Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1384: : Donglai Zhangjia

Moreover, the generals in the army were very sympathetic to Ju Yi's experience, but this was due to Yuan Shao's order, and no one dared to discuss it among the generals.

That night, Simpi came to the camp where Ju Yi was imprisoned. On the surface, he was naturally interrogating Ju Yi. Although Feng Ji was suspicious of Simpi, his performance now shows that he is respectful and respectful to him. Ji was a bit proud. When Yuan Shao was defeated in Jizhou to Qingzhou, how arrogant people such as Xinpi and Guo Tu were supporting Yuan Tan, but now he has to stand in front of him obediently. He has a kind of power in his hands. a feeling of.

Seeing Simpi's arrival again, Ju Yi didn't have the slightest surprise.

"General Ju, now the Qingzhou army is in a dire situation. Jin Hou's army has captured Pingyuan County and Jinan County, and the army is in Linzi, but Yehou wants to take the opportunity to capture Jizhou." Xin Pi sighed.

In the beginning, Yuan Shao had a lot of talents under his account, Wen You Jushou, Tian Fengzhi, and Wu You Hebei Si Tingzhu, but they fell into this situation.

Ju Yi said indifferently: "Now this general is treated as a meticulous treatment. What is the benefit of knowing this."

Having said that, Simpi still saw worry from Ju Yi's expression.

After Simpi briefly explained what happened in the Great Account of the Chinese Army, Ju Yi fell into a long silence. Guo Tu’s defense was not recognized by Yuan Shao. It seems that Yuan Shao has already The fear reached a deep point.

"General Ju thinks that the Qingzhou army can win with the current Qingzhou army? This world will change after all. Cao Cao led the army to attack Jingzhou, aiming to seize Jingzhou and strengthen his strength, while Jinhou is aiming to be Qingzhou, Jingzhou, and Qingzhou are attacked. After that, dare to ask General Ju, where else can Yehou go? The world is so big that there is no place for Yehou to stand." Xin Pi sighed, did these words include his sigh to Yuan Shao.

When the princes rose in various places, Yuan Shao occupied the advantage that other princes did not possess, but step by step came to a passive state.

The idea of ​​capturing Jizhou is wonderful. There are many people in Jizhou’s aristocratic families who support Yuan Shao. However, do these families still believe in Yuan Shao as they did before? Besides, Yecheng has tens of thousands of troops, and Guo Jia outside the city is not general. generation.

Ju Yi said, "Master Xin, please come back."

Xin Pi stood up and said, "General Ju, if you stop constantly, there will be troubles."

Seeing Simpi's departure, Ju Yi lowered his head.

After Yuan Shao's plan was passed to Guo Jia, Guo Jia's face showed a sneer. If Yuan Shao could come back under these circumstances, it would be the most absurd thing.

As for Jizhou’s aristocratic family to seek refuge in Yuan Shao, it also depends on Yuan Shaogu’s lack of such strength. The failure of the Qingzhou Army was already doomed when Yuan Shao led the army to attack Jizhou. All that comes is endless regret.

"The spread makes the army ready and scouts pay close attention to the battlefield situation." Guo Jia said slowly.

Outside Linzi City, the successive offensives left the defenders in a passive position. Yuan Tan did not have the confidence to win when he went out of the city to fight the enemy. fear.

The siege of the city for nearly a month made the defenders panic, and the family in the city was even more swayed, especially the original family in Qingzhou. After Yuan Shao entered Qingzhou, their strength was greatly reduced. The magnanimity of the officials that came to Qingzhou forced the aristocratic family to make concessions. Among them, Feng Ji was the most greedy. Although it was not a long time in Qingzhou, it was based on Yuan Shao's trust in him to win over, divide and embezzle. The family has become a pivotal family in Linzi City.

Feng's family and others were harmed by the original Jizhou family in Qingzhou. It was the interests of the local family in Qingzhou that were harmed. It was only due to Yuan Shao’s power that they did not dare to violate the slightest. Now Qingzhou is in danger. Once Lu Bu breaks Linzi, they It is very likely to face a greater loss, and the most advantageous way to avoid a loss is to show favor to Lu Bu.

From the Qingzhou army, not only the aristocratic family in Qingzhou, but also the Jizhou family who went to Yuan Shao are not very optimistic. Pingyuan County and Jinan County have been broken one after another. There has been no progress in the war in Jizhou, and victory seems to have become a luxury. Yuan Shao basically did not win against Lu Bu.

It is precisely because of enemies like Lu Bu that Yuan Shao's strength gradually declines.

Outside Linzi City, Lu Bu did not have the slightest anxiety. When he first attacked Linzi, the officials of the counties and counties in Qingzhou still had certain confidence in Yuan Shao. However, half a month after the attack on Linzi, he still did not see any movement of the reinforcements, which made the family have Some officials even secretly expressed their intention to take refuge to Lu Bu. Of course, this refuge is only verbal. Once Yuan Shao can stop Lu Bu’s attack, they will still be officials and generals under Yuan Shao’s rule. This situation can be said to be extremely common under the rule of the princes. It is also a common method used by the family to preserve the strength of the family to a great After receiving the trust of these officials, Lu Bu just temporarily put it aside. At this time, the forces in his hands are temporarily not enough to take over the entire Qingzhou, and Linzi is the last psychological barrier for officials from all over Qingzhou to break Linzi, and the rest of the city is not a concern.

Yuan Tan did not dare to go out of the city for a decisive battle. Lu Bu did not have the slightest anxiety. As long as he developed according to the current situation, Linzi City would be difficult to defend. Even the Qingzhou Army far away in Jizhou would inevitably fail. This is the absolute confidence in his own strength.

"Master, this is a letter sent by Donglai's prefect secretly." Dianwei walked into the camp and said in a low voice.

Lü Bu nodded and said: "I know this, let this person go back, just say that you will be rewarded if you take refuge in him, and he won't treat those who have done meritorious things."

Dian Wei clasped his fists and said, this sentence he often repeated during this period, and then what he saw was the joy that cannot be concealed by the people sent by various city officials.

As if thinking of something, Dian Wei went back and whispered: "This person said that if the lord read the letter, he will definitely meet him."

"Oh? There is such a thing?" Lu Bu raised his head and picked up the letter in front of him. After reading it roughly, Lu Bu said with a calm expression, "Let this person come in."

When I walked into the Great Account of the Chinese Army, I saw Lu Bu who was in the top position. He opened up and dared not to neglect at the slightest.

Lu Bu said, "Sit down."

This is the first time that Zhang Kai has seen Lu Bu. In the past, he had only heard about Lu Bu’s various reputations. At the beginning, Zhang Kai was skeptical of all this. However, as Lu Bu's gradual rise, he was even more sceptical to Lu Bu. curious. The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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