Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1385: : Internal worries and external difficulties

"General, the meaning of coming from a humble position, presumably the general has already known." Zhang Kai broke the silence.

Lu Bu said: "During this period of time, many officials have indeed had the same words."

Zhang Kaixin moved and looked at Lu Bu quietly. It takes a lot of effort to get enough benefits from Lu Bu. As the largest family in Donglai County, the Zhang family can still understand the movements of the Qingzhou family. Second, Linzi City was attacked, Pingyuan County and Jinan County fell one after another, and the family's heart was floating. The family wanted to find a way for the family to preserve and grow from this opportunity of Lu Bu's attack on Qingzhou.

In the eyes of the aristocratic family, Lü Bu is extremely terrible. He would rather resist than take refuge. However, in the face of true life and death and absolute strength, they will still succumb. This is also helpless. If there are other roads to choose, They would definitely not choose Lu Bu.

Although Lu Bu's treatment of the family was cruel, the family still found a path suitable for the development of the family under Lu Bu's rule. That is to set foot in the officialdom and rely on the heritage of the family to gain a foothold in the officialdom. In this way, the family can get enough benefits. Of course, the premise of everything is that the family does not touch Lu Bu's bottom line.

"What if the Zhang Family can help Jin Hou capture Linzi?" He opened his eyes and stared at Lv Bu scorchingly. At this moment, he had forgotten Lv Bu's status as a lofty superior. For the benefit of the family, he obviously had to fight for it.

Lu Bu smiled and said, "If this is the case, the Zhang family is the hero."

Zhang Kaixin was a little dissatisfied with helping Lu Bu capture Linzi. What a credit it was, but in Lu Bu's ears, this matter seemed not worth mentioning.

"General, the Zhang family is full of talents, and I would like to lead the general to assist the general in pacifying Qingzhou." Zhang Kai said, the original confidence has become insignificant in Lu Bu, making him a little lack of confidence.

"So I would like to thank the Zhang family. I think the Zhang family knows the situation under the rule of the family. As long as the Zhang family can help the beneficiary to settle Qingzhou, the Zhang family is indispensable. One serving." Lu Bu said slowly.

Zhang Kai was overjoyed when he heard this, and it was extremely difficult for him to get the words of Lu Bu. Many of the people from other families who came secretly did not even see Lu Bu's face.

"The matter in Linzi is important, and it can only be done after making perfect preparations." Lu Bu said.

"The general, rest assured, his subordinates will finish." Zhang Kai said.

"After Patriarch Zhang is ready, you can send someone to inform the prince." Lu Bu said.

Seeing this, Zhang Kai bid farewell and left. He was a little worried about the fate of the Zhang family after Lu Bu broke Qingzhou. Originally, the Zhang family was not a weak family in Qingzhou. It was because Yuan Shao's arrival made the Zhang family into a crisis, and even had to Going far away, and all this is due to the exclusion of Jizhou's family.

After opening and leaving, Lu Bu turned his gaze to Dian Wei and said, "How sure are you about this?"

Dian Wei was taken aback for a moment, clasped his fist and said, "Master, his subordinates are rough people."

"What about rough people, can't they have their own judgment?"

"From the perspective of the subordinates, the Qingzhou family will not follow Yuan Shao to the end at this time." Dian Wei said.

"Promulgate Wang Yue to monitor the family in the city." Lu Bu ordered. Since coming to Linzi, the offensive of his army has not been fierce, but more of a deterrent to the defenders in the city, making the defenders feel huge. pressure.

It was late at night and there was silence in Qingzhou City. Since Lu Bu attacked Linzi City, it is strictly forbidden to move around in the city after night. The price of rice in the city is a price per day, which caused great panic among the people. However, there is not much money and food, and if the siege is prolonged, it will only be ordinary people who will be unlucky in the end.

The aristocratic family will definitely not let go of this good opportunity and take the opportunity to expand the family’s strength. At this critical moment, rice is the biggest backing for them to seize the fields from the hands of the people. The price of the fields outside the city is also because of the opening of the war. And become even cheaper.

Of course, this kind of behavior of the aristocratic family also has the intention to gamble. If Lu Bu fails to break Qingzhou, they will get more things, otherwise, everything will become a past.

In the prefecture and animal husbandry, Yuan Tan's complexion was a little gloomy. After the news of the cities in Qingzhou reached Linzi, he suddenly became a little pessimistic. The officials from all over the place even rushed to express their intention to take refuge in Lu Bu. Qingzhou has now gone inside and outside. Distressed situation.

"After this general has repelled Lu Bu, hum, let's see how these people deal with themselves." Yuan Tan coldly hummed, not only angry but also worried between his eyebrows.

"General, the enemy outside the city's attack on Linzi is not violent, and the enemy has only more than 10,000 people. If the sneak attack is successful, it will definitely be able to greatly dampen the strength of the enemy, and the families in the city will also have more thoughts. "Wang Yuan Tan shook his head slightly and said: "Shuzhi, it is not that this general is unwilling to send troops, but our army in Jizhou. It is precisely because of the surprise attack on the enemy that we have the current situation. There must be an enemy’s meticulous work in our army, so we should be more cautious!"

Wang Xiu frowned. Although he was not good at leading soldiers, he felt an unusual taste through the actions of the defenders and the families in the city. The presence of the enemy had greatly affected Linzi, and he could not control the current situation. If the situation is handled well, the most likely cause is a rebellion.

Counselor Han Fan said: "General, Lord Wang said it is true. Now the people in the city are panicking. If our army can't make a difference on the battlefield, more people will definitely be pushed to the side of King Jin."

"This matter has already been decided by the general, and there is no need to discuss it. Qingzhou is the root of our army, and there is no room for loss." Yuan Tan said, not because he was unwilling to send troops and horses to surprise the enemy, but instead looked at Lu Bu's past. Means, let him not have the slightest confidence.

Seeing Yuan Tan’s firm expression, many officials sighed secretly that the situation in the city has reached a critical point. Even if the enemy did not choose to attack the city, but merely stationed outside the city, the impact would be immeasurable. If things go on like this, It will cause more people to depart from morality. Most of them understand that if Qingzhou is lost, it means that Yuan Shao has completely failed on the road to hegemony.

Yuan Tan did not dare to gamble, or said he could not gamble. If the soldiers and horses in the city were the most elite soldiers in Jizhou at the beginning, he would not hesitate to follow the advice of counselors. At this time, he was very clear about the situation of the army in the city. In a head-on battle, I am afraid that it only takes five thousand enemy troops to defeat one's own troops. This is a huge gap in strength. The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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