Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1142: : The Turbulence of Jingzhou

Genius remembers this site address in one second: (Top Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! The reason why Zhang Yun took the lead in leading the navy to join Liu Bei was also to reduce Liu Bei’s vigilance. In fact, Zhang Yun thought about supporting Liu Cong all the time. To become an emperor, if it were not for the military power of the Jingzhou Army captured by Liu Bei, the emperor at this time must be Liu Cong. With the strength of the Cai family, who would dare to question in Jingzhou.

"After you arrive at Bingzhou, act according to the opportunity. It is best if you can get the approval of the Jinhou. Unfortunately for the Han Dynasty, Liu Qi is an unscrupulous and erotic, but he can become the emperor of the big Han. Liu Bei maintains the court line and acts nonsense. What is the little prince? Smart, the sage repeatedly proposed to let the little prince become the prince." A look of resentment flashed in Zhang Yun's eyes.

Zhang Maodao: "Brother, Zhuge Liang under Liu Bei's command is resourceful and resourceful. After going to Jinyang, you must be cautious. Today Liu Bei mentioned in the courtroom that the prefects of Guiyang County, Lingling County and Wuling County had not gone to Chang'an. The brother might as well contact the prefects of the three counties secretly. As long as the three counties are in turmoil, Liu Bei will definitely relax his vigilance. When the brother takes action, the chance of success will be greater."

Zhang Yun nodded. In terms of strategy, there was a big gap between him and Zhang Mao. He would always ask Zhang Mao about things in the ordinary family. Zhang Yun also attached great importance to Zhang Mao.

As night fell, Zhang Yun quietly went to Cai's house.

After Cai Hao died, the Cai family seemed to have suffered a huge blow. They became even more low-key in Jingzhou. Zhang Yun, who knew everything, knew that the seemingly peaceful Cai family was actually planning an action against Liu Bei. He was opposed to Liu Bei's entry into Jingzhou. As expected, Liu Bei has become the biggest enemy of the Cai family.

The Cai family understands that as long as Liu Bei is in Jingzhou for one day, the Cai family must be cautious. If it weren't for the current queen mother, Liu Bei might have already taken action against the Cai family.

After years of accumulation, the Cai family definitely has a terrifying influence in Jingzhou.

The prefects of Lingling County, Guiyang County and Wuling County, as well as Changsha County, were all people who wanted Cai family. The Cai family was naturally not reconciled to Liu Cong's failure to become the emperor of the Han Dynasty.

"Cai Patriarch." Zhang Yun whispered.

Cai Yu said: "General Zhang, Zhang Taichang went to Jinyang, I wonder if he can get the support of Jinhou?"

Lü Bu’s support at this time is definitely a great encouragement to the Cai family in Jingzhou. Lü Bu represents the most powerful prince at this time. No one can match it in the world. Because of the joint vassal attack on Bingzhou before, the Cai family and Bingzhou lost. With the support of Lu Bu, Liu Cong would have a strong supporter as the emperor.

Zhang Yun shook his head and said: "The idea of ​​the Jinhou cannot be guessed by ordinary people. Before the Jingzhou army attacked Chang'an and met against the Jinhou, this time it is very difficult to succeed, unless there is something that can impress the Jinhou. ."

Cai Yu remained silent for a long time and said, "If the Marquis of Jin is willing to support the little prince to become the emperor, after Liu Cong becomes the emperor, he will make Lu Bu the king. I wonder if this condition is sufficient?"

Zhang Yun's heart moved, and then he said: "Since the ancestors, people who are not surnamed Liu cannot be kings. Although the Marquis of Jin is an ambitious person, I am afraid that he will not easily agree."

In May of the same year, the prefects of Lingling County, Changsha County, Guiyang County, and Wuling County openly refused to obey the imperial order. They denounced Liu Bei's actions in Jingzhou and openly expressed his disapproval of Liu Bei.

Liu Bei learned that Jingzhou had four counties betrayed at the same time. He was shocked. The combined strength of these four counties is absolutely terrifying. Even after sending troops to quell the rebellion of the four counties, Jingzhou will inevitably be hurt. The action is extremely unfavorable.

Zhuge Liang said: "After the Lord goes to court tomorrow, he can enter the sage. These four are imperial thieves and should send troops to conquer them."

"Kong Ming, if you conquer the four counties, wouldn't it affect the attack on Yizhou?" Liu Bei said.

"My lord, attacking Yizhou is to ensure the stability of Jingzhou." Zhuge Liang said slowly. As long as Liu Bei entered Jingzhou, Zhuge Liang had a foreboding that things would not be as simple as it seemed. The Cai family had a great influence in Jingzhou. Li, unsurprisingly, there must be a figure of the Cai family behind this incident. If it were not for the existence of the Cai family, Zhuge Liang had already said that Liu Bei would eradicate the Cai family.

The four counties rebellion made Xiangyang panic. Many officials secretly accused Liu Bei. Before Liu Bei entered Jingzhou, the prefect of the four counties obeyed Jingzhou's orders. After Liu Bei arrived, all this changed.

Liu Bei turned a deaf ear to this and asked Guan Yu and Zhang Fei to lead 10,000 soldiers to Changsha County and Guiyang County to quell the rebellion.

The change in the army is an extremely cumbersome thing. Lu Bu pointed out the general direction, but there are many places that need to be changed. The soldiers who have just entered the army now use old clothes and weapons. The army in Youzhou, Jizhou, and Chang'an landed a total of 200,000 ~ to change, and the cost required was huge.

The news that Jingzhou sent envoys made Lu Bu a little puzzled. After all, Lu Bufeng rewarded his military commander and appointed Gu Yong as Jizhou Mu, without the consent of the Han Dynasty, which greatly weakened the face of the Han Dynasty. This was also Lv Bu deliberately. For this reason, he has no good feelings for the Han room, and there is no need to show his favor to the Han room at this time.

"Weigong, at this time Jingzhou sent an envoy to come, what you have seen?" Lu Bu cast his gaze to Li Su.

After the Bingzhou Army occupied Jizhou, Li Su was extremely busy. At this time, Jizhou can be regarded as a waste of time. There are many aspects to worry about. At this time, Li Su is in charge of the inspection house. It can be said that it is a heavy responsibility. At that time, the officials of the Inspection Office made a lot of credit and unearthed many families and officials who secretly opposed the prefecture.

"Lord, from the subordinate's point of view, the envoy of Jingzhou came to show the Lord that Liu Bei is in charge of Jingzhou. If he can be recognized by the Lord, Liu Bei's position in Jingzhou will be more stable." Li Sudao.

"Wen He's opinion?" Lü Bu asked.

Jia Xu was silent for a moment and said: "From the point of view of his subordinates, it may be reasonable for the envoy of Jingzhou to befriend the lord, but the matter is not that simple. Although Liu Bei is in charge of Jingzhou's military power, according to the detailed news, in Jingzhou, Liu Bei Many people were dissatisfied. The prefects of Guiyang County, Lingling County, Wuling County and Changsha County did not even go to Xiangyang when Liu Qi inherited the Datong. Later, he was killed by Liu Bei, and now the prefects of the four counties openly confronted the Han Dynasty in Xiangyang. It is impossible to say that there is no hint of the Cai family behind them." As the person in charge of the intelligence of the state, Jia Xu is in the acquisition of information. It is not comparable to others.

Sixth more

(End of this chapter)

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