Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1411: : Yuan Benchu's suicide battlefield

"Fengxian, Ju Yi, Zhang Yun, and Gao Lan are all generals in the army of this marquis. In Fengxian's hands, these generals will not be buried. I hope Fengxian will not be suspicious because of their identities." Yuan Shaochang sighed. .

Zhang Xi and Ju Yi moved in their hearts when they looked at Yuan Shao. No matter what kind of person Yuan Shao was, they used to be their lord. They once gave up their lives on the battlefield for Yuan Shao, but they did not expect Yuan Shao. They are also in danger.

"At first, although you can rest assured, Benhou has always trusted his soldiers." Lu Bu said firmly.

Yuan Shao's expression moved, as if thinking of something, he sighed: "Before, it was indeed the Hon Hou who had some distrust of the soldiers under his command. Otherwise, how could it be the current situation? Ben Hou, I'm sorry, General Ju Yi."

"I also hope that Fengxian can remember the words before the battle." Yuan Shao slowly put the long sword in his hand on his neck.

At this moment, the soldiers around him held their breath. Although Feng Ji wanted to persuade him, he didn't know where to start. Some of the guards had red eyes and tears. Ju Yi's eyes were reddish, which could make Yuan Shao, who has always been proud, speak out. These words are extremely difficult.

"I live on the battlefield, and today's defeat is regrettable." Yuan Shao sighed up to the sky, suddenly exerting force on his wrist, blood was flowing like a fountain, and a generation of heroes came to an end.

After Yuan Shao died, many guards went so far as to commit suicide. They were loyal to Yuan Shao. Even if Yuan Shao died, they were unwilling to survive.

Feng Ji placed the long sword on his neck with trembling hands. If it was possible, he would not choose to die." General Ju Yi, before this official listened to the villain’s words, this framed your deputy Zhao Qiang. It was this officer who wanted to weaken General Ju Yi’s influence in the army, it’s a pity and regret."

Seeing Feng Ji slowly falling, Ju Yi's expression was only pity. He was very clear about Feng Ji's thoughts. He suppressed himself in order to increase his influence in the army and sent generals to try to take control. It can be seen from the first ascend to the dead. At that time, Yuan Shao's army had few warriors alone. Although the first ascendant suffered heavy losses in the battle, he is still a powerful force. If he can take charge, he can be in the army Have a lot of right to speak.

"Subordinates are willing to take refuge in Jinhou." Guo Tu said after struggling in his heart for a long time.

"This person is Guo Tu, a counselor under the account of Yehou." Ju Yidao, he is quite aware of Guo Tu's ability.

In Guo Tu's refuge, the Qingzhou Army in the field did not make a move. They did not follow Yuan Shao, which meant that they did not want to die.

In the eyes of the soldiers in the field, Guo Tu's choice may be a shameless act, but it is a way to save his life. If he resists, Guo Tu believes that Lu Bu will wield the butcher knife in his hand without hesitation.

Following Guo Tu, the counsellors who were waiting for the trial also chose to surrender under these circumstances. For these people, Lu Bu was not embarrassed. As for whether they will be reused in the future, it depends on whether they can show sufficient value.

Yuan Shao did his best to attack Jizhou this time, and most of the mighty generals in the army brought along. Even the counselors in Qingzhou followed by 80%, but he was still defeated on the battlefield of Jizhou.

The banner of the Chinese Army, which represents Yuan Shao, has already fallen, leaving a trace of luck for the Qingzhou army generals on the battlefield, severing the last hope.

More and more soldiers put down their weapons, a team of soldiers began to clean the battlefield, and a team of cavalry was wandering nearby. They wanted to find the fleeing Qingzhou army soldiers. Once these people hide If you get up, it is likely to become one of the disasters that will affect the stability of Jizhou in the future.

Under Lu Bu’s rule, the discovery of thieves would never be tolerated. Although the Qingzhou Army failed, many of them were elite soldiers, and they also had the remnants of the Yellow Turban from Qingzhou. It would be very troublesome for these people to gain a foothold in Jizhou. Things.

Yuan Shao committed suicide because of the defeat of the Qingzhou Army. The Qingzhou Army failed completely on the battlefield. The generals stationed in Ganling directly opened the gate. At this time, there were only more than 3,000 soldiers in the city, and many of them were wounded. The Qingzhou Army failed. , Yuan Shao's death in battle left them completely devoid of fighting spirit, how to fight against the enemy.

The next day, in the city of Ganling, the notices posted were crowded with people. Their expressions could not hide their joy. After Yuan Shao broke through Ganling, he re-given the land that belonged to them to the family. This was also to win the support of the family. , Or in return for the support of the aristocracy, the people who have suffered the most damage are the people, and the arrival of the army led by Lu Bu now allows them to regain what they have lost.

When the field was in his hands, although he was grateful to Lü Bu, it was not as strong as it is now. Only when he lost it and regained it would he understand its preciousness.

There is a place in Ganling City which is dedicated to imprisoning the soldiers who surrendered in the Qingzhou Army. Waiting for the fate of these soldiers. If they perform well and there is no bad deeds in the past, they can join the army. Otherwise, in the next few years, they will probably contribute to the development of Jizhou and Qingzhou. This kind of thing is very common under Lü Bu's rule, and these surrendering soldiers don’t mind this. On the battlefield The failure has made them desperate, as long as they can save their lives is a huge gift for them.

The next day, in the prefect's mansion, important generals in the army gathered.

"A great victory against the Qingzhou Army is inseparable from the courage of the soldiers to kill the enemy. From now on, reward the three armies! Reward for merits and rewards!" Lu Bu said.

The atmosphere in the arena has become much more enthusiastic. Many generals are asking each other about credit. As generals in the army, although they are in robes, they are in competition with each other. Whoever gets the least credit in this battle , It is inevitable that other generals will be underestimated.

This is the first time that Ju Yi has entered such an occasion. Even though he is arrogant, his performance in Lu Bu is relatively respectful. Lu Bu's methods are not comparable to Yuan Shao.

Lu Bu coughed lightly, and slowly said, "After you go back, you should check the details and then report it. The merits of the dead must also be perfected."

Ju Yi was slightly moved, and the dead soldiers had to count the credit. This situation has never happened before Yuan Shao. Whether it is a general or a soldier, as long as they die, they lose their previous value. It is better to reward the dead soldiers with money. It was used to train more soldiers, but what Ju Yi felt from the look of the generals in the field was natural. The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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