Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1427: : Rampant Yellow Turban (Part 1)

Seeing the faces of the people hurrying by on the street, Lu Bu could imagine the lives of these people. Some people would occasionally look up at the restaurants on both sides of the road, with a look of yearning in their eyes.

At this moment, an ominous premonition surged into my heart. During the years of battle, Lu Bu was extremely keenly aware of the approach of danger, and without hesitation he pulled Guo Jiashan into the nearest restaurant.

Several people not far from Lu Bu showed surprise in their eyes, and then raised their hands in Lu Bu's direction without hesitation.

Several crossbow arrows were fired at the same time these people raised their hands, and five ordinary people in ordinary costumes fell softly to the ground.

Suddenly this happened on the street, and the people nearby panicked and shouted.

Lu Bu stared at the people passing by with piercing eyes. He was sure that those who secretly wanted to put him to death would not give up so easily.

Guo Jiadao: "Lord, now the streets are chaotic, so you shouldn't enter the restaurant to escape."

Lu Bu nodded. After all, there was Guo Jia beside him. It would be extremely troublesome if he was accidentally injured by someone with a heart.

Obviously, the chaos outside has not spread to the restaurant. Some diners even looked at the street outside curiously, trying to understand what happened outside. Surprisingly, there were not too many diners on the first floor.

After entering the restaurant, Lu Bu frowned slightly and said in a low voice: "Feng Xiao will follow Benhou later."

Guo Jia nodded, but he didn't expect someone to take action on the street. From Lu Bu's tone, he could feel that the restaurant is not safe.

Guo Jia is such a smart person. After a little thought, he understands the key points. These people must have known Lu Bu's identity and assassinated outside the restaurant. If he fails to succeed, Lu Bu has a great chance of hiding in the restaurant. , And the guards who secretly protect Lu Bu will definitely take action. As a result, people who died on the street will inevitably fall into chaos. At this time, it takes a lot of money to protect Lu Bu’s people who want to enter the restaurant. Time is up.

"Xia is the shopkeeper of the restaurant. The distinguished guests are here, and if you miss out, please!" A slightly bloated but luxuriously dressed man saluted Lu Bu.

At this time, Lu Bu noticed the young man who was drinking not far away. Behind the young man were more than a dozen people dressed as guards, all of whom were wearing military blades around their waists.

"It is expected that today's matter is that your Excellency took action?" Lu Bu asked in a low voice, daring to assassinate the streets, which shows how bold these people are.

"Jin Marquis really has eyes like a torch. In fact, this general came here and was entrusted by others. Hearing that Jin Marquis arrived in Qingzhou, our Yellow Turban Army was also terrified. We just wanted to meet Jin Marquis for a while. It's such a cooperation, and I took the initiative to send it to the door." The young man smiled and said: "I am Du Yu, one of the leaders of the Yellow Turban Army."

Guo Jia's face changed slightly when he heard this, and he took a step forward without hesitation. As long as these people moved slightly, he would protect Lu Bu without hesitation.

Lu Bu smiled slightly, but he pulled Guo Jia back a bit. In contrast, he was most worried about Guo Jia's safety. After all, Guo Jia was a literati, and he was a fierce general on the battlefield.

"In this way, if you have anything to say, just say anything." Lu Bu said coldly.

"Did the Jinhou forget who was responsible for the attack on Linzi? Did he treat the meritorious people like this? The land is the foundation of most families' survival. What is the difference between taking the land from their hands and killing them?" Du Yu said "In fact, this general hopes that the Jin Marquis can eradicate all these families. As long as it is a family, it is not a good thing. Which of their fields was not taken from the hands of the people, but now Jin Marquis is the enemy of the Yellow Turban Army. Although this general admired Jinhou’s methods, he had to take the risk. If Jinhou promised to let go of the Qingzhou Yellow Turban, this general would naturally not embarrass Jinhou."

"What if Benhou promised, and then regretted it?" Lu Bu asked with a smile, suddenly feeling that the leader of the Yellow Turban army in front of him was a bit funny.

Du Yu said: "Although this general trusts Jin Hou, he has to guard against him. People around Jin Hou must be more important to Jin Hou. This general will take him away."

"Hmph, the remnant of the Yellow Turban is so presumptuous in front of the lord." Lu Bu said angrily.

"It seems that Jin Hou is not going to cooperate with this general. Jin Hou has a great skill and this general knows it. Do you think you can protect the people behind you?" Du Yu sneered.

Lu Bu’s gaze was full of murderous intent. Once, he had suffered such threats, and the opponent was just the remnants of the Yellow Turban. Through this incident, Lü Bu saw how rampant the Yellow Turban army in Qingzhou was, and they blatantly stabbed in the city. Threatening by words't these people afraid of bringing disaster to the Yellow Turban because of it?

"Ben Hou wants to see what is so powerful about the so-called Qingzhou Yellow Turban?" Lu Bu said slowly.

"Let the arrow!" Du Yu gave the order without hesitation.

Xuanyuan Sword suddenly came out of its sheath, instantly forming a dense sword light, and all the arrows it shot were shot down.

Du Yu looked at Lu Bu's complexion suddenly, he knew that Lu Bu's skill was very powerful, but he did not expect that Lu Bu's toughness had reached this level. This is completely beyond the ordinary martial arts, and his arrows are enough. There were twelve branches, all of which were blocked. If he encounters Lu Bu head-on, there is absolutely no reason for him to be spared.

"Jin Marquis martial arts is really strong," Du Yu said with a smile.

"Fall the arrow!" Du Yu, who was still smiling just now, commanded in a low voice.

Another round of arrows came. Obviously Du Yu had done such things in the past, but who was Lu Bu, and how could he relax his vigilance because of Du Yu's few words.

After two successive rounds of arrows, Du Yu was moved. He was sure that if it were not for Lu Bu's presence with Guo Jia, they would be unlucky and completely shot down the arrows without any damage. Such martial arts have surpassed Du Yu's skills. I know that the reason why he appeared in Linzi City was on the one hand because of the invitation of the family, and more to investigate the situation of Lv Bu. Qingzhou’s yellow turban was strong, even though Yuan Shao had made great efforts to rectify it when he ruled Qingzhou. The effect is still not very good.

The strength of the Qingzhou Yellow Turbans lies in their unexplainable involvement with officials in various cities. As long as there is any trouble, the rest of the Yellow Turbans can quickly learn about it. Of course, they usually do things for the family. The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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