Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1137: : Attack Xiapi

A genius remembers this site address in one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! "Fire!" Zang Ba shouted.

The tents were lit by the cavalry everywhere, but for a short while, the Xuzhou military camp ignited a little bit of fire.

Hua Xiong led the cavalry to arrive, and saw Zang Ba from a distance, and shouted: "Zang Ba boy, come and die!"

Zang Ba let out a cold snort and slammed Hua Xiong without fear. The cavalry beside him also launched a charge against Hua Xiong’s cavalry. As for the other cavalry, they continued to wreak havoc in the Xuzhou barracks. Only when the army falls into greater panic can the Xuzhou army cause the greatest loss.

Hua Xiong fought with Zang Ba. Hua Xiong had just healed from his injuries, but his strength was much weaker. For a while, Zang Ba appeared extraordinarily brave, and he fought Hua Xiong on a par.

The cavalry under Zang Ba also exploded out of tyrannical combat power. They had an absolute advantage against the cavalry under Hua Xiong. With no intention of calculating, the cavalry under Hua Xiong had a feeling of being caught off guard in the face of the sudden war.

Hua Xiong led the cavalry to block, which gave the Xuzhou army time to react. With Chen Deng's mobilization, a group of soldiers arrived, blocking the cavalry's charge.

Zang Ba abandoned Hua Xiong and led the cavalry to charge for a while and then led the troops back.

The sky was getting brighter, and the Xuzhou military camp was devastated. Many soldiers’ tents were lit into a pile of dust. The soldiers’ expressions could not hide the horror. It can be seen that Zang Ba led the cavalry to charge last night and left indelible in their hearts. Shadows.

Chen Deng's face was low and he executed the general who was in charge of patrolling the night, and then the generals among the generals gathered in one place to discuss the matter of attacking Xiapi.

After the defeat of this battle, Chen Deng could clearly feel the low morale of the army. He suffered such a heavy loss shortly after coming to Xiapi City, which made the Xuzhou Army soldiers think of the mighty enemy cavalry.

"The night patrol general has neglected his duty, so that the army has suffered heavy losses. This officer has ordered the execution of the night patrol general. The general in charge of the night patrol in the future should be more cautious. The baggage will be transported to Xiapi tomorrow. Although the city of Xiapi is high and deep, our army is assisted by thunderbolt vehicles. It is natural to break through Xiapi.” Chen Deng said.

The generals in the tent were relieved secretly when they heard the words. The attack on the city was the biggest test for the soldiers in the army. It was also the most severe time when the damage was the most serious. If there is no sufficient means, it is conceivable that the lieutenant general What will it be like.

Hua Xiong frowned slightly: "Master Chen, now there are tens of thousands of troops under Zang Ba in the city. After the first battle last night, the morale of the defenders in the city is high. If Zang Ba leads a cavalry raid when our army is attacking the city. , Who can stop it?"

"General Hua is brave and will be able to guard against the cavalry in the city at that time. There are thousands of cavalry in the Xuzhou Army, all of which are under the control of the general. I don't know what General Hua wants?" Chen Deng said.

Hua Xiong is overjoyed when he hears this. If he can use the thousands of cavalry in the Xuzhou army for his own use, his strength will be quickly restored, and he will have the opportunity to compete with Chen Deng in Xuzhou. mission accomplished."

Chen Deng nodded slightly, glanced around at everyone, and said, "Zang Ba is a rebel. I wait for the support of Shanyanghou behind me, so why don't you worry about breaking the enemy."

Encouraged by Chen Deng, the generals in the army were full of fighting spirit for this battle. If they could capture Xiapi, it would be no small credit to the generals in the army.

Chen Deng squinted his eyes and looked at Hua Xiong, sneered in his heart. It was his opinion that he promised Hua Xiong. The most important thing was that he took a fancy to Hua Xiong’s combat effectiveness. Although the strength of the Xuzhou Army is not weak, it lacks strong generals. Hua Xiong is good at commanding cavalry operations, which is a great help to the Xuzhou Army Association. As for what the situation will be after the seizure of Xia Pi, it is not Hua Xiong’s control. Xuzhou does not need an independent army. Pi.

Zang Ba led the troops to victory, which greatly boosted the morale of the defenders, and for the upcoming war, they did not have the fear they had before.

A series of Thunderbolt cars were erected on the city wall under Zangba’s order. The Xuzhou Army had Thunderbolt cars to help. Is there no Zangba? This is also the capital that Zangba and Chen Deng competed in Xuzhou, not only the Thunderbolt cars. There are also many bed crossbows with a range of 300 steps in the city.

Since Lu Bu ordered Zang Ba to take the opportunity to capture Xuzhou, he definitely won't be without support. The Thunderbolt and Crossbow were quietly transported to Zang Ba's army when the princes withdrew from Huguan.

Lu Bu's trust made Zang Ba very moved. The existence of the Thunderbolt and the crossbow played a vital role for the army at this time. Facing the Xuzhou Army's siege, he was able to do his job with ease.

Chen Gong also had to admire Lv Bu's actions. Zang Ba had been in Xuzhou for many years and had very little contact with Bingzhou. It can be said that Lv Bu supported Zang Ba at a certain risk. Once Zang Ba betrayed ~www. has a lot of influence on Lu Buhui, but after Zang Ba owns the Thunderbolt and the crossbow, he wants to not reveal his identity, but he needs to have a good explanation about the source of the Thunderbolt and the crossbow.

Facts have proved that Lu Bu's vision is very vicious, and Zang Ba is absolutely loyal to Lu Bu.

Two days later, after a Perak car was erected, it began to attack Xiapi. However, what shocked Chen Deng was that the Perak car from Xiapi City attacked more than his own Perak car, both in range and power. , Are even better.

At this time, Chen Deng had to re-examine the strength of Zang Ba. If Zang Ba had powerful cavalry under his command, Chen Deng could understand it, but the thunderbolt car and bed crossbow were absolutely secret among the princes, if not. The princes jointly attacked Huguan, and the other princes would not take out what they were best at, and Zang Ba was just a thief who occupied Langxie, Donghai and Xiapi.

Chen Deng immediately ordered someone to send the news back to Yanzhou. He felt that the back of Zang Ba was not as simple as it seemed, and it was Lü Bu that made Chen Deng most suspicious.

Looking at the princes, the only other princes who can stably control their equipment are Bingzhou, and Lu Bu once passed through Langxie and had a relationship with Zang Ba. With Lv Bu's status at that time and the powerful combat power of the Bingzhou Army, he subdued Zang Ba. It's not impossible.

Xiapi city has such a weapon as the Thunderbolt. Chen Deng had no choice but to let the Thunderbolt aim at the moat, trying to fill the moat first, but relying on the boulders thrown by the Thunderbolt to fill the moat is simply very difficult. matter.

The situation in Xuzhou was once again deadlocked because Zang Ba possessed such a weapon as the Thunderbolt. The Xuzhou Army was unable to break through the Xiapi within a short period of time. Instead, it was suppressed by the Defender's Thunderbolt. If it was a strong attack, it would not have much effect. Role, it is also necessary to always guard against the soldiers and horses under Zang Ba's command.

(End of this chapter)

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