Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1426: : Linzi

And today, among the princes, no one can threaten Lu Bu. This is absolute strength. As long as Cao Cao and others are eliminated, there will be a unified situation.

Civil officials and generals under the rule need an ambitious monarch, because they need more credit, just like the promotion of positions in the current army. After the generals, they will have different status due to the promotion of military merits. They are also a master. Some have high status and some have low status. The clear status division is to prepare for the future achievement of hegemony. It is very different from granting rewards to civilians and generals under the Han Dynasty.

Qingzhou, as the place where the Yellow Scarf is the most raging, has suffered the most wars among the people. Lu Bu went to Qingzhou, on the one hand, for the Qingzhou family, and on the other hand, to do his best to solve the problem of the Yellow Turban in Qingzhou.

The appearance of the Yellow Turban is not the people’s fault. If the people can eat and wear warm, they will definitely not do this kind of desperate thing. No one wants to live a precarious life. The people’s rebellion and the emergence of the Yellow Turban army are precisely what The beginning of the end of Dahan's rule is the price paid by the ruler for doing wrong.

The great man has been stable for hundreds of years, but he has created a batch of aristocratic families. Even the power of the aristocratic family can influence the court to a certain extent and influence the decision of the emperor. For their own interests, the aristocratic families are unscrupulous. The words for the country and the people secretly think about how to seize the fields from the people and how to strengthen the power of the family. .

After Lu Bu arrived in Qingzhou, the most nervous family was the Qingzhou family. Thinking of Lu Bu's treatment of the family in the past, they felt terrified from the bottom of their hearts. However, when Linzi was breached, more families had no other choice. For the sake of family preservation, Can only choose to seek refuge in Lu Bu.

Faced with the choice of life and death, it is very different from the mentality of Qingzhou after it has truly settled down. No one is willing to give up the interests in their hands.

On the third day of Lu Bu's arrival in Qingzhou, the prefecture and animal husbandry gave an order to collect all the land in all counties. This is an order that had a huge impact on the family. After Lu Bu entered Qingzhou, he did not take credit for helping him break Linzi. He was soft, but Lu Bu also has certain rewards for these family members who have done the job. What makes the family happy is being able to recommend outstanding talents in the family for official positions.

As long as you can get involved in the officialdom, it means that the family will not decline.

Today, most officials in Qingzhou have not changed, but the shadow guards have already traveled to the counties to inquire about the situation. For officials who have not implemented the orders of the prefecture, Lu Bu will not have the slightest mercy. The Jizhou matter has made Lu Bu realize that if he is offended The aristocratic family will go to death to offend. At this point, the attitude must be tough.

After busying with the affairs of Zhou Mufu, Lu Bu appeared on the street after disguising himself. Compared with Yecheng, Jinyang and now Chang'an, Linzi at this time looked a bit dilapidated. Linzi was the most prosperous place in Qingzhou at the beginning. Because of the ravages of the Yellow Turban, Qingzhou gradually declined.

The streets were bumpy, and the houses on both sides of the street were a bit dilapidated. After seeing this, Lü Bu realized that it would be a long way to go as an official in Qingzhou.

However, as long as the orders of the prefecture and animal husbandry can be effectively implemented, Linzi will be able to change its appearance within three years. Now the officials under his rule have formed a set of experience in governing the place, which is also in line with Lu Bu's continuous occupation of territory. Great relationship.

After capturing a city, the most important thing is a powerful army. This is the most important guarantee for the execution of the order, and then the control of the field. At this time, the conflict is the most intense. The field is extremely important for the family. Important is the most important means for them to obtain benefits. Not every aristocratic family will choose to do business, and more aristocratic families rely on fields to maintain their family's operations.

By controlling the fields, the family can control more people. If the people who don’t have fields want to survive, they must rely on the family, become tenant farmers of the family, and get the rice that can barely make ends meet. This is also the current situation of many people. It means that the interests of the family are fundamentally touched.

Many aristocratic families behaved extremely crazy at this time. They would secretly instigate the people to carry out rebellions. However, these rebellions are not worth mentioning in the face of a tyrannical army. More people are not in the face of practical benefits. Will choose to oppose the government.

The purpose of taking back the fields is to divide the fields into the hands of the people, but ordinary people who are somewhat sensible will not follow the words of the family to initiate a rebellion.

After the fields are reclaimed, the real implementation is then. At this time, experienced officials from other places have arrived They will distribute the fields, and these officials are required to distribute the fields. Faced with threats to their lives, in the past, many officials have died as a result of revenge from aristocratic families. Similarly, the fate of these aristocratic families is also miserable.

"Nowadays, the families in the city have a lot of complaints about the lord. They think that after helping the lord to break Linzi, they should get more." Guo Jia stepped forward and whispered.

Lü Bu coldly snorted: "Aristocratic family, if it is safe, Benhou will not embarrass them, but when their strength affects the development of Benhou, it is not something Benhou can tolerate."

Guo Jia's heart was stunned. After putting it a few years ago, Lu Bu might still hesitate in the face of such a situation. Now Lu Bu has become a decisive person, especially when dealing with aristocratic families.

"Order Wang Yue to secretly investigate the situation of the aristocratic families in the counties and counties. After the officials arrive, it is time to settle with those aristocratic families." Lu Bu said.

Guo Jia nodded and followed Lu Bu. Although only two people were walking on the street, there were not a few flying eagle soldiers and guards who secretly protected.

"When Linzi can be as prosperous as Jinyang, the prince will be satisfied." Lu Bu sighed.

"It won't be long, Linzi is a great city." Guo Jiadao.

Although Lu Bu's height was a bit abrupt in the crowd, the two dressed up as ordinary people, but they did not attract the attention of others.

"There are a lot of restaurants in Linzi." Lu Bu smiled.

"Linzi is the richest place in Qingzhou. There are many wealthy people in the city. At the beginning, many businessmen in Qingzhou went to Bingzhou to do business." Guo Jiadao. The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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