Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1376: : Cai's House in Wancheng

Five hundred Jingzhou army cavalry greeted them, and the soldiers around were also killed under Guan Yu's order. In Guan Yu's view, although Cao Jun was a surprise attack, his cavalry's elite level was beyond doubt. It is to make every effort, if the enemy cavalry and Cao Ren can be left in the camp, it is the most exciting thing.

Guan Yu ignored the combat effectiveness of the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry. Even though the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry who retreated in the face of the Jingzhou Army's offensive, they still tore open the Jingzhou Army's cavalry line of defense and went away.

"Cao Jun cavalry is so powerful!" Guan Yu murmured, his cavalry is already very strict in training, and the cavalry horses are also excellent horses purchased from Bingzhou. I did not expect that compared with Cao Jun's tiger and leopard cavalry, they still have Such a big gap.

In the camp, there were still several tiger and leopard riders falling down and fighting to the death. After a while, they were submerged by the Jingzhou army. After the victory, the Jingzhou sergeant erupted with a loud roar. The victory of two consecutive wars was for them. It's too important. Both the Jingzhou Army and the Xuzhou Army have been defeated by Cao Jun. When facing Cao Jun, there is always some shadow in their hearts. Two consecutive victories have completely mobilized their morale. stand up.

After returning to the army, looking at the embarrassed soldiers, Cao Ren didn't feel good about it. It was hard for him to think about how Guan Yu discovered that they were going to sneak into the camp. This time when he was inquiring about the news, he personally led the scout, although he There were no successive camps of the Jingzhou Army, but it was possible to judge whether the Jingzhou Army had any omissions in its defenses through the movements of the Jingzhou Army.

"General, in the opinion of the final general, he still informs the lord of the matter. The vanguard army has lost more than 30% of the number, and morale is low." Yu Jin said.

Cao Ren nodded helplessly. He didn't expect that he would be at a disadvantage in two consecutive battles.

Cao Cao was surprised when he received the news from the vanguard army.

"Master, what happened?" Xun You asked.

Cao Cao handed the letter sent by Cao Ren to Xun You and said, "Gongda, I don't want Guan Yu to have this kind of ingenuity, so that Zixiao has lost two games in a row, and the vanguard has suffered heavy losses."

After reading Cao Ren's account of the situation on the battlefield, Xun You also increased his vigilance. Cao Ren is a well-known wise general in the Cao army. He often leads the army in battle, and his performance on the battlefield is remarkable.

"According to Cao Ren, hold on to his troops, Benhou led an army of 100,000, and defeated the Jingzhou Army with an upright army." Cao Cao said confidently.

The counsellors in the tents clung to their hands, and they looked at Cao Cao more of admiration. In the battle of Huguan, Cao Jun was the worst loser. However, Cao Cao was not overthrown by the difficulties outside Huguan, but to appease the soldiers and civilians. Soldiers were trained, but within two years, a hundred thousand troops went out again.

"Zhong De, you have ordered someone to investigate the situation in Xiangyang in detail, especially the movement of the enemy." Cao Cao said: "Also pay attention to Liu Bei's military commander Zhuge Liang. This person is known as Wolong in Jingzhou."

"Here." Cheng Yu handed his hands. In fact, Zhuge Liang had already been placed in a very high position in his heart. Zhuge Liang had helped Liu Bei seize the military power of Jingzhou in such difficult circumstances. situation.

The next day, the generals of General Cao Cao gathered in one place.

Cao Cao slowly said: "Although our army has a hundred thousand people, the fighting power of the Jingzhou army cannot be underestimated. After entering Jingzhou, the generals strictly restrain the generals under their command and shall not disturb the people along the way. The soldiers and soldiers shall not trample on the people's fields. But those who violate the order shall be engaged in military law."

The generals of the various ministries were stunned.

Five days later, Cao Cao led a large army to Bowangpo. The strength was absolutely suppressed, and Guan Yu naturally did not dare to make any mistakes.

Wancheng was the seat of Nanyang County’s prefecture, and it was also a place close to Yuzhou. When Liu Biao was there, he attached great importance to Wancheng. Cao Cao was a big leader in Yanzhou and Yuzhou. Jingzhou was worried about Cao Jun’s invasion. It was built into a strong city of Jingzhou.

The arrival of a hundred thousand army made Wancheng shake up and down, especially the military appearance of Cao Army outside the city, which was shocking.

At this time, the garrison in Wancheng reached ten thousand people, but the ten thousand garrison did not let the family in the city feel at ease.

Guan Yu appeared at the head of the city, looking at Cao Jun outside the city, and his expression flashed with worry. Wancheng is an important city in Jingzhou. If it is lost, it means that Cao Jun can enter the hinterland of Jingzhou and attack Xiangyang.

Judging from the performance of Cao Jun outside the city, it is extremely structured, and there is no small discrepancy with the information obtained.

"Pass on the family leaders in the city to the Taishou Mansion." Guan Yu ordered that Cao Jun had to pay a heavy price if he wanted to break Wancheng. Guan Yu was planning to rely on Wancheng to repel Cao Jun. Before sending troops, Zhuge Liang did. Once reminded him to be careful of the family in the city.

In Wancheng, the most powerful family is the Cai family. This Cai family is different from the Cai family in Xiangyang. Although it is named Cai, it is not related to the Cai family in Jingzhou. After the Cai family in Jingzhou deliberately rebelled, even though Liu Bei was eliminated, Liu Bei still cared about the remnants of the Cai family. After many investigations, the Cai family in Wancheng had nothing to do with the well-known Cai family in Jingzhou. It's a big concern, and the Wancheng Cai family's performance is relatively well-behaved, which is why Liu Bei allowed the Wancheng Cai family to continue to exist.

The Cai family in Wancheng was extremely supportive of Liu Bei, and even took the initiative to help Liu Bei persuade other families to take refuge. Today, Cai Tu, the prefect of Nanyang County, is even a member of the Cai family. Although this prefect is not in Guan Yu’s eyes, he represents the Cai family. In Wancheng's strength, and Wancheng's aristocratic family is faintly headed by the Cai family, which makes Guan Yu have to pay attention to the energy of the Cai family.

According to Guan Yu’s character, any family whose surname is Cai in Jingzhou should be eradicated. After all, the Cai family has been in Jingzhou for many years, and the influence is even more complicated. A little carelessness will allow these people to take the opportunity to come back. This is not what Guan Yu wants to see. Yes, Jingzhou is the most important part under Liu Bei's rule. If Jingzhou is lost, it means that Liu Bei's strength will be greatly weakened. With Jingzhou, Liu Bei can use Jingzhou as a springboard to compete in the Central Plains.

Had it not been for Cao Cao who had sent troops to attack Jingzhou just after Liu Bei had captured Yizhou, Liu Bei would have been a terrifying force among the lords a few years later.

After seeing Guan Yu, the aristocratic family in Wancheng were extremely respectful. They knew the relationship between the person in front of him and Liu Bei. If Guan Yu's favor were obtained, the family's strength would surely be greatly improved. They were observing all this in secret. Guan Yu is quite satisfied with the performance of the family. The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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