Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1420: : Heavy casualties

The heavy cavalry who followed Xiahoudun showed their sharp fangs. Everywhere they passed, the heavy cavalry had an absolute defense. The knives, guns and bows in the hands of the Jingzhou cavalry could hardly cause effective damage to them. On the battlefield, victory is based on defense and impact.

With the charge of the heavy cavalry, a side-to-side situation appeared on the battlefield, but wherever the heavy cavalry passed, the Jingzhou army cavalry all scattered and fled. In their eyes, these heavy cavalry were invulnerable demons.

When Xiahou Dun led the heavy cavalry to appear in front of the Jingzhou army, the Jingzhou navy still looked a little flustered. Without the slightest hesitation, Xiahou Dun led the cavalry into the Jingzhou army. The thousand heavy cavalry on the other side was just a little late. After a while, he broke through the barriers of the Jingzhou Army cavalry. This was the crush brought by absolute strength.

The heavy cavalry rushed into the Jingzhou navy, which brought constant damage to the Jingzhou navy.

Su Fei saw these scenes. Although he tried his best to order the soldiers to step forward to block, it was difficult to stop the heavy cavalry from charging. Once these cavalry charged, they could kill without relying on the number of soldiers, although there were two thousand heavy cavalry. The cavalry was enough to defeat tens of thousands of Jingzhou troops.

It was fifty miles away from Xiangyang, and when the defenders from Xiangyang arrived, the battlefield must have come to an end.

Among the Jingzhou Army, the most elite is the navy. At this point, the Jiangdong Army also recognizes that the Jingzhou navy has gone through many battles, but in front of the heavy cavalry, they can only support it hard. Seeing a soldier fell under the charge of the heavy cavalry, Su Fei was very angry, and it was of no avail.

After the battle lasted for three hours, the Jingzhou navy began a full-scale defeat. They could not hold the slightest fighting spirit in the face of the Cao Jun heavy cavalry. The heavy cavalry had already used their invincible charge to make the navy fearful.

Su Fei led the navy and did not break out towards the direction of Xiangyang. He was not sure whether there was still Cao Jun's ambush on the way. Only returning to the navy was the most appropriate.

The Jingzhou navy wanted to retreat, how could Xiahoudun easily let it go? He was so embarrassed on the battlefield of Huguan back then, and now he is about to find his majesty in the Jingzhou army.

After hunting for thirty miles, Xiahou Dun ordered the cavalry to gather together and gather the surrendered sergeant Jingzhou in one place.

The heavy cavalry finally stopped chasing and killing, Su Fei's fear gradually calmed down. When facing these Cao Jun heavy cavalry, Su Fei's feeling was deep helplessness, invulnerability, and powerful combat effectiveness, even if he was wearing a war horse. With the armor on, the speed is still not comparable to that of the pawns.

After gathering the soldiers and horses, there were only less than 5,000 soldiers and horses, and many of them were even more wounded.

"General, what should I do?" The lieutenant's complexion was a little pale, and he obviously didn't recover from the power of the enemy just now.

Su Fei was silent for a long time and said: "The order I'm waiting for is to help Xiangyang. If we retreat halfway, the military division will definitely inquire."

"General, Cao Jun's cavalry is too fierce, our army can't stop it. If we encounter these cavalry again on the way, wouldn't it be dangerous? We are the Jingzhou navy army. What we are good at is fighting on the river." The deputy general said.

The rest of the generals also agreed, mainly because they didn't want to face Cao Jun's heavy cavalry anymore. The power of the heavy cavalry charging up made them unforgettable for life.

"No, Xiangyang is in danger at this time. If we are afraid to go to Xiangyang because of the Cao Jun cavalry, Xiangyang will definitely be difficult to defend in the face of Cao Jun's attack. If Xiangyang is lost, how can the Jingzhou Water Army last long." Su Fei road.

Seeing that Su Fei’s tone was firm, the generals in the field were silent. No one would violate Su Fei’s orders at this time. Su Fei was a general under Huang Zu’s command. Huang Zu had a huge reputation in Jingzhou. Not only did he have a good martial arts, but also brutal methods. Su Fei happened to inherit this from Huang Zu. This made Su Fei a navy general in a short time and had a certain degree of control over the navy. Otherwise, it would be supported by Liu Bei. , It is impossible for him to gain a foothold in the Jingzhou navy so quickly.

"Do you want to disobey this general's order? Now Jingzhou is in danger. As a courtier of the Han Dynasty, I should fight hard. How can I retreat because of the strength of the enemy? After the victory, Cao Jun might have returned to Xiangyang. "Su Fei coldly snorted.

"Willing to obey the orders of the generals!" The generals in the field clasped their fists.

Seeing this scene, Su Fei’s face showed a smile, “You all follow this general to Xiangyang to support you. "

Many generals felt better after hearing these words. Although the current court is in Jingzhou, Liu Bei did not award Jingzhou officials due to the discussion of the princes under the world. Liu Qi secretly followed Liu Bei's orders and naturally did not dare. Violation, promotion is a big temptation for After preparing soldiers and horses, Su Fei rushed to Xiangyang again, but this time he was a lot more cautious, and the scouts sent out were always ready Investigating the surrounding news, avoid giving Cao Jun a chance. After the last bitter lesson, the scout obviously increased his vigilance, but there was still a look of fear in his expression. It can be seen how much the previous battle with Cao Jun left them. deep impression.

Along the way, many soldiers who were defeated that day were gathered, so that Su Fei's team gradually grew.

After Xiahou Dun defeated the reinforcements of the water army, he only ordered 500 heavy cavalry to **** the prisoners to Xiangyang. The rest of the heavy cavalry did not leave. His task was not only to deal with Su Fei, but any army that dared to rush to Xiangyang. For this task Xiahoudun was very satisfied, especially seeing the scene of the enemy crashing under the charge of heavy cavalry, which made him feel extremely comfortable.

"General, Su Fei led the Jingzhou naval forces again, only thirty miles away from our army."

After hearing these words, Xiahou Dun was shocked. He originally thought that after defeating Su Fei, there would be no war in a short period of time. Unexpectedly, Su Fei was also a brave person. After being defeated once, he even dared to come.

"This general knows, send the scouts, lie in the dark and pay close attention to the enemy's movements." Xiahou Dun fell into contemplation after speaking. Only after the enemy is completely defeated can the defenders of Xiangyang be completely shaken, Su Fei His behavior undoubtedly created an opportunity for Xiahou Dun.

After the previous war, Xiahoudun believed that as long as he led the heavy cavalry to appear again, he would be able to make the enemy fearful, and what he had to do was how to completely defeat these enemy forces so that they would not dare to go to Xiangyang to support. The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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