Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1336: : Jagged Inspector

Yuan Shao nodded. If Gao Lan took refuge in him at this critical moment, the possibility of seizing Yecheng would become even greater. Who knew that Gao Lan had no idea what happened to Guo Tu’s persuasion. Obviously, his confidence in Lu Bu surpassed him, which made Yuan Shao extremely dissatisfied. In the past, Gao Lan was one of his fierce generals. He also regarded Gao Lan extremely highly. Unexpectedly, he was willing to become Lu Bu's subordinate, but instead would He abandoned.

Yuan Shao suddenly discovered that after Lu Bu occupied Jizhou, many things had changed. The most obvious was the people of Qinghe County. Although these people were still in awe of the Jizhou army on the surface, Yuan Shao was keenly aware in their eyes. When it came to something called hatred, he didn't even doubt that when these people had enough strength to threaten him, he would definitely step forward without hesitation.

After thinking about the people’s reaction, Yuan Shao could understand one or two things. Lü Bu did not hide from his eyes and ears after occupying Jizhou. The people got the field and they were full of hope for life. Many people even took the initiative to send their children. He was sent to the army, and after he led the army into Qinghe County, he went to the field in the hands of the people and belonged to the family again.

When not, the people may not be too aggressive. Once they get it and lose it, the people are likely to be crazy about it.

Yuan Shao didn't care too much about the attitude of the people. What he needed was the support of the family, and what he needed was the entire Jizhou.

In Yecheng, Gu Yong glanced at the graceful figure behind the bead curtain, with a trace of awe in his expression. When Cai Yan first entered Jizhou, his handling of many things was at a familiar stage, but Gu Yong could clearly feel Cai Yan. From the initial ignorance to the current level of ease, Cai Yan only took one month.

"Master Gu, now Yecheng has reached the most critical moment. The concubine suggested that the adults should close the city gate to prevent the younger generation from taking the opportunity to make trouble." Cai Yan said slowly.

Gu Yong's face was embarrassed. As the governor of Jizhou, Yecheng has nearly 200,000 people, which is more than the population of some counties in Liangzhou, and more of them are ordinary people. In order to make a living, these people need Out of the city, if the city gate is closed tightly, it will inevitably cause greater turbulence in the city.

"Master Gu, the concubine only needs three days." Cai Yan said.

Gu Yong nodded and agreed. He could feel that Cai Yan must have mastered what he didn't know. He was extremely puzzled about Lu Bu's appointment of Cai Yan in charge of the inspectorate and inspectorate. After all, Cai Yan is Lu Bu. Mrs., once mastered too much power, there may be a phenomenon that the tail will not get rid of it in the future. As a resourceful and far-reaching official, you must consider the problem from a longer-term perspective.

Although he didn't understand Cai Yan's intentions, relying on Gu Yong's intuition, he felt that this matter would not be so simple, and it was very likely to have a great relationship with Yuan Shao.

Late the next night, the Cai family, Yang family, Qin family, and Gao family were all eradicated overnight. Important figures in the family were directly sent to jail. These methods once again shocked the aristocratic families in the city, and then inspected them. The officials of the inspectorate and the inspectorate made frequent moves, giving the aristocratic families in Yecheng a sense of desperation. Regardless of whether these aristocratic families actually took refuge in Yuan Shao, the behavior of the inspectorate and inspectorate was to destroy the aristocratic families directly without any change. Room.

The closed city gate gave the family a sense of dignity, and Cai Yan, who secretly manipulated this matter, also learned that after spending a lot of money for the family, they could only choose to be silent about this matter, Cai Yan's identity is too important. What makes the aristocratic family strange is that Cai Yan, a female streamer, has become an official under Lu Bu's rule, and Cai Yan's name is also spread among the aristocratic family. He is known as the "iron-blooded inspector". .

During this time, Xu You did not help the people of the Inspector’s Office, and the Xu family’s recent actions have also reduced a lot. For Xu You, becoming a car driver in Jizhou is not something to show off. What he needs most is power. Under Lu Bu's rule, after failing to see the hope of the family's rapid growth, Xu You could only work towards other aspects.

Deep down, Xu You was proud, because Lu Bu only found one to become the lord of Jizhou because of him. Otherwise, Jizhou is still in Yuan Shao’s hands. Of course, this arrogance is for Xu You temporarily It was suppressed in the depths of my heart. If he was arrogant in front of Lu Bu, he would not end well. After a series of changes in Jizhou, Xu You had more thoughts.

Although the city gate that had been closed for three days was opened, the actions against the family in the city did not stop in the slightest. What Cai Yan can determine is that the four families that have surfaced are just deliberately thrown out to confuse the real enemy. , It is hidden in the dark.

After Guo Jia got the order of Lu Bu immediately went to Yecheng.

After seeing Guo Jia, Gu Yong breathed a sigh of relief. Guo Jia was much worse than him in governing internal affairs. However, he was far from Guo Jia in terms of his fear of leading the war.

The news that Guo Jia came to Yecheng quietly, although hidden, was still known to Yuan Shao. This situation made Yuan Shao even more afraid to change. It was because Guo Jia led the Youzhou Army into Jizhou that he had to get from the pot. After returning to Guan’s battlefield, the defeat of the army of the princes and the loss of Jizhou later occurred. On the battlefield, Guo Jia showed a terrifying side. Sometimes Yuan Shao couldn’t help but sigh, why he was after the fourth generation and the third master. Can't get the help of such resourceful people.

Yuan Shao didn't realize that even if Guo Jia took refuge in Yuan Shao in the first place, it would not be reused. At the beginning, Yuan Shao had a large number of talents. Without a good background, it was extremely difficult to get ahead.

At the time of the turmoil in Yecheng, the Zhen family did much in secret. The Zhen family's powerful family in Jizhou, with the help of the Zhen family, Cai Yan received more useful news. The destiny of the Zhen family has been firmly tied to that of Lu Bu. Tied together, they are as good as Xu You and have no more choices.

Now that Zhen Yao has become the prefect of Wei County, the influence of the Zhen family in Jizhou is growing, but he is extremely cautious in his actions.

Two days later, Pound led three thousand Xianbei cavalrymen into Yecheng and stationed outside the city. The three thousand cavalrymen exuded a strong power, which made one dare not look directly at them. This was an alien army. The costumes have not even changed. The arrival of the Xianbei cavalry once made the people in the city a little uneasy. However, when they saw these cavalry being very peaceful outside the city, the people gradually felt relieved. The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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