Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1141: : Change clothing

A genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! In the beginning, soldiers entered the army from their homes, and the people did not need to pay taxes. This triggered a wave of people sending their children to the army. Now, the treatment in the Union State Army is getting higher and higher, but this aspect has changed. Even so, the people have absolute trust in the Union State Army in their hearts.

Of course, it is secretly that the people are still dissatisfied with the new policies issued by the Union State Army. Sometimes, the people have to look forward to the Shu, and it is impossible for the State Shepherd House to perfect every citizen.

Lu Bu knew that this series of changes would inevitably arouse dissatisfaction among many people. However, such a system was inevitable after its development. Even so, the attitude of Jizhou towards soldiers and soldiers was not uncommon among the people under the rule of other vassals. Have.

After the development of the cloth workshop, there has been a large scale. In the last month, the weavers in the cloth workshop were extremely busy.

The reform of military clothing is not only in Jinyang's cloth workshops, but other cloth workshops under Lu Bu's rule are also busy.

The new clothing of the Bingzhou Army has changed in color compared to the past. At this time, the color of the Han Army soldiers’ clothing is crimson. The overall clothing is similar to that of the Qin Dynasty’s army. The colors advocated are mainly dark red and black. .

When changing the color of soldiers’ clothing, Lu Bu chose black. The Han Dynasty advocated black and used black clothing instead of crimson as the main clothing color for soldiers in the army. This news will inevitably cause a lot of shock when it reaches the princes. .

As Lü Bu expected, when the news of Lu Bufeng's appreciation of the generals and the changes in the costumes of the army reached the ears of the princes, it attracted a lot of discussion from the princes. There has been a lot of disturbance in the world, but Lu Bu is indifferent to all this.

The princes can attack the Bingzhou together. He no longer expects the relationship with the princes. Anyway, on the bright side, the princes have a good relationship with the Bingzhou, and the princes have paid a great price for their friendship with the Bingzhou. I know that Lü Bu is not offended at this time.

Jizhou, which occupies a wealth of food and grass, has the powerful Bingzhou Army, Youzhou Army, the Huns, Wuhuan people, and the Xianbei on the grassland.

It's just that Lu Bu did a thorough job this time. He changed the costumes of the generals directly. Even after occupying Jizhou, he did not ask for instructions from the Han Dynasty, so he appointed Jizhou Mu's candidates.

After a series of changes in Bingzhou spread to Jingzhou, Liu Qi was very angry, but at this time the power of Jingzhou was in Liu Bei's hands. Liu Bei had the absolute right to speak in the court. The importance of military power was revealed in the troubled times. Without military power, Liu Bei would not be able to successfully make Liu Qi the new emperor of the Han Dynasty, even if the influence of this emperor in the hearts of the princes was very low.

"Kong Ming, now that the Jin lords wantonly changed the Dahan system in Bingzhou, it will inevitably cause a lot of turmoil among the princes. If it is not contained, it will inevitably make the princes more disrespectful to the Han Dynasty."

Zhuge Liang shook his head and said: "Master, the most important thing at the moment is to truly control Jingzhou. Among the nine counties of Jingxiang, there are not a few good friends with the Cai family, especially the generals in the Jingzhou navy. If the Cai family secretly made a move, Jingzhou would definitely fall into turmoil. Jingzhou did not lose too many soldiers and horses on the battlefield of Bingzhou. This is a good opportunity. It is the best policy to completely stabilize Jingzhou in one fell swoop. Be tyrannical, defeat the coalition of the princes, and seize Jizhou from Yuan Shao's hands. Looking at the world, this kind of strength is no one can rival. The lord should appease Lu Bu, and it is best to maintain a good relationship with Lu Bu."

Liu Bei frowned slightly and said: "If the Han Dynasty did not express anything at this time, it would inevitably make the princes more disappointed in the Han Dynasty. If things go on like this, what prestige is there for the Han Dynasty to speak of."

Zhuge Liang secretly sighed that the Jingzhou army attacked Chang'an and had completely offended Lu Bu. There was almost no room for transfer between the two sides. Moreover, the Cai family had a close relationship with Bingzhou. If Lu Bu turned to support Liu Cong to become the emperor of the Han, it would be good for him. For the Han family, it was the fatal blow.

Under Zhuge Liang's persuasion, Liu Bei agreed to appoint Gu Yong as Jizhou pastoralist, and incidentally admitted Lv Bu's entrustment to the generals under his command, and affirmed Lv Bu's achievements in smashing Youzhou and making Xianbei a minister.

The next day, when Liu Bei mentioned this incident in the court, it did not cause too much turmoil in the DPRK. Because of the wrong choice in Jingzhou before, the princes lost their troops and made Lv Bu even stronger. If they can recover with Lv Bu. In terms of relationship, it is extremely beneficial to Jingzhou. However, Kuai Yue and Kuai Liang saw the helplessness of the Han family through Liu Bei's actions. The strength of Lu Bu brought out the weakness of the Han family. Otherwise, as emperors, How could he show weakness to his courtiers, Lu Bu is a general, but Liu Qi is the emperor.

"I don't know who Aiqing would like to go to Jinyang?" Liu Qi asked Among the people he hates most, Lu Bu is definitely one of them. The humiliation he suffered outside Xiangyang City, Liu Qi Lifetime.

Zhang Mao went out and said: "The subordinates are willing to go to Jinyang."

Liu Qi nodded. Zhang Mao is a member of the Zhang family. Liu Qi is quite clear about this. After Liu Bei took over the military power of Jingzhou, the Zhang family's performance was still relatively well-behaved, and Zhang Mao's official position at this time was too common, and he was in charge of rituals and sacrifices. Although there is no too prominent power among the civil servants, he is one of the nine princes. If he is an envoy to Bingzhou, he is definitely qualified.

After the mission to merge the prefectures was finalized, Liu Bei said: "The prefects of Lingling County, Guiyang County, and Wuling County should go to the imperial court to return to their lives. Did not go to Xiangyang."

"Just so." Liu Qi said.

Lingling County and Guiyang County are located in remote areas and are two barren counties in Jingzhou. However, the soldiers of the two counties cannot be underestimated in terms of combat effectiveness. Lingling County and Guiyang County are close to Jiaozhou, and they are compared in terms of soldier training. Other counties and counties in Jingzhou are much stricter, and Guiyang County and Sun Ce's rule are close to each other, and they need to be guarded against powerful enemies coming to Jiangdong.

After Sanchao returned home, Zhang Mao met Zhang Yun. Cai Hao and Zhang Yun were well-known generals in the Jingzhou navy. After Cai Hao died, the navy headed by Zhang Yun turned to Liu Bei. On the surface, In fact, Zhang Yun is not as respectful as Liu Bei, and Liu Bei is also wary of Zhang Yun.

The Zhang family received the favor of the Cai family. Without the Cai family in Jingzhou, there would be no Zhang family as it is today. On this point, Zhang Yun strongly agrees that the Zhang family can have the current situation because of Cai Hao's help.

Fifth, the reward and recommendation tickets will be smashed hard. Today, the monkey will work hard to complete the ten shifts.

(End of this chapter)

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