Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1136: : Zang Ba attacked the Xuzhou Army

A genius remembers this site address in one second: (Top Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! Facing this situation, Guan Hai's mood is a little low. He has only heard of the power of the Pili car in the past, and now he has really seen it, Only then did I understand the horror of the Thunderbolt. The overwhelming boulders make people unable to raise their combat effectiveness. The war intent of the Yellow Turban army means that the Thunderbolt is infinite.

Our own side has an absolute advantage in the Thunderbolt, which greatly encouraged the Qingzhou army who followed Yuan Shao to fight. After the moat was filled and leveled, it launched an even more crazy attack on Ju County.

Guan Hai was naturally unwilling to give up Juxian County in this way, and led the Yellow Turban Army to launch a desperate resistance.

You come and I go between the two sides, and the situation on the battlefield is extremely tragic.

The war against Juxian lasted for nearly a month, and the Qingzhou Army had an absolute advantage. Although it suffered heavy losses during the siege, it broke through the city defended by the Yellow Turban Army.

In desperation, Guan Hai gave up Juxian County, and the elite of tens of thousands of Yellow Turbans lost 40%.

With the collapse of Juxian County, the Qingzhou Army had thunderbolt cars and crossbows to help, sweeping the Beihai at a very fast speed.

After the defeat in Beihai, Guan Hai did not choose to stay in Qingzhou. The main reason was that the Qingzhou army showed too strong strength in this battle. If he stayed in Qingzhou, Guan Hai could not see hope, and Guan Hai would not be reconciled. As a general of the Yellow Turban Army all his life, he also wants to do something.

After stabilizing Qingzhou, Yuan Shao set his sights on Xuzhou.

At this time, an expedition was going on in Xuzhou. With the order of Cao Cao, Chen Deng gathered 30,000 soldiers and horses from Xuzhou to attack Xiapi.

Hua Xiong was extremely excited, because Cao Cao promised that after taking Xia Pi, Xia Pi will still be garrisoned by Hua Xiong. Of course, the premise of all this is that Hua Xiong can show strong strength on the battlefield. Otherwise, Xia Pi cannot fall into it. His hands.

At this time, Cao Jun did not have the strength to go to Xuzhou to pacify Zangba, so he could only pin his hopes on Chen Deng.

In Xiapi City, Zang Ba’s expression was not worried. Cao Cao was defeated by the Bingzhou Army outside Huguan, and his strength was severely damaged. So he did not take into account the strength of Xuzhou. Zang Ba knew better about the combat effectiveness of Xuzhou Army. Even though there were ten thousand defenders in the city at this time, Zang Ba was confident to win.

If the Xuzhou Army can be defeated in one fell swoop, then the entire Xuzhou is what Zang Ba said.

"General, there is news from Langxie that the Qingzhou Yellow Turban Army occupied Beihai for more than a month, and Yuan Shao led the Qingzhou Army to defeat it, and Guan Hai led the remnants to escape to Langxie." Chen Gong said.

Zang Ba was surprised when he heard the words: "Why can you control Hai's defeat so quickly?"

"General, although Yuan Shao was defeated in Jizhou, the Qingzhou army's background is still there, and Yuan Shao has the advantages of thunderbolt cars and crossbows, how easy it is to break the Beihai occupied by Guan Hai." Chen Gongdao.

"Let Sun Guanhaosheng comfort Guanhai, let him temporarily lead troops to station in the counties, and guard against Yuan Shao's troops." Zang domineering.

Chen Gong nodded and said that the counties were close to Qingzhou. If Yuan Shao had the intention of attacking Xuzhou, Guan Hai could play a defensive role.

"General, now there are nearly 30,000 Xuzhou troops gathered outside the city. It is expected that the Xuzhou Army will attack the city soon. Huaxiong has occupied Xiapi before and has a strong prestige in the city. Morale will be greatly improved." Chen Gongdao.

"What's the best strategy for the public platform, let's talk about it in detail." Zang Ba's eyes lit up.

