and once these soldiers are well trained, they will be a great help for Lu Bu.

"For the time being, in the words of Wenhe, the criteria for levying soldiers are the same as in the past. The loyalty of soldiers must be guaranteed. As for the conscription in Jizhou, it will not be too late when Benhou returns to Jizhou." Lu Bu said, he always felt Jizhou's loyalty. The matter will not end so soon, and the family will surely make crazy moves when their strength is severely damaged.

To make the Jizhou army really strong, it is necessary to fundamentally change the current problems in Jizhou, so that the people can have trust in the prefecture, and let them voluntarily send their children to the army.

Just like in Bingzhou, once they heard about the expropriation of soldiers from the army, the people rushed to it, mainly because the people had enough trust in the Bingzhou army.

"Master, three days later, there will be a group of students from Jinyang Academy who will go to the place to take up their posts. The Lord should not go to the school once." Jia Xu said.

The death of Cai Yong caused a lot of turmoil among the literati in the state. In the earliest days of Jinyang Academy, Cai Yong presided over it. Although the students of Jinyang Academy were nominally Lu Bu's disciples, they were really taught. It's Cai Yong, the students of Jinyang Academy have deep feelings for Cai Yong.

"At that time, Wenhe will accompany Benhou." Lu Bu said.

Jia Xu handed over and said here.

From the look of the people in Jinyang, Lu Bu felt a breath that was completely different from the people in Yecheng. Even though Bingzhou was not comparable to Jizhou in terms of background, it was not comparable to Jizhou in terms of cohesion. After repeated wars, The Union State Army has become unprecedentedly powerful, and the people of Union State are supportive of the State Shepherd House.

When the princes' coalition attacked Bingzhou, it caused a lot of turmoil among the people. How many people voluntarily donated their surplus money and food to the Bingzhou army. This is currently very difficult to see in Jizhou.

Back in the Fuzhong, Lu Bu felt a lot more relaxed. The news that Lu Bu married Zhen Mi in Jizhou had already reached Jizhou, but after Lu Bu returned to Jinyang, several women were pestering Lu Bu to get Zhen Mi back to Jinyang as soon as possible.

"Husband, Sister Yan'er and Sister Diao Chan both have children. Is the concubine body very useless?" Qiao Shuang said in tears after Yun Xieyu's harvest.

Lu Bu smiled and said, "Shuang'er doesn't need to worry, because my husband has already obtained a good medicine from Yuanhua."

"What the husband said is true?" Qiao Shuang got up and said in excitement.

Lu Bu's eyes straightened suddenly, and the room became lively again.

The next day, Lu Bu went to Jinyang Medical Center again. Qiao Shuang and Mi Zhen have been pestering him on this matter since he returned to Jinyang. In the process of resisting the allied forces of the vassals, Jinyang Medical Center played a huge role. The doctors from the Jinyang Medical Center provided a solid backing for the Bingzhou Army on the battlefield. When the soldiers of the princes were worried about being injured on the battlefield, the wounded soldiers in the Bingzhou Army were affected. treatment.

At this point, there is a big gap between the princes and the Union Army. The surrendered princes’ coalition soldiers have a deep understanding. When many soldiers who gave up for the princes received medical treatment, they shed tears. This kind of righteous act made Lu Bu gained greater prestige among the surrendered princes and soldiers.

The lives of ordinary soldiers may be low in the eyes of the princes, but here in Lu Bu, they are treated equally, as long as they are injured, they will be given timely treatment if conditions permit, so that soldiers will be relieved from worries on the battlefield~ At the same time, this war also made the soldiers in the army have great respect for the doctors in Jinyang Medical Center. Hua Tuo was even hailed as a genius doctor by the soldiers, and the name of the genius doctor was also accompanied by the Dahan Newspaper. It is widely spread all over the world.

After he became famous, Hua Tuo was also very busy, especially after Hua Tuo's name spread throughout the world, other prefectures and counties who had incurable patients went to Bingzhou one after another, and Jinyang Medical Center once prospered in Jinyang.

When Lu Bu appeared at the Jinyang Medical Center, he saw the bustling scene.

"Go and ask, why are these people gathering outside the hospital?" Lu Bu frowned slightly.

After a while, Dian Wei went and returned, whispering: "Master, these people are patients from other counties and counties. After hearing about Mr. Hua Tuo's name, they came one after another. As a result, the hospital seemed a little cramped. Now, these people didn't want to leave, so they waited outside the hospital."

Lu Bu nodded, thinking about how to solve this problem. In this era, it is extremely difficult to find an excellent healer. However, the name of Jinyang Medical Center has been beaten out. A thought is in Lu Bu's heart. Breeding, if it can be implemented, and the state will have an extra income, and the patient’s problem can be solved to the greatest extent.

The status of doctors in this era is not high. If you want to solve this problem, you must change the status of doctors. Jinyang Medical Center is a good entry point.

When he saw Hua Tuo again, Lu Bu felt that Hua Tuo's expression was more ruddy than before, and he couldn't help but smile: "I haven't seen him for many days, but Yuanhua is more energetic."

Hua Tuo arched his hands and said: "The lord joked, presumably the lord has already seen the situation outside the hospital. During this time, the subordinates are very busy."

Who doesn’t know how to explode, so can monkeys, haha, there are no rewards

(End of this chapter)

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