Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1422: : Guan Yu's dissatisfaction

On the battlefield of Jingzhou, Cao Jun’s scouts had the absolute upper hand, and the Tigers and Leopard Cavaliers acted as scouts. How could the Jingzhou Army’s scouts be opponents. When they encountered Cao Jun’s scouts on the battlefield, they basically lost more and less victory.

The news of the mobilization of the Jingzhou soldiers and horses is difficult to hide from the princes' eyes. As long as they know that the reinforcements are coming, Cao Cao will send a large army to intercept them, relying on Xiangyang as a decoy, so that the Jingzhou army will continue to be damaged.

In the city of Xiangyang, Zhuge Liang's complexion was a little low. He did not expect that Cao Cao would dare to ambush the soldiers and horses in Jingzhou and ambush the navy led by Su Fei. However, because the scouts were not detailed enough, he did not get the news of Cao Jun's heavy cavalry mobilization. , When Cao's army was attacking the city in a big way, the enemy cavalry was not dispatched very much, and it was difficult to detect the number of enemy cavalry.

Su Fei was captured alive, and the navy was defeated. It is absolutely bad news for Xiangyang and even Jingzhou at this time. After the heavy losses of the Jingzhou navy, it is most likely that the Jiangdong Army’s prying eyes, Jiangdong Army has not After giving up his coveting for Jingzhou, Cao Jun attacked Jingzhou. Although Jingzhou and Jiangdong reached an agreement temporarily, it was because Jingzhou's navy could threaten the Jiangdong army. Once the navy's strength was severely damaged, it would be for Jiangdong army. A huge opportunity.

The reason why the navy was mobilized was also a helpless move. After the rebellion in the four counties of southern Jingnan, there were not many soldiers and horses stationed in the county, and Liu Bei entered Yizhou and took away the absolute elite of the Jingzhou army. After the temporary emptiness of Jingzhou, the secret refuge of the Wancheng family was the most important factor that brought Jingzhou into the current situation. According to Zhuge Liang’s prediction, as long as he relied on Wancheng to block Cao Cao’s army, he could calmly arrange everything, and Yizhou The army of Yizhou can also support Jingzhou after Yizhou is stabilized, but all this is too fast, and it is almost dizzying.

"Military strategist, now that the navy is defeated, and Cao Jun is unstoppable, what should I do?" Guan Yu said coldly, looking at Zhuge Liang's complexion also a bit unkind. In his opinion, the main reason for the defeat of the navy was Zhuge Liang.

Zhuge Liang said: "General Guan only needs to guard Xiangyang City and stop Cao Jun. Although the number of Cao Jun is large, there are hundreds of thousands of soldiers and civilians in Xiangyang City, and Xiangyang has many families, so there are so many private soldiers in the family."

Guan Yu snorted coldly and nodded. Originally, after the previous events, he still respected Zhuge Liang, but he did not expect that the current situation appeared. He did not realize that it was because he lost Wancheng that there was Jingzhou. The crisis is that he is very dissatisfied with Zhuge Liang.

Zhuge Liang naturally did not remind Guan Yu that Liu Bei attached great importance to him. However, Guan Yu was Liu Bei's brother-in-law and had a high status in the army.

In addition, he didn't take refuge in Liu Bei for a long time. At first, the generals who followed Liu Bei and obeyed Guan Yu's orders might not follow his orders like that.

"Military strategist, General Guan is also worried about the current situation in Jingzhou, and I hope the strategist will not be surprised." Jian Yong said

Zhuge Liang said: "It's okay. Now the most important thing is to defend Xiangyang. The failure of the navy is beyond the expectations of the officer. I didn't expect Cao Jun to be so cunning. Our scouts did not detect the enemy's news on the battlefield."

"If you gather the private soldiers of the family in one place, you will have a greater chance of winning against Cao Jun." Zhuge Liang said slowly: "Xianhe, this matter will take you."

Jian Yong said with his hands: "Subordinates must be completed." He understood the meaning of Zhuge Liang's words. He was clearly not at ease with the family in Xiangyang City. When the family had no private soldiers in their hands, it would be difficult to cause greater turmoil.

For Zhuge Liang, both Jianyong and Iraqi are very impressed. Jianyong has been following Liu Bei for a long time, and he understands how great the help Zhuge Liang is to Liu Bei, and the current situation in Jingzhou is similar to that of Zhuge Liang. The reason is not big, and it is reasonable to mobilize the Jingzhou navy. Even if it is replaced by other people, Zhuge Liang does not necessarily do well, especially the two victories of Xinye against Cao Jun, although the credit is Guan Yu’s secret plan. From Zhuge Liang.

Zhuge Liang said: "Now that Xiangyang has reached the most critical moment, the navy has suffered heavy losses. If Jiangdong Army ignored the previous covenant, Jiang Xia would definitely be in crisis."

Jian Yong and the Yiji also felt the urgency of the situation. When the Jingzhou Army played against the Cao Army, they were completely at a disadvantage. They were inferior to the Cao Army in terms of equipment, and not in number compared to the Cao Army. In terms of the level of their soldiers, they were also different from the Cao Army. The small gap is completely at a disadvantage. At the beginning, the officials in Jingzhou were confident that they could block Cao Jun’s attack. After all, there were nearly 50,000 people in Jingzhou’s army, except for the two victories in Xinye. In addition, the rest are all failures.

It’s not that Zhuge Liang’s ingenuity was inadequate, but that the strengths of the two sides were not at the same level. This also made Jingzhou officials realize the terrible place of the Union State Such a terrifying Cao Jun was defeated in the hands of Lu Bu. At the beginning, the Union State Army was still at a disadvantage in terms of numbers. If it were to face the Union State Army, what kind of scene would the war be like.

This war also made Zhuge Liang awake a lot. When he was in the academy, he commented on major events in the world, analyzed the behavior of the princes, and analyzed their inner meaning through the surface of the princes. After really entering it, he discovered that, There is a big difference between the previous high spirits and today, whether it is Lu Bu, Cao Cao or Sun Ce, they are not easy people.

What Cao Jun relies on is the crushing of absolute strength. Zhuge Liang knows this very well. In this frontal battlefield, if he wants to defeat Cao Jun, he must have enough strength. Now all of his reliance is the reinforcements from Yizhou. However, Liu Bei had just occupied Yizhou and needed time to stabilize, and it was difficult to send reinforcements in a short time.

"In any case, you must defend Xiangyang!" Zhuge Liang muttered that Xiangyang is not only the seat of Jingzhou's state governance, but also the most important gateway to Jingzhou. If Xiangyang is lost, it means that more places will be lost.

Compared with the dignified atmosphere inside the city, the morale of the Cao army outside the city was high, especially Xiahou Dun's attack to capture the enemy's navy general Su Fei.

After Cao Cao’s kind words and relief, Su Fei immediately expressed his willingness to surrender, which made Cao Cao very happy. What Cao Jun lacked most was the navy generals. Even after the breakthrough of Jingzhou, if there was no navy, it would still be very difficult to sweep Jiangdong. It's hard to do.

Now Cao Jun has an absolute advantage. As long as it develops in accordance with the current situation, Xiangyang will definitely be breached. It is just a matter of time. The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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