Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1425: : The Death of Yuan Tan (Part 2)

After Yuan Tan heard the news, he sat down, his originally straight waist collapsed in an instant, and muttered: "Impossible, how could Yehou be defeated? In the world, Nalu Bu is just a crude taker."

"Impossible, you must be deceiving this general, Zang Ba, you dare to deceive this general, come, and behead Zang Ba out to show the public." Yuan Tan shouted hysterically.

The generals in the field seemed to look at Yuan Tan with pity. When he arrived in Kaiyang, he dared to be so arrogant, I have to say that Yuan Tan was too confident in himself.

"Come here, imprison Yuan Tan, and imprison all the soldiers accompanying him." Zang Ba said coldly. After Yuan Tan arrived, he was enduring Yuan Tan, mainly because he was worried that the soldiers accompanying Yuan Tan would be there. At the last juncture, desperately, otherwise, he would control Yuan Tan when he was outside the city.

After receiving the order, the two soldiers dragged Yuan Tan from the upper position.

Yuan Tan didn’t seem to react from the shock. His eyes were dull. The news that Yuan Shao was defeated and killed obviously had a great impact on him. Yuan Shao was Yuan Tan’s last hope of rising. Yuan Shao died. It means that the power of the Yuan family will disappear from the princes.

The soldiers who accompanied Yuan Tan were controlled by the well-prepared Zang Ba. After the defeat, these soldiers had already lost their morale. They followed Yuan Tan to Kaiyang for the sake of awe, who knew they fell into Zang. Pa's hands.

The reason why Yuan Tan is controlled is for Shanyanghou and to get rid of suspicion. If Yuan Tan is killed and his head is sent to Lu Bu, Cao Cao must be suspicious. If it is sent to Yanzhou, there will not be too many problems. Cao Cao suspected, but couldn't find a handle.

Chen Gong said: "Now that Yuan Shao is defeated and killed, as long as the Marquis of Jin stabilizes Qingzhou, looking at the world, who is his opponent, he only needs to defeat each of the princes, and he will surely dominate the world in the future."

Zang Ba nodded and said: "The Marquis of Jin is a hero, and the Marquis of Jin treats the people generously and calms down the lords. It is a blessing for the people."

The next day, Yuan Tan was slayed, and Zang Ba also announced to the public the evil deeds of Yuan Tan led the army into Langxie. After hearing this, the people naturally reprimanded Yuan Tan's behavior.

Soon after Yuan Tan went to Kaiyang, Yin Li, the guardian of the aunt, invited Yuan Tan’s general Du Shen to go to the city for a banquet. Du Shen didn’t have the slightest suspicion about this, and he went happily. He was controlled by Yin Li and lost the general. After that, the army outside the city was controlled by Yin Li.

Since then, the Yuan family's power has basically been eliminated, and the Yuan family has withdrawn from the stage of contending for world hegemony.

After the battle in Qingzhou ended, Lu Bu received information from other princes. He was particularly concerned about Cao Cao’s attack on Jingzhou. Through Cao Cao’s attack on Jingzhou, Lu Bu saw the determination of the princes to develop their own strength, heavy cavalry and heavy infantry. The appearance shows that the princes have attached great importance to the elite soldiers to an unprecedented level, and the heavy cavalry in the Cao army also showed a strong side on the battlefield of Jingzhou. , But there is no way.

Unlike in history, Liu Bei has already captured Yizhou at this time. Even after losing on the battlefield in Jingzhou, the army can still withdraw to Yizhou. Yizhou is easy to defend and difficult to attack. You only need to send soldiers to garrison the checkpoint. Observe the changes in the world, but the loss of Jingzhou means that the development of Yizhou will be greatly restricted. Although Jingzhou is a place of the Four World Wars, it is extremely wealthy. Occupying Jingzhou and losing Jingzhou are completely different. Meaning, with Jingzhou, it will be possible for Liu Bei to use Jingzhou as a springboard on the future battlefield, and then compete in the Central Plains. If Jingzhou can not achieve great development in Yizhou, Yizhou is likely to become Liu Bei's final death. place.

"Fengxiao, in your opinion, what is the chance of Cao Jun attacking Jingzhou?" Lu Bu asked with a smile.

Guo Jia said without hesitation: "The Cao Jun will surely be able to break the Jingzhou Army, unless other circumstances arise. Now that the lord will not attack Xuzhou or Yanzhou in a short time after he has captured Qingzhou and eliminated Yuan Shao's forces, he will be able to help Liu Bei fight Cao Cao. There is only Jiangdong, and Sun Ce has long coveted Jingzhou. At this time, I am afraid that he is waiting for the opportunity to attack Jingzhou. If Liu Bei cannot send troops to rescue from Yizhou in time, Jingzhou will definitely be broken for Cao Jun."

"After Cao Cao breaks through Jingzhou, his strength can be greatly improved, and he will definitely be the enemy of the Houhou in the future." Lu Bu sighed.

Guo Jia smiled and said: "Now the lord occupies Sili, Bingzhou, Youzhou, Jizhou, Qingzhou, and Hanzhong. The aliens on the grassland are surrendered. There are more than 10,000 elite cavalry under his command. Look at who can stop the princes. As long as the lord is willing, Xuzhou will be broken. Naturally, although Cao Cao occupies a wealthy place, he is not stable under the rule."

"Not only under Cao Cao's rule, why not under the rule of Over the years, the speed of this lord's governance has been too fast, and the number of aristocratic families has increased." Lu Bu said.

"Lord, the family is no longer afraid of it. As long as the masters treat the people with generosity after the construction of schools in various places, they will definitely win the support of the people." Guo Jiadao, the more it goes to the end, the more it can reflect the benefits of the people's support.

At the same time, Guo Jia has a deeper understanding of Lu Bu’s original phrase "water can carry a boat and can also overturn the boat". The power of the people is powerful, but when their power does not really explode, it seems so. Weak and small, can only be kneaded by the ruler, together will be strong.

"Actually, after Cao Cao broke Jingzhou, it was also good news for the lord. Today, the Han family has no influence among the princes. After Cao Cao broke Jingzhou, even if he supported Liu He to become the new emperor, it was difficult to recover. In the past, the dignity of the Han Dynasty, the lord could take the opportunity to claim the king." Guo Jia said slowly.

Lu Bu's expression condensed, saying that the king is absolutely rebellious in the eyes of the Han people. Since Liu Bang's white horse pledge, as long as there are kings of different surnames in the world, they will rise up and attack them. This has become an iron law of the Han family, but it is now based on Lu Bu's. As long as the strength is stabilized from this battle, even if it is the king, it will only attract scholars' verbal criticism.

"It won't be too late to talk about it at that time." Lu Bu said: "Now Youzhou is stable. Chen Tian is enough in Youzhou. Feng Xiao will be next to Benhou for the time being."

"Here." Guo Jia said. When his strength has developed to a certain level, even if Lu Bu disagrees to be king, the soldiers under his command will not agree to it. The strength is so powerful that they need an ambitious monarch. The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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