Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1292: : Zhang Lu's thinking

Pang Tong said: "The time limit for the Marquis of Jin is three days. If there is no answer after three days, he will lead the army to attack Nanzheng."

Yan Bi Pang said goodbye and left.

After Pang Tong left, there was a lot of discussion in the field. More officials were accusing Pang Tong's arrogance. The officials headed by Yan Pu even persuaded Zhang Lu to kill Pang Tong and fight against Lu Bu's army. Many of them were from the family. , They knew that once Lu Bu's army entered Hanzhong, their strength would be greatly compromised. This was also the reason why they resisted Lu Bu in their hearts, and no one wanted to hand over the power in their hands.

The generals in the army were even more angry. Now Hanzhong has such a situation. The arrogance of the envoys of the Jin Dynasty is all caused by the defeat of the Hanzhong army outside Yangpingguan, and the anger against Lu Bu is also growing in his heart.

Zhang Lu said: "Everyone, go away."

Seeing Zhang Lu’s expression of exhaustion, everyone left. They understood the tremendous pressure Zhang Lu was facing. Once Hanzhong was attacked by Lu Bu, it would mean that Zhang Lu’s years of management would be wiped out. It is obviously unrealistic to fight against Lu Bu's army.

"Master Yang, wait a minute, Taishou Zhang is pleased." A guard walked to Yang Song's side and whispered.

Yang Song nodded and walked towards Zhang Lu's room.

After Zhang Song entered the room, he found that Zhang Wei was among them. Zhang Wei was a general in the army and he was trusted by Zhang Lu. Upon seeing this scene, Yang Song had already had some guesses about Zhang Lu’s intentions, and now Hanzhong has already At the moment of crisis, if you can't get out of this crisis, it means that Zhang Lu is likely to become a prisoner.

It is not something that anyone wants to see from a monarch in charge of one party to a prisoner.

"Master." After Yang Song bowed, he sat down opposite Zhang Lu.

At the beginning, Zhang Lu was opposed to taking refuge in Lu Bu. Only then did Yang Ping Pass stand against Lu Bu’s army. However, Yang Song knew that Zhang Lu was shaken. The reason why he did not show his mind was because he was worried about what happened after taking refuge in Lu Bu. , What he needs most now is a promise made by Lu Bu. Don’t look at the tens of thousands of soldiers and horses gathered in Nanzheng City. Once the war starts, can these soldiers and horses stop Lu Bu’s 60,000 troops.

Nanzheng is no better than Yangpingguan. Facing the enemy's thunderbolt cars and crossbows, there is no advantage at all. The situation in Hanzhong has reached an extremely critical point.

"Presumably Mr. Yang has a good understanding of the current situation in Hanzhong. From Mr. Yang's opinion, how should the officer choose?" Zhang Lu suddenly asked.

Yang Song stood up and said: "Subordinates swear to follow the lord's side." He didn't understand whether Zhang Lu's remarks were meant to be a test, or he really chose Lu Bu. At this time, the Yang family was extremely sensitive in the city. If you are not careful, you may behave like Zhang Song in Yizhou, beheading Liu Zhang.

Zhang Lu seemed to see Yang Song’s jealousy, and said slowly: “It’s okay for this official to seek refuge in Jin Hou These aristocratic families will suffer the disaster of extinction after they angered the Marquis of Jin Dynasty. These people have followed the official for many years, how can the official sit back and watch these people suffer a bad end in the future."

Yang Song saw Zhang Lu loose his mouth, his expression relaxed a lot, and he whispered: "The lord, the aristocratic family under the rule of the Marquis of Jin is not as simple as it seems. Although the aristocratic family handed over the fields in their hands, what they got was stability. As long as the members of the aristocratic family are talented, they can still serve as officials and generals under the rule of the Jin Marquis, and establish a merit, and as long as the aristocratic family does not violate the orders of the Jin Marquis, there will be no disaster. The hard-line methods of the Jin Marquis were all because they were unwilling to give up the fields and interests in their hands. As everyone knows, they gave up their temporary benefits, and they will get more things. Unsurprisingly, Pang Tong came here this time. , There must be the promise of Jin Hou, if the lord secretly summons Pang Tong, he will definitely be able to gain something."

"The lord treats the people kindly and naturally does not want the people in Hanzhong to suffer from war, and Jin Hou treats the people like the lord, not because his subordinates secretly took refuge in Jin Hou, but analyzes the current situation in Hanzhong." Yang Song said.

Zhang Lu said, "Pang Tong, as the envoy of the Marquis of Jin, dares to be so arrogant in front of the official."

"Lord, Jin Marquis is strong and arrogant. It is inevitable that Pang Tong is arrogant. The subordinates have heard that even the emissaries of the imperial court must be more respectful after they come under Lu Bu's rule." Yang Song said.

Zhang Lu sighed and turned his gaze to Zhang Wei and said, "What do you think of this matter?"

"Jin Marquis has strong soldiers and strong horses. With tens of thousands of soldiers and horses in the city, it is easy to say that he wants to repel the Jin Marquis army. If Jin Marquis is willing to treat the soldiers and civilians in the city well, it is a good idea to take refuge in Jin Marquis." Zhang Wei said.

Zhang Lu nodded At first, Zhang Wei was extremely reluctant to take refuge in Lu Bu. It can be seen that after the war outside Yangping Pass, Zhang Wei had more thoughts. With Hanzhong's military strength, it is obvious It is difficult to stop Lu Bu.

"This matter is very important and should not be leaked secretly. After the official has met Pang Tong, we will make a final conclusion." Zhang Lu said with a heavy tone. The matter of refuge is related to the future destiny of the Hanzhong family.

"Here." Yang Song and Zhang Wei said in unison.

Yang Song secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Zhang Lu was completely shaken. It depends on whether the conditions given by Lu Bu can impress Zhang Lu. If it can impress Zhang Lu, Hanzhong will belong to Lu Bu. With Nanzheng, it is impossible to stop it. Zhang Lu must have a clearer understanding of Lu Bu's pace. Who is Lu Bu, who has fought for many years, and has countless subordinates. The war outside Yangping Pass was just a deliberate display of weakness.

"Pass the order, let Pang Tong come." After a long silence, Zhang Lu ordered.

From the attitude of Yang Song, Zhang Lu has already felt the decision of the Yang family. At this time, there must be many people in Nanzheng City who have the same idea as Yang Song. Faced with the threat of life and death, the family will have more thoughts. They will not let the family be ruined because of Zhang Lu. Similarly, after they have taken refuge in Lu Bu, they also want to get more benefits, which is inevitable.

As soon as Pang Tong returned to his residence, he received an order from Zhang Lu. His expression was full of smiles. Zhang Lu made a decision so quickly. It was unexpected to him. Judging from the situation when he entered the palace, he was arrogant. Although Yan Pu's attitude angered many people, only Yan Pu came forward. The rest of the family had more concerns. He believed that behind this incident was Qin Tian's figure, and of course it was more closely related to the strength of Lu Bu's army. Big relationship.


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