Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1291: : Pang Tong will leave again

Zhang Lu said, "Send the defenders of the nearby city to gather in Nanzheng."

"Here." Zhang Wei clasped his fist.

The generals on the court looked at Zhang Lu with a slight dissatisfaction. Zhang Wei had just experienced the defeat outside the Yangping Pass. After returning to Nanzheng, instead of being punished, he was entrusted with a heavy responsibility. Naturally, they felt a little bit of resistance.

As if he could see the thoughts of the generals, Zhang Lu said: "Zhang Wei lost Yangping Pass. He should have been guilty, but now Hanzhong is in a critical condition. After he has repelled the Jinhou army, he will be rewarded."

"Here." The civilians and generals in the field said in unison. Zhang Lu has absolute prestige in Hanzhong. This is unquestionable. Although some people hesitate about whether Hanzhong's army can resist Lu Bu's army, they still can't change Zhang Lu's power. .

After everyone left, Zhang Lu kept Zhang Wei behind.

"Is the army under Jin Hou really so elite?" Zhang Lu still had some doubts in his heart.

Zhang Wei nodded and said, "It's too sharp."

Zhang Lu nodded, "After returning to the army, please appease the sergeant and train with your heart."

After Zhang Wei left, Zhang Lu fell into contemplation. The situation in Hanzhong today is very delicate. Don’t look at the civil servants and generals in the city at this time still respecting him. If Nanzheng is in a hurry, will these people be like this? .

Three days later, Pang Tong came to the city as Lu Bu's messenger.

In the prefectural palace, important figures in Hanzhong gathered again.

Zhang Lu said: "At this time, Jin Hou sent envoys to Nanzheng. The army did not attack Nanzheng. I wonder what you think of this matter?"

Since the defeat of Yangping Pass, Zhang Lu has been paying attention to the movements of Lu Bu's army. Who knows that after Lu Bu seized Yangping Pass, there was no movement, as if he had no intention of attacking Nanzheng.

Yan Pu said: "Lord, Jin Hou must send envoys to the city at this time to persuade the lord to join the referendum. In the opinion of his subordinates, the lord might as well kill the envoy in order to show his heart."

The generals in the field were a little surprised when they looked at Yan Pu. It is definitely not a wise move to offend Lu Bu at this time. If the messenger is not beheaded, there is still room for turning around with Lu Bu. Once the messenger dies in the city, Nan Zheng will be greeted by Lu Bu's crazy revenge.

However, after Yan Pu observed the movement in the city during this period of time, he keenly noticed that many aristocratic families have changed their attitudes towards Lu Bu, especially between the words. They are quite respectful to Lu Bu, and they have not revealed that Lu Bu broke the Yangping Pass. Out of anger, this kind of emotion is definitely not good news for Nan Zheng at this time. Only the soldiers and civilians in the city can defeat Lu Bu.

Zhang Lu shook his head slightly, and did not follow Yan Pu's suggestion. If Pang Tong was beheaded, the two sides would definitely be endlessly dying.

"The lord, from the perspective of his subordinates, Jin Hou’s sending envoys must have the intention to strike out with the lord. News came from Fucheng. Liu Bei suddenly attacked and killed the generals of Yizhou Yang Huai and Gao Pei, and captured Fucheng. , Yizhou shook, mobilizing troops and horses to prepare for a decisive battle with Liu Bei in Fucheng." Yang Song said slowly.

The news that Yang Song received shocked most people's expressions. Liu Bei led his army into Yizhou to resist Lu Bu's army. Unexpectedly, he was trying to plot Yizhou and instead occupied Fuguan.

Zhang Lu had obviously received the news and nodded.

"There are a lot of grievances between Liu Bei and Jin Hou, and Jin Hou will not sit back and watch Lu Bu occupy Yizhou." Yang Song said.

Many people in the field immediately understood the meaning of Yang Song’s words. At this time, if they were to engage in battle with the Hanzhong Army, they would have no time to take care of the war in Yizhou. After Liu Bei acquired Yizhou, he would definitely have a greater influence on Lu Bu. Threat.

After a long discussion, Zhang Lu said, "Let the messenger come in."

After Pang Tong walked into the Taishou's Mansion, he didn't care about the gazes around him, and said, "Pang Tong, the envoy of the general, has seen Zhang Taishou."

"The Marquis of Jin led soldiers to attack Yangping Pass, and the messenger came, wouldn't you be afraid that the officer would kill you on the spot?" Zhang Lu snorted coldly.

The hearts of the people in the court were stunned, and they looked at Zhang Lu with a trace of awe. Zhang Lu has been in charge of Hanzhong for many years, and naturally many people have died in his hands.

Pang Tong laughed and said: "Premier Zhang's statement is not true. He came under the orders of the general. If he lost his life in the city, wouldn't Prefect Zhang become the rebellion of the big man?"

Zhang Lu frowned slightly, and in front of the civil servants and generals in Hanzhong, he was threatened by Pang Tong. I am afraid that this kind of thing would not be good for anyone.

"Bold Pang Tong, Ruzhen thought that the lord did not dare to behead Er and others, and Hanzhong also had elite soldiers." Yan Pu scolded.

Pang Tong smiled and said, "Your Excellency has a higher status in Hanzhong than Zhang Taishou? In the next discussion with Zhang Taishou, you interjected."

Yan Pu's face flushed and pointed at Pang Tong. He is a long-established figure in Hanzhong. He has never suffered such humiliation. Pang Tong is even more arrogant than when he first went to Hanzhong.

Zhang Lu waved his hand and said: "The messenger has something to say, but it doesn't matter." After weighing it, Zhang Lu still did not choose to embarrass Pang Tong. It was very easy to behead Pang Tong. However, relying on Pang Tong's position in Lu Bu's army, it brought Hanzhong a lot. It would be a disaster. Lü Bu attacked Yangping Pass, but his strength was not greatly compromised. Once Lü Bu was really offended, the consequences would not be borne by Hanzhong.

Pang Tongdao: "Premier Zhang, the Marquis of Jin is kind and unwilling to let the people of Hanzhong fall into the flames of war. If Prefect Zhang is willing to take refuge in the Marquis of Jin, the Marquis of Jin will certainly not treat him badly."

"This official is the Hanzhong prefect. How can you easily take refuge in others? If Jinhou has the people in his heart, why not lead his troops away. If this is the case, Hanzhong soldiers and people will be grateful, and Jinhou will have orders in the future, Hanzhong will not neglect." Zhang Lu Leng snorted.

"Premier Zhang is a wise man. He came here to convey the meaning of the Marquis of Jin. If he disagrees, Prefect Zhang only needs to give him a reply." Pang Tong said indifferently: "Even if the Marquis of Jin led the soldiers away. Go, can Hanzhong remain stable? If Liu Bei seizes Yizhou, he will definitely covet the land in Hanzhong, presumably Zhang Taishou has a clear understanding."

These remarks mobilized the emotions in the court. Pang Tong’s performance was too arrogant. When Pang Tong entered Hanzhong, he treated Hanzhong officials with respect, but now he has replaced it with another face. They are not angry, and Pang Tong's words are also very reasonable. Liu Bei showed his ambition in Yizhou, even after resisting Lu Bu, he still has to face Liu Bei.

Zhang Lu’s heart can’t be calm, “This matter is very important, let the officer think about it, and then give the messenger an answer.” The real lady online service, help you find a book to chat with you, please Wechat/Search/Search for hot web articles Or rdww444 is waiting for you~

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