Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1421: : Su Fei was captured

The next day, under Su Fei's cautious advance, he finally came to the place where he was ambushed last time. The traces on the battlefield still existed, and Su Fei couldn't help but sigh.

The army general who came with him saw that there was no enemy along the way, and that it was only fifty miles away from Xiangyang, and he only needed to reach Xiangyang tomorrow, and he was relieved.

"Can you find out if there are enemy troops around?" Su Fei asked.

"The general can rest assured that the last time Cao Jun was hidden in the nearby jungle, this time our army's scouts have explored the surrounding area of ​​20 miles. It is absolutely impossible for Cao Jun to hide nearby." A general stepped forward with confidence. Said.

As soon as the voice fell, a scout rushed on a horse covered in blood and shouted: "There are enemy troops, enemy cavalry."

This shout made the atmosphere in the army suddenly become a lot more dignified. Many soldiers even moved quietly to the corners, so that they could escape from the battlefield as long as they had a chance, but they were not willing to work hard. It was Cao Jun's heavy cavalry that made them feel the fear from the heart, especially the momentum of the cavalry when they charged, enough to defeat their fighting spirit.

Su Fei's face changed drastically after hearing this, "Ready to meet the enemy!"

When the soldiers on the Su Fei side completely opened up the battle, Xiahou Dun led the heavy cavalry to kill. Unlike the previous charge, the heavy cavalry adopted a three-sided attack, preventing these defenders from fleeing the way they came. There was a dangerous place on the road when he came to guard, and it was difficult for Su Fei to escape from the charge of the heavy cavalry.

Heavy cavalry appeared on three sides, and fear spread among the Jingzhou Army. They could not help but think of the power of the heavy cavalry just now, especially when they charged, they were unstoppable.

Xiahoudun shouted: "Su Fei, I didn't expect you to have such a courage and dare to lead the army. You really understand this general, haha..."

Xiahoudun’s arrogant laughter did not arouse the hatred of the Jingzhou army. More generals were thinking about how to save themselves on the battlefield later. Many generals looked at Su Fei with hatred. If it weren’t for Su Fei’s decision If they continue to support Xiangyang, how can they fall into the current situation? The Jingzhou navy did not agree with Liu Bei. This is also for a reason. Cai Hao and Zhang Yun are the generals of the Jingzhou navy, and Cai Hao is even more in the navy. It had absolute prestige, but Liu Bei killed Cai Hao for Jingzhou's military power, forcing Zhang Yun to bow his head.

The generals in the navy have also changed a lot because Liu Bei entered Jingzhou. The navy generals who obeyed Liu Bei's orders have been greatly promoted. This makes the navy generals who had a good impression of Cai Tao and have a certain ability to feel resentful. .

"The rebel Hugh is rampant, the reinforcements of our military division are already on the way." Su Fei shouted loudly.

When Xiahoudun heard this, instead of having the slightest fear, he laughed and said: "If the army in Xiangyang dared to go out of the city, this general would not be able to ask for it."

The heavy cavalry on the battlefield is far more powerful than ordinary cavalry. The defensive strength allows them to survive on the battlefield to a greater extent. Before Xiahoudun led the heavy cavalry to defeat Su Fei, the heavy cavalry was just a break. Hundreds of people were injured, although not a few were injured, this result is enough to make Xiahou Dun proud.

"Kill!" Xiahou Dun gave the order.

The momentum of the three heavy cavalry charging together made many Jingzhou troops look afraid. The first reaction of many soldiers when they saw the heavy cavalry rushing was not to fight, but to avoid. It was just that their avoidance was howling the heavy cavalry. The cavalry appeared to be so fragile. The navy trained the most with bows and arrows. However, at this time, the bows and arrows of the Jingzhou Army caused little damage to the heavy cavalry.

The corner of Su Fei's eyes kept shaking, and his soldiers wailed under the charge of the heavy cavalry. As for the reinforcements from Xiangyang, it was only because he deliberately said it so that the generals in the army could feel relieved.

An hour later, the Jingzhou Army began to rout and flee. In order to be able to escape more quickly, some soldiers even abandon the armor and blades, which shows how terrible the heavy cavalry left in their hearts.

Under the siege of the three-sided cavalry, more than 5,000 Jingzhou troops retreated steadily. Su Fei led his soldiers to fight and retreat in the direction of Xiangyang. However, Xiahou Dun obviously did not intend to let Su Fei go this time.

At this time, Su Fei’s force was reduced by half compared to the initial time, and the heavy cavalry had already made Jingzhou Army unable to fight. Xiahou Dun led more than fifty heavy cavalry to kill Su Fei’s direction, wherever he went. , Jingzhou Army evaded.

"Where does Su Fei go!" Xiahou Dun shouted loudly.

When Su Fei saw Xiahoudun riding a horse to kill, his expression changed drastically. He had already seen how tough Xiahoudun was on the battlefield and wanted to avoid him. However, at this time, the soldiers in the army could not have the fighting spirit to face the heavy cavalry, so he could only grit his teeth to meet him. Xiahou Dun, two generals who were loyal to Su Fei followed Su Fei to kill.

Seeing this Xiahou Dun burst into laughter, and the Prancing Horse Hengdao killed him.

Taking advantage of the momentum, the man slashed a general next to Su Fei with a knife, and then with a long knife, it blocked Su Fei's long spear, and the long knife took Su Fei directly with a fierce force.

Su Fei hurriedly dodged his gun to resist.

After the triad, another general fell off the horse. The surrounding Jingzhou army generals looked at Xiahou Dun with fearful eyes. The three generals fought against one person, and two of them died in a blink of an eye.

Su Fei's hands clasping the spear trembling lightly, just before the fight, let him realize the terrible Xiahou Dun, if there are other choices, he will definitely not support Xiangyang.

Xiahoudun rode his horse to Su Fei, and the long knife slammed the spear in Su Fei's hand. When the two horses were at odds with each other, he reached out and pulled Su Fei off the horse. The two heavy cavalry saw this scene, turned and dismounted. Su Fei uniform.

Sergeant Jingzhou was stunned when he saw this situation, and his gaze at Xiahou Dun was full of fear. Su Fei had a strong martial arts in the army, which was why Su Fei was able to gain a foothold in the navy in a short time.

After Su Fei was captured alive, the generals of the Jingzhou Army gradually gave up resistance. Many people chose to surrender, especially for the first time under the charge of the heavy cavalry. After escaping, they did not surrender, but had to bear the anger of Cao Jun's heavy cavalry again. The soldiers did not hesitate to put down their weapons, they didn't want to face Cao Jun again.

After capturing Su Fei alive, Xiahou Dun did not stay on the battlefield for too long. The previous information received was that Su Fei led the navy to come to support, but now that he captured the navy general, Xiahou Dun naturally wanted to return to the military. Fan, after this battle, even if the defenders of other counties in Jingzhou want to help Xiangyang, they still have to worry about one or two things. The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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