Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1428: : Rampant Yellow Turban (Part 2)

On the surface, the aristocratic family still shouted and killed the Yellow Turban army. After all, the Yellow Turban represented rebellion. If the aristocratic family had too much involvement with them, it would have a bad influence. The aristocratic family paid more attention to this aspect.

The arrival of Lu Bu made all the Yellow Turbans feel the urgency. They had heard about all the things that Lu Bu had in the past. There is absolutely no possibility that these characters would treat the Yellow Turbans softly. If possible, it would be best to shoot Lu Bu to death. All the arrows of the talents were extremely poisonous, as long as they could hurt Lu Bu, Lu Bu would surely die.

In his heart, Lu Bu had put the Yellow Turbans in Qingzhou on the list of kills. The yellow turbans were very different from place to place. Obviously, the yellow turbans in Qingzhou had reached the point where they were extremely rampant. What Lu Bu was certain was that these yellow turbans appeared in the city. There must be other people secretly contributing to the flames.

Just when Du Yu was about to give the order to carry out the third round of arrow rain, Lu Bu's face changed slightly, because there were six more people behind Du Yu, and the aura of these six people was much stronger than that of the talented archer. Obviously the elite of the Yellow Turban Army.

Passive resistance to arrows in succession requires constant vigilance and complete resistance to arrows. There is no small difference from resisting arrows when rushing. If you are not careful, you may be injured, especially with literati such as Guo Jia standing behind him. .

"It seems that Jinhou is in trouble."

Looking at the sound, Lu Bu saw a person swaying from the second floor. It was Zhu Gongdao. Since the black ice platform was conquered, Zhu Gongdao had not appeared. Lu Bu thought that Zhu Gongdao had already left.

"Be fair, and quickly help Benhou to kill these rebellions." Lu Bu smiled with joy.

Zhu Gongdao seemed to be drunk and swayed three times, but the speed was very fast, and he came to Lu Bu's side in a blink of an eye.

"Fengxiao's safety means fairness." After Lu Buyan finished, he stepped forward with a sword.

Du Yu obviously didn't expect that there would be Lu Bu's helper in this restaurant, and the Qingzhou family had been prepared before.

Another round of arrow rain hits, more intense than before. After the clanging sound, Lu Bu came to the archer. With a wave of the long sword, the two archers covered their necks, and the blood was flowing like a stream. Constantly whimpering.

Lu Bu, who entered the assassin with a sword, was like a tiger entering a flock, and blood was sprayed wherever he went.

When Du Yu saw this, his expression changed drastically. The reason why he was unscrupulous was that Lu Bu had Guo Jia beside him, and Guo Jia was obviously a very important person to Lu Bu. Now Guo Jia’s safety does not need to be considered. Lu Bu showed a terrifying side.

"Retreat!" Du Yu ordered without hesitation. As long as he escaped outside the city and returned to the Yellow Turban Army, even if the army under Lu Bu was more powerful, Du Yu would have the confidence to deal with these troops. The Yellow Turban Army was fighting against the army. At that time, there is a rich experience, otherwise it would not last so long.

Du Yu and others evacuated, but Lu Bu did not chase him down, but Dian Wei led several guards into the restaurant at this time. What happened on the street just now happened too quickly, and the flying eagle soldiers who secretly protected Lu Bu took action. When Lu Bu took Guo Jia into the restaurant, it was only a momentary matter before and after, and there were so many panicked people on the street that it was very difficult for Dian Wei and others to enter the restaurant.

Looking at the person holding a bow and arrow in a pool of blood in front of Lu Bu, Dian Wei's complexion was flushed, and he clasped his fist and said, "Lord, the protection of his subordinates is not good, so please punish him."

"Take all the people from this restaurant away." Lu Bu ordered, this time the incident was too sudden, but the guards did not arrive in time, which did make Lu Bu a little angry.

"Justice, I have to work this time." Lu Bu said, he knows the skill of fairness, but this kind of martial arts outstanding people have no nostalgia for power and power, and all they need is fine wine.

Zhu Gongdao smiled and said: "Jin Hou does not need to be polite. Now the old man is leaving. I hope Jin Hou will respect himself. The Qingzhou Yellow Turban Army is not as simple as it seems."

After speaking, without waiting for Lu Bu to ask questions, I wish justice to leave.

After returning to the State Shepherd’s Mansion, Lu Bu looked contemplative. The assassinations in the city seemed unbelievable to ordinary people, especially the Qingzhou Yellow Turbans who took the shots. The Yellow Turbans, no matter how powerful it is, are just a group of people. What a bravery it takes to be rebellious, dare to openly attack Lu Bu, and the words of Zhu Gongdao before leaving made Lu Bu realize that the Yellow Turban in Qingzhou must be related to the family in the city.

"No matter who it is, if you dare to fight against Benhou, you can only die!" Lu Bu said coldly.

After Guo Jia returned to the State Shepherd House, he immediately devoted himself to a thorough investigation of the assassinations that took place in the restaurant today. The diners who had been watching the lively on the second floor, after learning what happened on the first floor, his complexion changed drastically, especially when he was assassinated. The people are Lv Bu, the master of Qingzhou today, and they are even more shocked. They are all people with status in the However, their status is so insignificant compared to Lv Bu's safety. There are many members of the family. The family's defense against Lu Bu can be imagined. They don't want Lu Bu to find the help of the family. Although the family is secretly dissatisfied with Lu Bu, they still cooperate in the face.

The aristocratic family understood the horror of Lu Bu. If Lu Bu was pressed into a hurry, it would not only be a simple matter of surrendering the fields in his hands, it would probably cost his life.

Guo Jia frowned. There was no useful information from the people in the restaurant. The only way was to interrogate. Since they were in the restaurant at the time of the incident, Guo Jia had no reason to let them go.

Naturally, Wang Yue was responsible for the interrogation.

At that time, although Wang Yue was ordered to investigate the Qingzhou family, there was also a shadow guard who was responsible for protecting Lu Bu’s safety in the dark. When this happened, Wang Yue felt that his face was damaged, and the anger in his heart could be imagined, in his own turf. He was also assassinated. This was a mistake in intelligence detection. Although Lu Bu did not question him, Wang Yue had already sentenced these secret enemies to death.

These high-ranking officials, under the means of the shadow guards, kept wailing, especially those who walked in the rivers and lakes, there will always be some means that ordinary people can't imagine.

Among them, there are people from the Liang family and the Zhao family. How did they ever receive such punishment? At first, they relied on their family background to fight against the shadow guards. In the end, they found that these shadow guards did not take their family background at all. They have not slowed down because of their family background, but have become more aggressive.

However, for half a day, these people have all been honest, but the news obtained from these diners is not much useful. The online service of real lady sister, help you find books and chat with you, please wechat/search/search/search hot web articles or rdww444 waiting for you~

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