Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1383: : Jiangdong's Plan

In the end, the two parties negotiated the price of 500 horses, 100,000 shi for grain and grass, and 20 warships. At the same time, Zhou Yu was named Xuzhou herd and Zhang Zhao was Jiaozhou herd.

After sending Sun Gan away, Sun Ce felt particularly refreshed, and he could get so many benefits without moving a soldier. The position of the general of the chariot is very attractive to a military commander, although the Han Dynasty Weakness, being able to become a general of chariots, is enough to reflect the strength of Jiangdong's military.

"Lord, now that we have sent away the envoy from Jingzhou, Cao Jun's envoy will come soon." Zhou Yu smiled.

Sun Ce nodded in satisfaction, only to say that Cao Jun's envoy came, just to let Jingzhou's envoy relax.

"Lord, if Cao's army is strong and breaks Jingzhou, the lord can send troops to capture Jiangxia when Jingzhou is in turmoil, and then pacify the four counties of Jingnan. In this way, the lord can occupy five counties in Jingzhou, and he will naturally not be able to oppose Cao Cao. Next." Zhou Yu said in a low voice.

Sun Ce nodded approvingly. Whether it is Liu Bei or Cao Cao, as long as they can get enough benefits from them, Jiang Dongjun will take action. As for the rhetoric with Jingzhou, Jingzhou must be able to understand one or two. In the troubled times, strength is the most important thing. Otherwise, Lu Bu was a rebellious man before, so why has he transformed into a man’s general, and the people of Jingzhou respectfully dispatched envoys to Bingzhou. This is the result of strength. benefit.

Compared with Lu Bu, Jiangdong is much weaker in strength, but Sun Ce is confident that Jiangdong will grow stronger in troubled times.

As Zhou Yu guessed, it took only two days for the envoys of Jingzhou to leave, and Cao Cao’s envoys came to Jiangdong and jointly attacked Jingzhou with Jiangdong. For this, Sun Ce said that he would not send troops to help any party, and the corresponding Cao Cao also paid a certain price. .

In Wancheng, Cao Cao learned of Sun Ce's actions and sneered: "It seems that Sun Bofu wants to seize Jingzhou from Benhou."

"The lord must not underestimate the Jiangdong Army. Sun Ce is known as the Jiangdong little overlord. He is extremely brave and won the hearts of the people in Jiangdong. There is no way to invade Xuzhou's heart, perhaps attack Shouchun, and contain the force of the army." Cheng Yu said.

"No matter what kind of character Sun Ce is, if you want to benefit from Benhou, it depends on whether he has that ability." Cao Cao sneered.

"It is passed to the defenders of Shouchun to pay close attention to the movements of the Jiangdong Army, and Guangling cannot relax its vigilance." Cao Cao said.

Let’s say that after Lu Bu attacked Dongping for a few days, Yuan Shao lost his initial confidence. Qingzhou is the root of it. If Qingzhou is lost, it means that tens of thousands of troops have no retreat. What will happen in this situation? Yuan Shao is very clear about the end of the game.

"Yuantu, Qingzhou is precarious, I don't know if Yuantu has a countermeasure?" Yuan Shao set his sights on Fengji. No matter what kind of person Fengji is in the eyes of Qingzhou officials, Yuan Shao still trusts him.

Feng Ji said: "Lord, the city of Linzi is high and deep. Lu Bu has less than 10,000 soldiers and horses, but there are 20,000 defenders in the city. With careful defense, Lu Bu can't do anything."

In the face of Feng Ji’s relief, Yuan Shao was not at ease. Since Lu Bu was able to attack Qingzhou, it showed strong enough strength. Unsurprisingly, the officials of the other counties might have taken refuge in Lu Bu secretly, just waiting for Linzi. Seized by Lu Bu.

In the face of a life and death crisis, Lu Bu's treatment of the family is nothing in the hands of these officials. As long as the family's strength is still there, there will still be opportunities for rise. Once dead, it means that all opportunities have been lost.

"How's the investigation into the details?" Yuan Shao asked suddenly.

"Lord, General Ju Yi refused to speak." Feng Ji was delighted. Yuan Shao asked about the details at this time, obviously he was afraid of Ju Yi.

Guo Tu stepped forward and said: "The lord, his subordinates believe that when the leader returns to Qingzhou, as long as the lord returns to Qingzhou, relying on Qingzhou, he will definitely be able to repel Lu Bu. Although Jizhou is rich, the plain is occupied by Lu Bu. After the Ping Ding is completely stabilized, it will be extremely unfavorable to our army."

Feng Ji took a deep look at Guo Tu. His conversation with Yuan Shao just now came to a critical point. He was confident that Yuan Shao would let Yuan Shao let Ju Yi be executed. He did not expect Guo Tu to help Ju Yi at this critical moment. A handful.

Yuan Shao seemed to be distracted by Guo Tu’s words, and he pondered for a moment and said: "The withdrawal of troops is a matter of great importance. There are 50,000 enemy troops outside the city. Although our army has more than 40,000 people, we want Qinghe to withdraw to Qingzhou, but it is Very difficult thing."

Why doesn’t Guo Tu understand Yuan Shao’s situation now? The situation in Qingzhou is worrying. The plain is captured by Lu Bu, and there are enemy troops outside the city. If you are not careful, you will fall into a situation where you will be invincible. The favorable situation, I did not expect to fall into the current The two crucial wars were all because of Lu Bu’s salary draw from the bottom of the cauldron, which forced the army to retreat. This is the case in Huguan, and now it is in Jizhou. in this way.

"My lord, if our army retreats from Jizhou today, it will definitely suffer heavy losses. According to the subordinates, if we don't stick to Qinghe and secretly contact the family of Jizhou, Lu Bu sent troops to Jizhou to be empty. If Jizhou rebelled, Lu Bu would have no intention of fighting in Qingzhou. , Then our army can take advantage of the trend, and there is no possibility of victory." Feng Ji said.

After listening to Yuan Shao, he was extremely moved. If the troops were to withdraw from Jizhou this time, it would mean that efforts would come to nothing. This situation is not what Yuan Shao hopes to see. As a member of the Yuan family, he has the name of the fourth generation and the third public, so he is naturally unwilling to do so. It failed like this.

"The matter of contacting the Jizhou family is important. Yuantu will do his best. If he can capture Jizhou, Yuantu will be the biggest hero." Yuan Shao's expression gradually became firmer. Hou will not let anyone betray anyone."

"Here." Feng Ji's expression lifted upon hearing this.

After leaving the Chinese Army’s big account, Guo Tu’s mood was in a trough. Now Yuan Shao’s situation is worrisome. If he can’t resolve the immediate crisis, years of hard work will only be in vain. Judging from Cao Jun’s movements, it’s clear. A tacit understanding was reached with Lu Bu, and the plan to rely on Cao Jun to contain Lu Bu could only fail.

Different from Guo Tu’s concerns, after Feng Ji left, he immediately sent someone to contact the Jizhou family. Regarding the interrogation of Ju Yi, he also did not fall behind. However, Ju Yi never said a word in question from the people sent by Feng Ji. The gratitude for Yuan Shao was gradually dissolving a lot in this situation. He did a lot for Yuan Shao, but now he got such a fate. The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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