Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 1439: : Zhao Litoucheng

After thinking for a long time, Zhao Li turned his attention to the yellow scarf leader in the field. These people are Zhao Li’s confidants. Unlike the situation in Du Yu’s cottage, Zhao Li has a lot of control over the cottage. There is no order for Zhao Li. People dare to disobey.

"The Marquis of Jin sent a letter stating that if I were willing to take refuge, I would be lenient. The yellow turban in Du Yu's village has fallen to death, and now there is no life worry in Qingzhou." Zhao Li said.

The generals in the field heard and talked about it. After taking refuge in Lu Bu, it meant that their power would be lost. They could only obey Lu Bu's orders. If they accidentally offended Lu Bu, they would have life concerns.

"General, Jin Hou's remarks are clearly to insult me. If you take refuge, everything is not what Jin Hou said." A leader said angrily.

The other bosses all agreed after hearing the words.

"In this way, you are confident when fighting against the Jinhou? Faced with the invulnerable Qingzhou Army soldiers, can you win? If you fail, I am afraid that you will not be able to keep the head of the Xiangshang." Zhao Li said.

The face of the leaders in the field has changed drastically. In recent years, the yellow scarf in Qingzhou has been extremely rampant, and their leaders have absolute confidence in their own strength. They do not know that the most powerful Guan Hai is facing Qingzhou led by Yuan Shao on the frontal battlefield. The army all ended in failure, not to mention the other Yellow Turban army, of course, this point of theirs is a good inheritance of the madness of the Yellow Turban army.

"This general decided to join the Marquis of Jin. After you join the Marquis of Jin, you may not have the opportunity to make contributions in the army. Jin Marquis treats the people with kindness. Even if they become ordinary people, they can survive as long as they are diligent. If the implementation of the field continues, how many people do you think will be willing to become the Yellow Turbans that everyone hates." Zhao Li sighed.

"Follow the general's orders." The leaders in the field hesitated for a while, and said one after another.

"Someone ordered Du Yu to come here. This person was bold enough to assassinate Jinhou in Linzi. The crime is unforgivable." Zhao Li said coldly.

In the days of Zhao Li's cottage, Du Yu was extremely nervous. On the one hand, he was worried about the assassin from Lu Bu, and on the other hand, he was worried that Zhao Li would attack him at this time. In the past, the two had troubles.

"General Du, my general has a request." Two yellow turban soldiers walked into the room and said loudly.

"What's the matter?" Du Yu asked.

"How can the general's matter be something I and the soldiers can inquire about."

Seeing that he couldn't get any useful information, Du Yu could only follow. Now he is in Zhao Li's cottage. If Zhao Li is not good for him, he has no choice.

After walking into the hall, Du Yu felt the dignity of the atmosphere in the venue, and many of the leaders looked at him with a bit of unkind gaze, all of which gave Du Yu a feeling of extreme anxiety.

"Du Yu, this general has already taken refuge in Jinhou, after you arrive in Linzi, take care of yourself." Zhao Li said directly.

Du Yu's expression condensed slightly, and then angrily said: "Zhao Li, have you forgotten what the three parties had negotiated secretly, but now that the general's cottage was broken by the Jin Marquis, you did this kind of ungratefulness to please Jin Marquis? thing."

"Don’t hide the truth from General Du, this general also decided to take refuge in the Marquis of Jin." Zhao Li didn’t care about Du Yu’s scolding at all. He would be so angry when the same thing was placed on him. It’s just Du Yu. More unlucky became the first person Jin Hou dealt with.

"You, you..." Du Yu was shocked and unbelievable.

"I'm afraid General Du doesn't know what happened to the soldiers in Rushanzhai after they arrived in Linzi." Zhao Li smiled.

After Zhao Li signaled, a boss slowly said what he knew.

Du Yu sighed after listening, and he instantly understood why Zhao Li had such a choice.

The yellow scarf represents the rebel. After becoming the yellow scarf, it is the rebellion of the big man. There is no possibility of tolerating it. The yellow scarf is mostly ordinary people. They are forced by life or in helplessness, but there is no one. Willing to take the initiative to become the Yellow Turban, unless the wicked ones, becoming a Yellow Turban means that there is no turning back.

It may be only a choice to change from the common people to the yellow scarf, but it is harder to change from the yellow scarf to the ordinary common people. Even now, the princes rarely dared to tolerate the yellow scarf. .

Now they have an opportunity to abandon the identity of the remnants of the Yellow Turban and become common people. It may take several years. They will become hard laborers. If they can clear the identity of the rebel, it is worthwhile for many people. The most important thing is This is how the leader of the Yellow Turban views this matter.

If their leader fights back, the Yellow Turbans under their command can only follow. When the war really happens, the situation they will face is also predictable. Guo Jia’s move is not only to flatten the Yellow Turban outside Linzi City, but also It counts all the yellow towels in Qingzhou.

It is foreseeable that once Lu Bu's treatment of the Yellow Turban spreads to other counties, what kind of situation will it I don't want Jinhou to have such terrible methods, and this general will not be unjustly defeated. "Du Yu sighed.

"General Du is also a well-known figure in the Yellow Turban. You must know that when he assassinated the Marquis of Jin, he had already committed a heinous crime." Zhao Lu said, who was also in the Yellow Turban. Why didn't he want to help Du Yuyi? Bundle.

Du Yu's face was bitter, "It was the general who underestimated Jinhou."

If Lu Bu’s treatment of the Yellow Turban caused a complete shock to the Qingzhou Yellow Turban, then Du Yu was sent to Linzi, which caused the shock of the family. Du Yu confessed what happened in the past. The family definitely did not end well. Originally, Lu Bu The attitude toward the aristocratic family is very tough, and what is waiting at this time is that the aristocratic family will send the handle to Lu Bu's hands.

On the night Du Yu entered the city, the heads of the Lin family, Yu family, and Gongsun family gathered in Gongsun’s house. It turns out that the reason why Du Yu entered Linzi City and learned of Lu Bu’s movements was inseparable from the secret help of the three families. When Lu Bu attacked Du Yu, they never worried. As long as Du Yu died, no one would know about it. What worries them most is that Du Yu not only died, but went to Zhao Li's cottage.

If Zhao Li couldn't bear the tremendous pressure and sent Du Yu to Linzi, it would be their aristocratic family who would be unlucky, and Lu Bu might be the handle to deal with what the aristocratic family lacks.

"Now that there is an army of Jin Marquis in the city, it is so difficult to succeed at this time." Lin Patriarch sighed.

Gongsun Patriarch said: "If things hadn’t reached the point where they are now, how would the three families I wait for you choose this way? What is hateful is that the other families in the city didn’t stand in the same place with my three families. If we unite, even Lu Bu would have to weigh Let’s have a look.” The online service of the real lady will help you find books and chat with you.

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