Chen Gong said: "The Xuzhou Army came from a long way. Seeing that our army has been silent for a long time, it must be slack. The general can lead the elite cavalry and attack the Xuzhou Army.

"Gongtai, then Chen Deng is quite strategic, how can he fail to guard it?" Zang Ba asked.

Chen Gong showed a secretive smile, "General, even if Chen Deng is prepared, what can he do? The general only needs to be like this..."

Zang Ba was overjoyed after hearing this, "With this plan, he will definitely be able to win."

In the middle of the night, Zhang Yi led a group of thousands of pawns towards the camp of the Xuzhou Army.

About a quarter of an hour later, Zang Ba led two thousand cavalry soldiers out of the city and quickly disappeared into the night.

The Xuzhou Army's defenses at this time were not as lax as expected. They had been defeated by Zang Ba before, and Chen Deng had a certain fear of Zang Ba.

As soon as Zhang Yi led a thousand foot soldiers into the Xuzhou military camp, Chen Deng was known.

Seeing that Zang Ba really ordered the soldiers to sneak attack on his own camp, Chen Deng showed disdain. In this regard, Chen Deng has done a lot of work to prevent Zang Ba’s sneak attack. Once his own heavy equipment reaches Xia Pi When Zang Ba was at his end, he didn't believe that Zang Ba could have enough powerful defensive equipment. When Zang Ba attacked Xia Pi, he chose a sneak attack.

Although the sneak attack plunged the Xuzhou Army into a short-term turmoil, the Xuzhou Army blocked the pawns led by Zhang Yi, but Zhang Yi's expression did not show the slightest panic. He led thousands of pawns to come, just for the sake of The army that came afterwards made a good cover, and as long as it could contain the strength of the Xuzhou Army to the greatest extent, it would be able to create the possibility of success for Zang Ba.

If in daylight, even if Zhang Yi has two thousand foot soldiers in his hands, he would never want to cause turmoil in the Xuzhou Army. However, in the middle of the night, even if the Xuzhou Army is prepared, it is inevitable that there will be panic, especially Can't distinguish the enemy and the soldier in the night.

After Chen Deng learned of the situation in the army, his complexion was not very good. He was very dissatisfied with the performance of his own Since taking control of Xuzhou, Chen Deng has not slackened in the military. He knows that the Xuzhou army and Zangba will sooner or later. There will be a battle, and it can be seen from Zang Ba's successive shots that Zang Ba is an ambitious person.

After all, the pawns in Zhang Yi's hand are weak in numbers. After a brief panic, the Xuzhou Army gradually stabilized its camp, making it difficult to advance.

"Withdraw!" Seeing that the situation is becoming more unfavorable for his side, Zhang Yi directly issued an order to withdraw.

Just as Zhang Yi led the troops to retreat and the Xuzhou army commander was ready to hunt down with a sigh of relief, the other side of the camp suddenly screamed for killing, and the momentum was several times greater than that of Zhang Yi leading the infantry sneak attack.

"My lord, it's not good, there are a large number of enemy cavalry on the west side of the camp, and the leader is Zangba." A general ran over in a panic, his expression could not hide his fear.

Chen Deng snorted coldly: "What a Zang Ba, he actually gave the official a slap in the face. It is said that Hua Xiong and the cavalry must block Zang Ba."

Hua Xiong did not dare to neglect after receiving the order. Although the cavalry under his command on the battlefield of Huguan suffered heavy losses, there were still more than 500 men. In the Xuzhou Army lacking cavalry, the number of 500 cavalry is already a lot. If used properly, it can be worth thousands of soldiers.

Zang Ba led the cavalry to set off a **** storm in the Xuzhou barracks. Wherever he passed, Xuzhou sergeants fled in a hurry. In such a late night, suddenly faced with the sudden attack of the enemy cavalry, the mood of the Xuzhou army generals can be imagined. Knowing, no one wants to die in this raid.

Today in Chapter 8, brothers who have support, hurry up and give assists. The more rewards, the better. Your support is the driving force for monkey renewal! Let the monkey see your support, the monkey will be desperate!

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(End of this chapter)

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