Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1375: : Cao Renzhongji

"Wenze, you led your soldiers to Bowangpo quietly to investigate the situation inside Bowangpo. If you find an enemy army, you must not act rashly." Cao Rendao.

Yu Jin was taken aback for a moment, and looked at Cao Ren puzzledly. The scout had already inquired about Bo Wangpo's situation.

"Do you think Guan Yu is a martial artist without any strategy, and Jingzhou is home to Zhuge Liang and other resourceful people. With Zhuge Liang's wisdom, it is impossible to fail to see the importance of Bowangpo. You must be careful when you go to investigate the news. Raise the grass and startle the snake." Cao Ren exhorted.

Yu Jin nodded and said, "The general can rest assured that his subordinates will definitely complete the task."

That night, Yu Jin led the soldiers into Bowangpo. It was summer and the weather was sultry. Many soldiers were sweating even after entering it. Yu Jin did not dare to neglect Cao Ren's instructions, and led the soldiers to quietly explore Bowangpo. The situation even caused some soldiers to hide in dangerous places.

After listening to the news that Yu Jin brought back, Cao Ren felt a little relieved. He still recognized Yu Jin's abilities and became a good general for Cao Cao.

The next day, Cao Ren led his troops into Bowangpo.

Suddenly, Cao Ren felt something was wrong. Although it was summer, why was there so much hay on the ground.

After thinking about it for a while, Cao Ren's complexion changed drastically, and he shouted: "The rear army has changed into the front army, retreat!"

Just as Cao Ren's order was given, hundreds of archers suddenly appeared on both sides, and the flames on their arrow clusters were burning.

"Let the arrows!" With an order, hundreds of rockets moved downwards.

Guan Yu led the soldiers to both sides of Bowangpo, shouting: "Rebellious courtiers and thieves, it's not early to come down!"

Under the rocket, the flammable objects placed in Bowangpo burned at an extremely fast speed.

Cao Ren's face turned pale. He didn't expect to be so cautious before, and was still taking advantage of the enemy. Yu Jin's mood also couldn't be calm. Last night, he personally led the scout to investigate the situation of Bo Wangpo.

Under the fire, Cao's army was in chaos and trampled on each other, and the deaths were unknown. Cao Ren led the cavalry and fled.

Seeing this, Guan Yu laughed a lot. This time, it didn't take a single soldier, but it was to defeat the enemy's vanguard, which made him feel very comfortable. Then the soldiers in the army began to recruit the surviving Sergeant Cao in Bowangpo.

It turned out that Yu Jin had explored Bowangpo at the third watch last night, but at the fourth watch, Guan Yu led the soldiers to ambush inside Bowangpo, which Cao Ren did not expect.

Fleeing Bowangpo, Cao Ren was full of anger. He had never suffered such a frustration. He was the leader of the vanguard army, but he failed in Bowangpo. After a moment of contemplation, he temporarily set up camp outside Bowangpo to gather the defeated soldiers. .

Yu Jin said: "It was the negligence of the last general before, so that he was caught in an ambush by the enemy."

Cao Ren shook his head and said: "Wen Ze, it must be the enemy's scouts who have detected the traces of our scouts. After our scouts left Bowangpo, Guan Yu led the enemy into Bowangpo."

Yu Jin was stunned at hearing the words, it turned out to be the problem in this regard.

"Our army is defeated, Wen Ze is here to gather the soldiers, this general is going to meet Guan Yu for a while." A sharp look flashed in Cao Ren's eyes. Among Cao Jun, what he is best at is not martial arts, but the strategy of marching and fighting. A general who can use strategy is the most terrifying.

Yu Jin said: "The generals should be careful. Guan Yu is said to have the courage of the improper man. Outside the Huguan, he is fighting Jinhou even more."

"Struggling against Jinhou? It's just a joke. If the three of them work together to besiege one person, can they still be called a hero?" Cao Ren sneered.

Yu Jin nodded approvingly. At the beginning, Cao Cao and others promoted Liu Guanzhang’s reputation in the army, mainly to improve the morale of the coalition soldiers. It is a shame to fight against one of the three, but Liu Guanzhang is not ashamed, but rather proud.

This is mainly because Lv Bu's identity at the time was a rebel designated by the Han Dynasty, but people of insight could actually see the clues. This was because the princes were fighting for their own interests, not for the revitalization of the Han Dynasty.

Guan Yu led the troops and horses to a big victory. The morale of the army was greatly boosted. Feeling the excitement of his subordinates, Guan Yu narrowed his eyes and smiled, and he had a greater recognition of Zhuge Liang's wisdom. Guan Yu is a proud man. What was revealed in front of people, especially when facing literati, Guan Yu showed arrogance.

Regarding soldiers, Guan Yu is well-known and loved by military lieutenants. In this regard, it is the opposite of Zhang Fei. Zhang Fei has enough respect for literati, but he is always willing to treat soldiers in the army. Beat and scold.

On the same day, Guan Yu rewarded the soldiers and soldiers. After the Battle of Bowangpo, the enemy's vanguard army had been defeated. Even if the soldiers and soldiers fled back, the fighting spirit has been lost and it is difficult to get things done, but his own soldiers and horses have not been damaged. one person.

Among the Cao Jun, anyone who has a certain understanding of Cao Ren will understand that when Cao Ren chooses to take action personally, it means that he is already angry ~ After inquiring about the news he wants to get, he is already At the second shift, more than four hundred tiger and leopard riders from General Cao Ren gathered in one place. The fire yesterday caused the tiger and leopard riders to lose more than 30 people.

"The enemy general Guan Yu is so arrogant, this general will lead you to teach Guan Yu a vicious lesson tonight and enter the enemy's barracks." Cao Rendao.

When the generals of the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry heard this, they clasped their fists and shouted, their eyes flashed with hatred. They were the most elite of Cao Jun, but they were so uselessly defeated in Guan Yu's hands. If they fail in a head-on duel. They will not complain, this is a conspiracy and tricks of the enemy.

The secret whistle outside the camp was quickly cleared. The defense outside the camp can be described as sparse. It can be seen that yesterday's big victory made these soldiers completely relax their vigilance.

"Kill!" Cao Ren shouted and led the Tiger and Leopard Cavaliers into the camp.

After the camps were set ablaze, there were no soldiers screaming, and even the camps were surprisingly quiet.

"Not good!" Cao Ren's face changed drastically, and the enemy's camp was so quiet, indicating that the enemy had been prepared in advance.

Guan Yu led a thousand soldiers, appeared opposite Cao Ren, laughed and said: "Thief general Cao Ren, don't hesitate to dismount and be surrendered!"

Cao Ren's complexion kept changing. He had made sufficient preparations for this sneak attack, but he did not expect that the enemy would still be prepared.

Looking at the Jingzhou sergeant who appeared from front to back, Cao Ren shouted: "Tiger and Leopard Cavalry, kill the enemy with this general!"

The Tiger and Leopard Cavalry is the elite of the Cao army. In the face of such a surprise attack, many soldiers feel a little afraid, but rushing out of the enemy camp means that they can live. No one wants to die. Only if you live possible. The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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