Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1337: : Yecheng Shock

Guo Jia immediately summoned Pound. After being tempered on the grassland, Pound now appears to be more calm, with iron and blood in his behavior, and he guards the grassland. Pound relies on **** methods to let him Under the rule of the Han people, the aliens dare not violate it.

"General Pang led the cavalry to arrive, and Yuan Shao definitely dare not make any changes." Guo Jia smiled.

Pound respectfully saluted and signaled his whereabouts in Guo Jia. As a famous general under Lu Bu's command, Pound understood the horror of Guo Jia. Although he was a literati, his influence in Lu Bu's army was very strong. Great, the general did not dare to look down upon Guo Jia when he saw Guo Jia.

"Military strategist, now Yuan Shao leads troops and horses stationed in Qinghe, and our army has more than 30,000 men. Why don't you lead them forward and defeat them?" Pound questioned. In his opinion, with the strength of the Jizhou army, it is completely possible. Drive Yuan Shao away from Jizhou.

Guo Jiadao: "The Jizhou Army has 10,000 Youzhou Army, which is strong. However, there are many unstable families in Yecheng. The talents under Yuan Shao's account cannot be ignored. Once Yuan Shao finds the opportunity to enter Yecheng, he will It will be a very troublesome thing."

"The aristocratic family actually did such things, why not secretly control these aristocratic families?" Pound said.

Guo Jia shook his head slightly. "General Pang thinks these aristocratic families are too simplistic. These aristocratic families have been in Jizhou for many years, and they have long been entrenched. It is not easy to say that they want to control them. If Qinghe and Bohai County do not have a family to support them, they rely on Yuan Shao's hands. It is impossible for soldiers and horses to break through the two places. The betrayal of the Yang Family in Qinghe County has caused General Cheng Lian to die in the city. The anger of Jin Hou can be imagined."

Guo Jia naturally understood Lu Bu’s intentions. What he was certain was that Lu Bu had already handled the relationship with Cao Cao at this time. The power represented by Cao Cao was extremely powerful, even though Cao Cao’s forces were on the battlefield at Huguan. The most severely damaged one is Lü Bu’s rising rival, and it is imperative to eradicate Yuan Shao. Yuan Shao’s existence is a huge threat to Jizhou. Maybe Yuan Shao will come to Jizhou anytime. Then.

After breaking into Qingzhou, it can threaten the safety of Xuzhou, and Zang Ba can rely on it.

"General Pang, now Yuan Shao's army is stationed in Qinghe County, and it is possible to invade Yecheng at any time. What you have to do is to lead the cavalry to closely investigate the situation on the battlefield and eliminate the enemy's scouts as much as possible." Guo Jiadao.

Pound clasped his fists and said, he naturally understands the tremendous role that scouts play on the battlefield. Only by accurately controlling the news on the battlefield can he take greater initiative in the next battle. Why is Qinghe like this? Easily defeating Yuan Shao is not only because of the family's support from it, but also has a close relationship with the scout's failure to accurately detect the situation on the battlefield.

"General Pang, Yuan Shao is not as simple as it seems, so be careful." Guo Jia warned.

Pound took the order to leave. He knew that this was his opportunity to make a contribution. He was in charge of the Xianbei cavalry. If he could make the Xianbei cavalry play a huge role on the battlefield, he, the Eight Xiao generals under Lu Bu's command, would be well deserved. There are so many fierce generals under Lu Bu, and only twenty-two people are truly rewarded. These twenty-two people represent the most powerful generals under Lu Bu's command. They are not only personal martial arts, but also show their strength in strategy.

In order to grasp the enemy's movements on the battlefield, Pound personally took the initiative, and a thousand Xianbei cavalry were turned into 50 units to find out the news from Yecheng to Qinghe County.

In Qinghe County, Yuan Shao felt the urgency of the matter. If this situation were to continue, if Lu Bu gathered a large number of soldiers and horses in Yecheng, he could only return without success. He was unwilling to stop at Qinghe County and Bohai. County, what he wants is the entire Jizhou. People’s fear is sometimes greatly weakened under ambition. Although Lu Bu’s army is powerful, as long as he occupy Yecheng, he will have the capital to fight against Lu Bu. The prestige of Jizhou resisted Lu Bu's army, and it was easy to seize other counties and counties in Jizhou.

Just two days after Pound led the cavalry to Yecheng, the Qingzhou army moved. Chun Yuqiong led 10,000 soldiers and horses as the vanguard of the army. Under the support of the family, he successively captured the three cities of Qingyuan, Guantao and Yuancheng. Yuan Shao He led the army and arrived later.

Although the soldiers of the Jizhou Army resisted fiercely, they were not only at a disadvantage in terms of numbers, but there were also aristocratic families in the city who supported them. Their fate can be imagined.

In fact, Yuan Shao also had some doubts. He naturally knew what the Jizhou army was like, including the ordinary soldiers of the Qingzhou army. When facing a powerful enemy, they would often give up resistance when they could not see the hope of victory. To directly choose to surrender, this is indeed extremely common to the princes. However, it took only a year for Jizhou to reach Lu Bu's The soldiers in the army are like reborn, even in the emergency of war. At that time, he was still unwilling to give up resistance.

After entering the city, the Qingzhou army was crazy, especially the Qingzhou Yellow Turbans recruited for Yuan Shao. After they entered the city, they ignored the command of the generals and acted arbitrarily in the city. For a time, the people of the three cities were plunged into dire straits. To Qinghe, a cement road was built, and Yuan Shao’s attacking direction was exactly along the cement road, ready to take Yecheng in one fell swoop.

Yuan Shao broke through three cities in a row, and Yecheng shook again.

In the army, after Guo Jia got the news, his eyes slightly narrowed. The army from all over the country is heading to Jizhou. Although it is important to stabilize the current situation in Jizhou, letting Yuan Shao go on like this will be extremely detrimental to the development of Jizhou. After breaking Yuan City, Yuan Shao’s army can reach Yecheng within two days at most. What Guo Jia is worried about is not Yuan Shao’s army, but Yuan Shao’s internal response in Jizhou. If this situation is placed in Bingzhou, Guo Jiazao Already led the army to shoot.

"The lieutenant general came to discuss the matter." Guo Jia's voice was a little cold, but the personal guards who were familiar with Guo Jia knew that this was an expression that Guo Jia was already angry.

The generals of the various ministries gathered in the Great Account of the Chinese Army, and Guo Jia slowly said: "Yuan Shao has broken through the three places of Qingyuan, Guantao, and Yuancheng, and the army can reach Yecheng at any time. As the generals of the Jizhou army, it is the time to make contributions. ."

The generals in the army were shocked when they heard these words. They didn't want to lead the soldiers to drive Yuan Shao out, but because of the order, they could only guard in Yecheng. Gu Yong's approach to the army was relatively conservative, but extremely safe. Yes, as long as Yecheng is still in Lu Bu's hands, it will not cause large-scale unrest in Jizhou. The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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