Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1412: : After the war

This made Ju Yi couldn't help thinking of the various systems of Lu Bu's army. Suddenly, Ju Yi had a feeling that no matter where the army of the princes, it is difficult to win when facing the army of Lu Bu's army. They have faith. An army does not need to worry about what is behind. What they have to do is kill the enemy on the battlefield, reward the dead soldiers, consume money, but get the hearts and minds of the soldiers and soldiers.

"This is the general Ju Yi under Yehou's command. This time our army can achieve victory, and General Ju Yi is indispensable." Lu Bu introduced.

The generals in the army turned their attention to Ju Yi. They naturally had heard of Ju Yi's name. With the help of Xiandeng dead men, they defeated the world-famous Bai Ma Yi, and achieved a prestigious reputation.

Then Lu Bu introduced the generals in the army for Ju Yi, and Ju Yi's performance was quite respectful.

When Zhao Yun was introduced, Ju Yi was keenly aware of the unhappiness between Zhao Yun's expression, and he was puzzled. He had just joined Lu Bu's command and did not have much intersection with Zhao Yun before.

After everyone left, Lu Bu left Zhao Yun, Zhang Liao, and Guo Jia. Now Zhang Liao is the chief general of the Jizhou army, and his status is far beyond the ordinary. Before, Zhao Yun was the chief general of the Chang'an army. After Lu Bu arrived in Chang'an, Although he was demoted to lieutenant general, the power of Zhang Liao was still comparable.

"Now our army has defeated Yuan Shao. After Yuan Shao's death, Qingzhou's resistance will definitely be greatly weakened. How much should the army stationed in Qingzhou with the intention of filial piety?" Lu Bu cast his eyes on Guo Jia.

Zhang Liao and Zhao Yun didn't know about Zang Ba's secret refuge. It can be seen that the degree of confidentiality of this matter is not to trust the two, but to make Zang Ba safer in Xuzhou.

Guo Jia was silent for a moment and said: "In the opinion of his subordinates, the soldiers stationed in Qingzhou should be 30,000, of which 10,000 can be selected from the Youzhou Army. At this time, the grassland is stable and Youzhou is not too big. 30,000 people are enough for the war that happened in China, and another 20,000 people can be selected from Qingzhou."

"Military strategist, Qingzhou is near Xuzhou, Zang Ba is an ambitious man, and Yuan Tan has already gone to Xuzhou, so he will definitely not give up. Twenty thousand soldiers and horses are not enough?" Zhang Liao frowned slightly.

Lu Bu smiled and said: "Wen Yuan doesn't need to worry about this. Zang Ba has a good relationship with Benhou, and he expects that Yuan Tan's head will be sent to Benhou in the near future."

Zhao Yun and Zhang Liao are both savvy people. After hearing these words, they immediately understood.

"From the perspective of Wenyuan and Zilong, who is the most appropriate general to station in Qingzhou?" Lu Bu asked.

Zhao Yun said without hesitation: "In the opinion of his subordinates, General Huang is the most suitable. General Huang has been fighting for many years and he has outstanding strategy. With General Huang in Qingzhou, no one dares to make trouble."

Lu Bu nodded slightly. He was very satisfied with Huang Zhong. The reason why Huang Zhong was not involved in this discussion was also because although Huang Zhong had a position in the army, the number of troops had not reached a certain level.

"If General Huang guarded Qingzhou, he would surely be able to make Xiao Xiaoxiao not dare to commit trouble, but his subordinates have heard that there are many yellow turban remnants in Qingzhou, which is a disaster for counties and counties." Guo Jiadao.

"Yellow Turban remnants are a disaster for counties and counties, huh, that's because Benhou hasn't come, otherwise, even if there are more Yellow Turban remnants, Benhou will destroy them." Lu Bu's words revealed a strong confidence.

No one would doubt that Lu Bu could do this. When Lu Bu first took charge of the merged state, there were also thieves in various parts of the state, but Lu Bu used thieves to cause trouble. Not only did he train the soldiers in the army, but also prevented these thieves from hiding. It can be said to have done it all.

"If General Huang guards Qingzhou, there is no need to worry about the combat effectiveness of the Qingzhou Army." Guo Jia smiled.

"Wenyuan guards Jizhou, there must be no slack, especially Jizhou's aristocratic families, there may be rebellion at any time, Benhou hopes to see a stable Jizhou." Lu Bu said slowly.

"Don't worry, the lord will definitely complete the task at the end." Zhang Liao clasped his fist.

"General Zhang, you didn't understand the meaning of the lord's words. These aristocratic families contributed a lot when Yuan Shao attacked Jizhou. Could the lord let these aristocratic families continue?" Guo Jia reminded.

Zhang Liao's heart was stunned. Although he entered Jizhou not long ago, he still knows things about Jizhou, especially Jizhou's many families. When Lu Bu was in Jizhou, he wiped out many families, but this did not affect him. The strength of the Jizhou family.

As one of the most prosperous prefectures in the Han Dynasty, Jizhou not only has a large number of people, but there are also many capable people in the family. They set foot in the officialdom and are backed by family power, which can change the situation in Jizhou to a large extent. The aristocratic family relied on the scholars in the family to influence Jizhou. Even after Lu Bu entered Jizhou, it was difficult to change this in a short period of time. Once the family’s interests were touched, they might be Will stand up and resist at the same time.

If Jizhou is caught in such turbulence, it will be extremely unfavorable for the monarch. Only a stable governance can achieve faster development and faster improvement of strength. However, the family ignored Lu Bu’s determination, especially After this matter.

After Yuan Shao attacked Qinghe and Bohai, many families in Jizhou secretly took refuge, but Lü Bu sent troops so fast that they had to take back their refuge in time. Once the winner of this decisive battle is Yuan Shao, the situation Earth-shaking changes will occur.

After the attack on Qingzhou this time, Lu Bu wanted to use tyrannical means to make Jizhou’s aristocratic family and Qingzhou’s aristocratic family not possess the power to threaten the monarch, even in the face of an enemy attack, he did not dare to make the slightest change. All this is not only Only the army is needed, but also a secret investigation and dealing with the family.

"The final general will protect the safety of Jizhou to the death." Zhang Liao solemnly clasped his fists. Under the influence of Lu Bu, he also did not have the slightest affection for the family. When Yuan Shao led the army to attack Jizhou, Zhang Liao was most worried about the family in the army. Influence, it is difficult to guarantee that the lieutenant general will not turn around under the temptation of the family.

"If the lord is dealing with the Jizhou family, he should prepare the corresponding officials as soon as possible." Guo Jiadao.

"Jinyang Academy and Jixian Academy can provide a group of officials at the bottom. The officials from each county will be selected from Bingzhou and Youzhou, and they will all arrive in Jizhou within one month, waiting for the beneficiary's dispatch." Lu Bu said, "Benhou." Hou has three colleges, and after Jizhou and Qingzhou are stabilized, there will be two more colleges. What if the family does not support Benhou? Isn’t Benhou still the person who was bullied by the family." To help you find a book and chat with you, please Wechat/Search/Search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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